Russains Premades destroying the fun

no thats a nationality…

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Never used chat panel on russian bg. Usually ларкус , резал or орёлик control whole team with voice chat. Impossible to control 40 players with chat panel.

On russian horde яромир controls whole team with voice chat.


If you have alliance to play крылья судьбы is one of the 3 main russian team. You can join them. Their leader орёлик never lose single bg. And this russian epic bg group use discord only. While резал and ларкус use in game voice chat. If you get in one of those 3 groups , you wont lose single bg throughout the day. I usually play with крылья судьбы . Their leader announces epic bg times on social media about when to farm horde players on bgs.

Also if you play on russian bg , capturing graveyard is not tolerated. Usually they wont invite you next epic. Because everyone go there for honor killing.

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Precicely he / she got everything wrong op was a bit frustrated but nothing offensive or remotely racist, but we know we were right ain’t no need to argue it’s just someone trying to stir sh**.

Yes , most russian players say getting farmed and not getting farmed is a choice. If they dont want to get farmed , they need to play better.

Russian alliance always win against russian horde. 90% of the time. But russian horde never gets farmed by us like eu. I dont know did you understand what I mean.

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Mm hi Sylvare:3 <3

The hardest thing about fighting the “russian premades” are that players instantly give up and basicly forfeit the match. Ofcourse it will be a uphill struggle if noone are willing to regroup and fight to win, just because the enemies have names written in Cyrillic.

If there is “real russian premades” out there I guess it needs to be fixed somehow. However untill then, people need to get their act togheter and stop let these servers walk over you… Cyrillic or Latin, we are all just players who have a varied degree of skill in WoW. The only difference I have noticed are that Latin named players seem to be the worst cry babies in the history of gaming.


Gonna stop you right there. There are plenty of posts in recent threads, by Russians, admitting this is the case. There is no “until then”.

Some of them hate the pre-mades because if they don’t do exactly as the RL tells them and join in the next BG they get reported AFK out. It’s do what they say or you’re outta there.

Do their opponents need to get a grip and stop afking every time they see them and change their tactics a bit, absolutely. But to put russian premade in italicized quotes as if people here are making it up only shows your ignorance on the subject sorry.

They should be mixed with EU players in BGs. End of.


We don’t want to be mixed with eu. They cant communicate with us. They dont speak russian.

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Well, it’s not really about want now is it though? Look at the amount of threads continuously popping up on this subject. Do you not get the feeling there’s a lot of people who don’t want pre-made shenanigans in their random BGs? :smiley:

Normal BGs have their ups and downs and this isn’t a prevalent problem there as I suspect the same people organising the eBGs care less for the smaller BGs.

But these hour upon hour, seemingly night after night, eBG honour farms are actually making less people queue. I myself am at my wits end because I don’t have the time to advertise for 10-15 other pre-made mates and I certainly don’t have the baws or audacity to start kicking people because they don’t do as I tell them. OH believe me, sometimes I really want to… any attempt to offer advice or dissuade people from doing things is 9/10 completely ignored but I, as a player, have no power over that. None. I can’t “L2P” or “Get better!”

I’ve no doubt this is going to come to head at some point and it will be a farce at first - like the twink “fix”. You’re going to go back to having massive queues again. We’ll have massive queues probably. Shmeh.

In a sad sense, considering you were merged with the EU due to your falling pvp numbers - you’re shooting yourselves in the foot.


Imagine being so bad you have to make discords and communitys for RANDOM BATTLEGROUNDS and make social media posts about when yoir going RANDOM BATTLEGROUNDS

Are you guys just terrible at rbgs and arena or something? You get nothing for hk farming reward wise, and just stomping randoms with a coordinated discord isnt a challange. Its like playing a game on easy mode with cheats unlocked.

Im geuinly curious what you guys get out this, because there is no gear rewards, and surely you dont get a feel good feeling from stomping randoms, like you would in rbg or arena


All people on russian bgs +400 ilvl players btw. Otherwise they report afk and they say get gear then come. There are some people with 415 ilvl.

Do you think this is behaviour that should be encouraged?

Why do this for RANDOM bgs. You seem proud of it. Sitting at a gy pressing 2 buttons watching the guy die then sitting again. Thats not enjoyable thats literally grinding. And grinding for that? HKs. Which provide no reward. So gg your doing a boring activity. Ruining the competative aspect for both teams, kicking your own team who dont play ball while ruining all the other teams experience, and literally gaining nothing from it.


Why are you guys doing this?

Like you wanna organise and communicate cool do what a normal person does and go into RBGs queues and give yourself a challange i guess this is the reason there isnt many russians in rbgs and arema, and when you do meet them they are nothing special. Only way you can win is by making actual communities, discord servers and social media pages to organise to hk farm random bgs. Heroic raid item level gear needed to do a RANDOM BATTLEGROUND. You guys sound ridicilous. Omegalul


I agree with you. I’ve often thought to ask this question myself but never thought I’d receive a satisfactory answer just “We hate to lose.”

At this stage I’d be happy if Activision just removed the deserter debuff entirely and tagged the BG you left so when you re-queue you can’t enter the same BG.

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Im not even mad they r admitting they are making premades, or kick low ilvl to fill queues with higher, or comms, or addons not allowed etc. I dont even care if i lose 100% or getting deserter buff 2 hours per day.

-The fact that 3 days ago 6/7 against russians, 2 days ago 7/7 against russians and yesterday 8/10 against russians and generally 9/10 of games are with russians the last 3-4 months.

-The fact that all russian servers combined dont have more than 50-80k players (lets assume 100k for argument sake) vs the over a million players in all EU servers, considering that meeting non russians per bg is more rare than the love rocket.

-The fact that i have confirmed ticket from gm stating that russians queue way more than EU for random bgs.

My question from all the above is why since russians play way more random bgs and their queues are way to lower than ours even if they played with each other, why are forced upon EU? Why they r not mixed with the rest of us? I dont care to who i am playing against. They can queue me with aliens from mars for all i care. I have nothing against russians, they r welcome to play with, they r welcome to make their premades, stopped caring along time ago if im gonna win or lose but i cant stand THE SCAM FORCED MATCHMAKING that blizzard enforces, and i dare a GM to come here and prove me wrong that im crazy or all the 10 threads poping every day are crazy ppl that see ghosts and meeting non russians in bgs every 2-3 days is legit and not something else.

This reminds me the fiasko 3 years ago with forced four legendaries hence the fact u could run 3000 dungeons and never saw a 5th and blizzard was “no no no its all fine we have no cap at 4 legendaries its all rng” and then 1 month later “oh well we have accidently capped the amount of legos u can have at 4” herp derp.

We r not crazy blizzard so stop insulting our intelligence. It would be more proffesional to come out and say, we are matchmaking with the x player base for x reasons and there is nothing u can do about it. I would/everyone whould shut up. Just be straight up.


We are going for world honorable kills rankings. If you check honorable kill rankings , every class world 10 has 5-6 russians with minimum 2 million honor killing. Some russians have 5 million honor killing.

Yes russians only make pvp, when they log in , they directly que bgs. Very rare I have seen they go pve stuff.

And u are welcome to do so since u found an aspect of the game that pleases u. Go ahead and farm hks all day. I even admire you. You are not the problem per say. The problem lies above u and the decisions that they r taking that noone understands why.

Ut why? Why do you care about honour kill rankings, especially when they are earned in such a fashion