San'layn/Dark Ranger Megathread Allied Race

Twilight fandom would like to have a word with you.
Not my type of a man, but that teenager vampyre was popular among other grills in my school

Humans, Kul’Tiran Humans and Worgen
 how are you getting 5 or 6? Unless you’re counting dwarves and gnomes which are completely separate races

Which all come under one race.

DK’s are not a race.

It’s not though.

There’s currently 4 different elf races.

Humans have at the most 3 maybe 4 if you count the undead (at least Worgen and Undead are significantly different)

Orcs have 2 races, draenei have 2 races, Tauren have 2 races etc

I’m not talking lorewise here, I’m talking gameplay wise. If we went into every skin variant being a different race we’d be here all day.

It would be better to have a new race that is completely new rather than recycled parts of an existing race e.g. The Pandaren when they were introduced.

They could combine both variants, the same way mah’gar orcs have skins for several clans. I can imagine a dark ranger/san’layn alliance under Sylvanas. And given how the Horde leaders are turning on her, I think she might need these new allies.

That’s because allied races are usually a counterpart to an existing race. San’layn and dark rangers would be the counterpart to forsaken. They could be more monstrous than elven, that would be ok. I currently cannot think of a different race that could serve as a forsaken allied race.

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Uhh which one? I always thought Edward had a really punchable face when I was forced to watch twilight.


Actually good point, hadn’t though of undead allied races. If the elves are significantly different I wouldn’t have a problem but knowing blizz, it would just be a reskin of elves again

We really could use another undead race, but if you make them look like elves with evil eyes then they shouldn’t bother.


If you go to my original post and see the prt where the recruitment happens in the orgrimmar embassy you will see that nathanos is also sitting there and so far everyone in that room apart from him, gallywix and ji firepw braught in a race , and I dont think Nathanos is interested in anything but an undead variant

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Did you report the abuse to your local authorities?

Seriously I did like the first movie, mostly due to the fact I was 17 and ost was good.

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When you do a twilight marathon the first movie is quite the blessing :slight_smile:

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I agree with most of the posts above
 they’re too selfish a people, care only about themselves and couldn’t work with the Horde or Alliance

but wouldn’t they work better as a class similar to DHs? They’re not a race so much
 they have their own rituals, abilities and philosophies, which for me would work less as a race and make me think they may work as a class for a future undead elf neutral race or something.

That’s another point, they’re too inbetween what we have currently. Yes, they’re rigged the same as b/velves
 but I think they’re too different and have such a unique lore, at this point in the game Blizz would never be able to make it work.

Yes, you had belves and others being trained as neophytes in the Alliance War Campaign, but that only make me think more they’d work better as a class
 but wouldn’t, because they’d be in competition with Blood DKs for abilities.

EDIT: and on from above saying similar to DHs, unlike cramming in races like Blizz have recently, classes have only been introduced in relevant expansions. DK in the rise of the scourge, Monk on exploration of pandaria, DH on the return of the Legion. I feel the San’layn would only work as the heads of a new Vampiric class, but for the reasons mentioned above it wouldn’t happen any time soon.

While I appreciate the enthusiasm of the person who made the original thread, I would not like to see more elves than there already are.

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Oh lord of sin’dorei he’ll no. We don’t want them. They are not a fan favorite and the horde community has more than enough elves already. Give us something original instead. Gilbins, Vulpera, flying Ho-zen Idk. But Darkfallen elfs are exclusives rangers aka hunters. It’s fine if they keep them as npc only race. Not everything needs to become payable.

Why is everyone saying that? Is there a rule in the wow universe that limit us into having one counterpart only for each race?
The allied races are deviations of existing races. Completely new races with new animations and models is something else.

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I need this Allied race in my life!! I know it doesnt make any sense at all, but San’Layn Shaman <3

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Not at all, I’m just pointing out that maybe we should top up some of the other races before adding another elf race.

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That’s technically not blood magic, but Anima magic. You literally can create new life forms with it. That’s how the saurok were made. The golems have a rather lean history compared to the nasty g’huun stuff.

Or perhaps thats what makes them fit so well. Garrosh and his atrocities, then Sylvanas raising hordies in the battle for Lordaeron. Think they’d fit in just fine :wink:

to your edit about classes being introduced, I think faction specific classes should come back like lets say

Warden(Alliance)/Dark Ranger(Horde) (although Sira is an undead warden)

Tinker can come with Mechagnomes, and Goblins should get that class too.
San’layn can be introduced with Necromancy a new cloth hero class and Alliance should get that too but the question is for who

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When in doubt, Humans is the final choice :stuck_out_tongue: