Rushing AV's is stupid

The system is absolutely flawed… as you can see right now. There are A LOT of people going for pvp ranks without ever engaging in pvp. The fact that this is possible is absolutely stupid… paired with the toxic mim-maxing hamsterwheel mindset of pve sheep it’s almost unbearable to play outside my friends-bubble

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the new system is buildt for AV 5min games in loop, it’s not about easier or harder, it’s about the process → you can completely ignore enemy faction and just kill the AV NPC boss with this new system → all in favor of PvEers who covet R14 for their selfish parse in raid, and WSG/AB real PvPers are left behind

→ this is why i suggest to get rid or lower the 418k threshold (lower the cap to the half 209k/week, you still have to farm the same total amount for the rank but you don’t lose honor if you can’t go to 418k in a week) → Warsong can last 2hours when we are at war against skilled FCs → good PvPer = bad HpH so 418k/week is impossible


You DO realise that if all the people who did AV ONLY to get the rep items, stopped doing it, you’d not end up having long 1-day AVs, but you’d have long 1-day AV queues, right?
I know that PvP lovers don’t want to face this fact, but the vast majority of WoW players actually don’t like PvP. And any changes made to AV to force longer matches, won’t result in more PvP for you, but less PvP overall, as the people who do it only for the rep grind would stop doing it.
I’m really sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it shouldn’t really be news, because this was the case in 2005 as well. It was the same posts on the forums. The tiny minority of PvP players complaining about Blizzard not being able to somehow trick the PvE focused players into actually enjoying prolonged PvP battles. The loot that is BiS, or close to BiS until like Naxx, IS that incentive. A PvP rep reward that you can grind is a 100% guaranteed drop. A random drop from a raid with 39 other people is a big “maybe”.
I agree with you that people shouldn’t treat WoW as a job. Absolutely. But to me, doing a few AV boss rushes every few days, is fine. It’s not so big of an inconvenience that it makes me bored. However, ONE prolonged AV, where it ends up taking like half and hour or more to complete… It’s so boring I that unless it’s very clear that it’ll end soon, I’ll rather just afk out. To me, PvP isn’t fun. Not at all. But when it’s quick… One and done. Then it’s actually alright. And I know that I’m not alone in that. Without people like me, your queues will be much, MUCH longer.
The kind of changes required to matchmake battlegrounds in such a way that only people with a certain rank, or a certain amount of honorable kills within a certain time or some such thing, to make games more tuned towards real PvP, simply won’t happen. Classic doesn’t have the development resources to make any sort of major changes. Blizzard hardly has any of the original WoW crew left. They hardly have any customer support or GMs. This is what we got, and while it’s far from perfect, it’s still better (i.e. more fun) than most other games out there.

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Vanilla wow was not made for this min-max player base or this pvp system. I enjoyed 2019 classic a lot, including the pvp. But now… nope.

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To be fair, I don’t see a big difference between 2019 and now. There always will be min-maxers, regulars and casuals. It all depends what type of people you’re surrounded with.

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That doesn’t make sense whatsoever. A BG queue is the result of an imbalance between the factions of the players who want to join the BG. If there are approx. the same number of players on both sides, there’s no queue, no matter how many people are playing. It takes just the time until there are enough players to fill the minimum number for the BG until everyone can join.

That means unless you can explain why the absence of players like you from AV should cause a faction imbalance, your statement is wrong.

Except that it wasn’t. In 2005, BGs were seperated for each server. Now of course I can’t speak for every server, but on my server, it clearly wasn’t like that. I also knew people from different servers who all told about similar experiences and you can see many people here on the forums who confirm that. Actually, these folks like you who keep telling us that “it’s always been like that” haven’t been noticed by me right until 2019.