Rushing AV's is stupid

Uhm no, you are very wrong there.
The Dadgamers couldn’t care less about fast fast rep rep grind grind.
The Dadgamers complained about rushed release, gatekeeping, RMT/GDKP, bots, HR/loot greed, etc… but never about long AVs.
We love immersion, long meaningful battles.
As the wise Orc above you stated correctly:

Get your facts straight and stop blaming the only last playerbase that makes this game worth playing at all! The people that have a fulfilled and successful life don’t need a game for irl compensations… we play to chill, relax, immersion, lore, nostalgia, etc.
Not to grind as fast as possible from one carrot infront of us to the next :wink:

AV has been optimised over time. The best honor and rep is fast games. It is a PvE BG. If you want to PvP, its better to play WSG or AB.

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I corrected.
And to stay at your thinking level, if you want PvE, there are enough dungeons and raids available.


There is no need to theorize, since this exact situation happened in Sod 1st phase with only WSG available at level 25. Premades would either stomp pugs and camp them in GY while a mage/hunt runs the flag 3 times, or they’d meet another premade, have a fight in the middle, and whoever got pushed back to their base/lost their healer backline first would just politely give up, step aside and wait for mage/hunt to run flag 3 times. The game would take under 15 min either way.
In the entire grind to exalted I think I had 2 or 3 games where every flag run was contested, and they sucked, druids would just bug jump past defenses repeatedly just to die in flag room.
If 15 min WSG games was better hph than whatever was possible in AV, this is exatly what would happen. Oh and AV would have 20+ people each game running mine supplies or herding goats ot whatever repeatable quest gives most rep, completely ignorin PvP yet again.
Because PvP in WoW fundamentally sucks, it is a great shame PvE rewards are locked behind it. But fear not, we will find ways to get them without engaging in this godawful game mode nobody likes :wink:

You guys still think u could find fun on this game, but arent accounting the fact that most were toddles/teenagers with no critical thinking whatsoever when this game released. People can’t throw their time on the garbage nowadays like you could play 16h a day and still pass the school exams back in the day.

For most WoW ppl isn’t about having fun for a long time, it’s just feeding into a addiction that has been enduring for more than half of their lives, or just hanging out on a interactive lobby to talk to friends they never actually met or doesn’t have seen in 10 years+

Also I hardly doubt anyone enjoys being held hostage on a turtle 1h long game that u cant do anything besides walking at -70% speed all the time


Every whine about anythng is just you overplayed this game, calm down and get back when rdy.

But why grind? This is a game…not a job. Another thing is that in my oppinion it’s clear that pvp players don’t actually want pvp. They only care about the numbers.

a lot of pvpers are asking for wsg to be the only means of ranking.

Legion’s stat templates instead of gear in pvp would also be an amazing feature, despite vanilla andy boomers not wanting it

They’re not pvp players, in fact, few are real pvp players, the majority are just pve lootaddict and min-maxers with no fun allowed.


gona live in av again till r14. it is what it is

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Problem is that you get punisched by not getting capped in honor. And you get punisched for longer games.
They have to change honor and avs if they want to change player behaviours.
This week i need 175k honor for cap and it will proobably take me 17hours to get.

Why grind? Its simel classic is even more cometetiv now then it ever was and if you look the other way for a sec you miss the train.

I dont remember when they did change AV to recourses and therefor also preventet the fight to be everlasting. Thewy should bring it in.

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Well, let me inform you that you are completely wrong.
The meta exists to maximize honor/rep. As you start to see now that people are getting exalted is that the meta shifts to also include Balinda and the lieutenants for that extra honor. Slow games are not even remotely close to being as rewarding.

I agree it is boring, but if you’re going to farm for ranks, you’re going to want to take the quickest route.

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the “meta” is made my min-maxers that optimize the fun out of the game.
let me restate: “it’s a GAME, not a job!”
and to add to this, ranking isnt even hard anymore now its nerfed…
its just a question of “when” instead of “if” you will reach R14

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As long as you can make the minimum honor cap for advancement, which in the last few ranks is something like 256k honor per week, or something like 25 hours of focused AV gameplay. Certainly atteinable, but no mean feat for a gamer dad with 3 wives, 5,45 children and 8 jobs. And you have to keep it up for several months, even more if you take breaks some weeks.

If you get, say, 200 000 honor one week, or 20 hours of gameplay, it is as if you did no pvp at all.

It is 337500 after R12 and 418750 after R13

thanks to clarifiy it’s 418’750, so if we do 418k it’s still all lost

stupid system

they have to cut the honor threshold in a half → 209k max → 418k750 is too much sacrifice of IRL


Templates made the game far worse, it actually ruined a big point of the game.

not really. getting rid of gadgets was a much bigger differerence than getting rid of gear advantages, which still existed to some degree in legion with 1% stats per 10 ilvl