Russains Premades destroying the fun

You can simply join ru with me

Wait, you mean merge with you? :smiley:

Interesting post and discussion….any official reply from Blizzard?

And we are not here to talk about skill … in a 40 ppl bg you can be arena master or have rbg rating 2400+ . 5 skilled man cant make difference in a 40 ppl casual bg.
5 man skilled can do great difference in a 10 casual bg

Blizzard changes 5 years ago the concept of the casual bg (before russian servers were up and RBG doesnt exist yet) to avoid HK farm. Blizzard limits to join casual bg in 5ppl party max for the reasons we are talking about

If group leader is from russian server , group members will go russian bg when group leader ques.

Same as dungeons , I get only russian server players to dungeons.

True. I desert 2/3 of these semi-premades at once, although it’s a sure victory. Don’t really like taking orders from people I don’t like in a game I pay for. Especially defensive Alterac braindead tactics.
I don’t see any way out. You can’t punish people for organizing and making ties, though the current state of things is something perverted and far from a sportive sense.


How would you feel about a merge across the groups? It would make it more difficult for these premades to form, as the pool of players would be much greater, which would essentially give you a greater variety of games that are actually challenging and not, as you say, braindead repetitive farming.

Well , when you say its actually premade , If I que lfr for jaina mount or dungeon , I’m not having other than russian player to raid or dungeon too.

I’m sure it’s about money primarily, not the alphabet. Russian subscription is cheaper, so they will keep things separated for economical reasons. Not twice cheaper, but enough to be tempting eu players to abuse the system.

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Yes we pay less money than rest of the eu

Russians ain’t the problem the lag is tho, it is like playing in the matrix.

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There is a decent idea I saw somewhere. The votekick system must be changed. If 5 or 10 people aren’t able to kick 1, then raid leader has no direct power over players, except the core of his followers. Which I am okay with. But at least it will most likely prevent graveyard farming premades.

Some day when I’m rich enough I will buy this crappy company and banish them from our battlegroup.

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Its not about only being doable with comms but offcourse a team using comms have a edge on a team working solo, its the nature of a team game.

Yes comms is acessible to all but how could the game be designed to guess wich 5 man teams are “premade” with other 5 man teams??

All I can ask you and other people in the same situation is why you insist on treating a team oriented game as a solo game?
What is so horrendous about communicating with other people that you rather handicap yourself than do it?

We should boycott bgs until Hatzikostas wake up


Just leech every bg against them like I do, every map has a safe spot for it

i am forced to play as Alliance Mercenary to get some wins per day … so sad …

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Yep, currently, if you are in que for epic BG and starting window pop too soon, this shows an started BG with russians farmers team. And this happen a lot. More and more people will stop play epic BGs. If this don’t show anything to Blizzard I don’t know what will do. One part of the game is broken and unplayable.

Still believe hidden MMR for random BGs will fix all the issues, that we currently have.

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ive got 2100 rbg on 1st season BfA
but your maximum 10k hk, so you could leave this forum

Biggest troll in the world

While I fully support the idea I don’t think he gives a fck about EU players.