Russian bgs

The Russians are ruining the whole pvp aspect for me. I only do random bgs and its really not fair to meet premade russian teams. Russians themselves are not the problem, its the fact that they manage to sign together as a premade

Russia is in Europe :slight_smile:
The thing is, they are partially separated from the rest of us in BG’s, which is causing problems.
They should be mixed in with the rest uf us in all aspects or not at all, not like it is now.


dont really agree i normally beat russian groups that are not premade in full mythic gear on voice comms tbh

Someting that happens everyday in latin right?

“Guys please focus xxIllíìdâñkqt”

Disavantage goes both ways, they also have to deal with latin alphabet.

I’d like a merge too but not for that reasons.

Yes our players mostly say shaman healer focus , they cant read their names.

just stop cry about russian pls

its l2p problem

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So when someone wants to be japanese it’s called a weebo…

What do we call you?

Tf? Theres names for people that apply to specific foreign citizenships?

Alright buddy. Tell us how that works then? You keep coming on to the forums like a BG guru telling folk what they need to do so…

THIS IS IT! Your tiiiiiiiiiiiiime to shine. To get that red cape on and dazzle us with amazing BG insight that clearly many of us are lacking.

Hmmm… it’s a bit of an open-ended question mind you so tell you what, I’ll relate 3 scenarios to you, real common experiences faced when queuing eBGs today, because we all know you don’t actually play them yourself.

Scenario # 1: You’ve hit that eBG queue button and check the timer on it on your minimap. 10 mins it says. “Cool… I’ve got time t…”


It says 10 minutes but it’s only been 10 seconds.

What do you do?

Scenario # 2 : You’ve accepted the call for battle and the AV screen loads up. Before you even walk to the gate 3 people are whining about russians. They then leave. Because you possess a greater understanding of eBGs than anyone else there you tell people it’s alright. “You just need to L2P! Let me show you!”

You instruct people to mount a defense and under no circumstances head to SHB with just a few folk. You’ll wait for the RA, defend IB pass and then counterattack. You expect the Alliance to cap SFGY but for some reason they haven’t. You stand there a few moments and then you realise the whole of the RA is riding around past the backside of SHB and rushing up the righthand flank of IB.

What do you do?

Scenario 3: You’ve accepted the call for battle and the AV screen loads up. Before you even walk to the gate 3 people are whining about russians. They then leave. Because you possess a great understanding of eBGs…

etc etc etc

But this time you can see the Alliance are doing the usual standing about, waiting for SFGY to cap or someone to come to SHB. Of course, you get the usual 5 or 6 people (low-geared, talking sub 150k health) head to SHB despite your protestations and of course they get killed and you’re now down on resources.

What do you do?

3 simple scenarios for you there. All very common scenarios so should be pretty simple for you to work out.

I mean anyone who tells someone else they need to L2P better have their own game sorted else you’re just typing words with no meaning. So, buddy, the floor is yours.

No others answer please.

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Lol you learned how we played on alterac. Maybe you play against us so much. I’m like in ru alliance av right now.

My guild has mostly jumped ship to another high-pop server for raiding and my hardcore raiding days are done- I’m too old in the tooth for it. I was never a fan of small sandbox pvp so, yea, all I do in Wow is BGs pretty much.

I’ve played against you many times now. More than any other nation by far. More even than the rest of the EU it seems.

No… it’s just a slang word to call someone who desperately wants to be japanese. Not as serious as you might’ve taken it there :stuck_out_tongue:

Bit like how that guy froths at the mouth for a chance to defend Russians without actually saying anything useful.

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Nice my 2k rating orc warrior is on stormscale horde.

On flag bg you will lose to me 98% , I will give you 2% win chance.

I have also paladin 2000 rating on aegwyn german alliance.

Bob Harold Plantbottle (saw your eng name in another thread), why do you keep on bragging?

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I only post with this character on wow forums no other

But you were forcibly baptised and renamed? Seemed quite legit to me, so I’ll respect you and call you by your eng name here on out, Bob Harold Plantbottle.

A quick google search for “Bob Harold Plantbottle” brings up the thread you had your name changed. Do you deny your given name?


This character was tyrasielle - auchindoun before it came to ru servers.

and now on ru server it’s Bob Harold Plantbottle.

Don’t change the subject, Bob Harold Plantbottle.


Since rating is such a big deal.

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