Same-Faction Battlegrounds and More

They don’t need to listen to the community, the voices in their heads are urging them to turn Classic into retail 2.0.


It was predictable that faction balance would be destroyed, and I’d imagine in an ideal world it’d be somewhat balanced and even managed by Blizzard. Sadly they found a way to both make money and actively help ruin that further.

I’d hope for this situation to change but I don’t think it ever will. The best thing people really can do is support wow’s main competitor instead and send a very clear message that even the heavily addicted players are starting to jump ship.

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Yo, do you understand this won’t stop premades, it won’t even have any effect. People will just queue like they do on av. And you actually don’t have to fight against premades. It’s a part of mmorpg

If it is 45-55 in alliance - horde ratio exactly how would massive rerolls to alliance help the faction balance? Why would it be needed at all? They are just giving more incentive to sign for pvp for alliance and enjoy pvp for both factions.

I agree. I would probably be playing horde right now as well if I didn’t have a guild that I like a lot.

Yeah, guess it’s naive to expect blizzard to put even the slightest amount of effort into creating a better experience for their players if there’s an easy way out as an alternative.

Just add faction change H>A, free or not. It will solve faction disbalance problem and queues as the consequence. But you still try in invent some odd changings that only spoils classic game and turning into retail. If we want retail we would just play it don’t you think blizzard?


I actually wanted to be a gnome warrior for pvp tbh, but all my friends were going horde so I found myself going horde by democratic mandate.

FF14 is absolutely exploding at the moment, the server I’m on was pretty low population when I started to try it out a year ago. I now have a 1000 queue to log on right now at this hour. I really think the tide has finally turned after 17 years.

Your not very good at statistics are you

Having players from pve servers queue up for small reward won’t help PvP population now will it? how do you get alliance on PvP servers to stick around those meagre rewards won’t stop people quitting or re-rolling horde or jump to a pve server since there is not much hope for alliance faction outside pve servers.



Not the “fix” I was hoping for (faction changes H>A), but at least the average horde player can actually do bg’s now.

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So was it one 5 man group per BG or are you only allowed to queue as one 5 man?

I can see it now 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, queue! Look, we got two 5 mans in one BG.

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Yeah, you can count on that. Lol. With everyone having instant queues, this is guaranteed to be the new meta for premades.

I’m glad blizzard listened to the community on this one! Not only are they removing the soft ban from the horde PvP community, they are encouraging a balance to the faction ratio with the alliance incentive.
At this point if an alliance player is unhappy about the change, I really feel like it’s out of ‘schadenfreude’.
Horde POV:
-you can play bgs now
Alliance POV:
-still insta ques
-less open world ganking
-free rewards for playing bgs
-people are encouraged to pick your faction with the extra rewards, leading to fewer people rerolling horde, helping the faction imbalance
If this isn’t a win-win, I don’t know what is.


I do not like these changes, I think they are bad for the integrity of the game (this is Classic WoW NOT Retail which is why we play it) and I also think that they are bad for the future of the Alliance faction on PvP servers.

Already Alliance players have started rerolling Horde and these changes will accelerate the reroll-horde nouveau mode and will result in the depopulation of the Alliance faction in PvP servers negatively affecting the experience of Alliance players who are left.

Its 45 -55.
People on pve realms dont want world pvp, they still do bg:s.

Yes statistics very hard


It was during classic for av, this change doesnt put a full stop on premades, it will be however harder to get 2 grps of 5 into the same WSG bg, or 3 grps into AB/EOTS but ppl will just start to play more AV i guess where chances of that happening are much higher.

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Yeahh this ain’t it Blizz boys, you’re so clueless about game design cause you fired them all and all you got left are some managers.

Open free faction change from horde to alliance for the biggest realms?
Add the rep pvp gear so the one faction with the longer queues has some alternative ways of getting pvp gear and getting into arenas?
Buff honor gain so the longer queues don’t feel too bad to win?

No man just add a BOX of loot after a win. "It exists in retail so must be a good addition right, ye hehehehehe, me good game designer :slight_smile: "


Yeah I know it doesn’t, hence why I’m saying, people will just all look to queue at the same second to get into the same BG.

It wasn’t a complaint, just an observation.

Blizzard think that if they make every PvPer go buy new boosts to play Horde they can reverse the process by a finger snap in Wrath gaining a lot of paid faction changes to Humans.

Well guess. Start of original Wrath had 45 Alliance 55 Horde ratio. Start of Wrath Classic will have full Horde dominated PvP realms with destroyed Alliance economy and none existent raiding community to support those Arena players with good PvE trinkets.
The only ones who would play Humans would be Horde tryhard mains who will faction change AFTER they done leveling and gearing for arena, while still supporting their human alts via neutral AH.

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Blizzard should probably hire you as their professional guesser


with dead alliance how will they get them 25m hc icc trinkets? in the first raids there arent good trinkets when compared to orc or troll racial anyway.