San'layn/Dark Ranger Megathread Allied Race

and they can have their cult of the damned customization that people want, sort of like a new DH and DK with their own starting zone leading up to Stormwind and pledging their allegiance .

Monk is a standard class and not heroic

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No. the San’layn is dead as can be, the last of the filth got wiped out in the War Campaign.

Oh for Christ’s sake. Just give them the san’layn and high elves so we can stop with all these elf threads, and a seperate forum section where they can praise themselves.


We know there are two blood princes remaining, at least. With more being likely, including other neophytes. So no, that wasn’t the last of them.


Ye this is a firm no from me.

Can we not make the Horde the Scourge 2.0 please?

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Then we torch them too, the least we need is more elves as an allied race.

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According to your usual posts. We already arrived at that stage.

Dead elves, either San’layn or Dark Rangers, or both, are the natural choice for forsaken allied race. If every normal race is to have an allied race, then is likely we will see them.

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Well, we near enough have but at least that is contained to Sylvanas and her goons and people are finally rebelling against her.

Give up. You can’t stand against a cj.

I have only seen the leaders taking a stand. Minus Gallywix, Ji, Geya’rah, Nathanos and Talanji. And if those sunreavers ar eany indication, the rebellion might gets a heavy start in convincing people on gather forces from non undead races of the horde.

If I can do it against High Elves, I will not be stopped by far smaller fan-group. :slight_smile:

Sylvanas shouldn’t have a grip of the people more so than the racial leaders do. And the Sunreavers just prove how there are still people who put themselves before the betterment of the Horde.

Sylvanas might got manage to appoint new leaders in the absence of all the others. Like all unloyal leaders were gone for quite a while.(Lor’themar, Baine, Saurfang, Darkspear don’t have one, and the others are loyalists). So the plottwist could be the rebellion failing early stage.

We already got one emo elf allied race this expansion, i really dont want to see more elves.

100 times a better suggestion than high elves tho wich are just blood elves with different eye colors


Oh boy that I can agree on. if we’re going to have another elf race, I’d by far prefer this to High Elves.

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Sounds like you think blizz will go on much longer with having a new warchief every expansion and constant rebellions. its more likely that we wont see much of the killing and raising of allies in the horde anymore in the future

I think we have enough elfs aready.

Only interesting elf race that i personally want would be Fal’dorei rest of them are just boring recolored night elfs or blood elfs.

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It’s clear that the Horde is already rebelling against Sylvanas, and that story will probably lead to a new warchief.

We are also likely to see a lot of undead story development on a void themed expansion since undead have a natural resistance to the void, giving them an advantage against that type of enemy. Considering how the story is evolving, it would make sense to have a void expansion next. Also consider the fact that Blizzard have introduced the possibility of more undead races through the redeemed. An undead/void clash could be on the making.

So maybe they are not an allied race for this expansion, but they could come on the next expansion.


And a third faction could be in the works , if not they might aswell put the saurfang horde clashed with the alliance as one faction and Sylvanas lead her own , but I highly doubt that.

something of undead variant is coming if we are going to follow the counterpart system to each race.

Undead/?(something undead trust me)
Blood Elf( gave the alliance void elf)
Goblin/? Vulpera??
Panda (I doubt any neutral race is coming)

Dwarf/Dark iron
Night elf (gave nightborne to the horde after all Tyrande was born in Suramar, and Tyrande mistreated them to feel more connected to the Sin’dorei)
Gnome(mecha gnome ???)

World of Elfcraft!