San'layn not a race confirmed? I want an apology :)

But which one of us gets your stuff?

So long as OP continues to bite back at people then nah, the thread won’t end unless a forum mod comes in to nuke the thread itself.

I’m just looking at everyones profiles with broken textures and items.

Holy crap what the hell happened since I was gone?

I have remained immune to such thus far
Perks of vulpera posting I guess.

No, you must embrace the chaos.

I am currently looking into HOW to join this mess.

Yeah, I am literally posting on my classic character because everything else is on fire, full on cube heads, the entire character green etc.

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I refuse.

Battle Pass level 100+ is when you unlock new profile art

And this is why I miss the downvote button

I am the shadow that watches they

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Vixi is a proud practicioner of the 2nd amendment.


It is not a cohesive argument but I can assure you it’s valuable insight.

Funny how this creates a strong precedence against any future “argument” you might make. Like, consider this, for real: if you have to step this low to get people’s attention, you think it will be a good kind of attention?

Whatever. Enjoy yourself.


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The fastest one or the strongest one I guess. There is not much value here tho. Brewfest mounts, Lightforged Warframe, few M+ KSM mounts, well, the most vaulable thing here is TLPD. Not even Invincible.

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I’d bite a San’layn’s head clean off I think


Every time someone complains about classic posters the monkey paw curls and adds another colourful blob of incandescent chaos to someone’s forum avatar.

Why are people debating the lore implications of these hero specs. I’ll lay it out:

  • Blizzard did not think of lore when they made these specs, they just thought of what would look cool/draw in subscribers.
  • They probably had single scenarios in mind like Night Elves wanting to be sentinels, Blood Elf DKs wanting to be San’layns etc., they didn’t generalise the classes much.
  • Remember that these are HERO specs, not average denizen of Azeroth specs. They’re specializations available specifically to the heroes of Azeroth and have no reflection on the wider lore of the game.

They aren’t specs. They are hero talents.
You don’t become a Son of Cenarius when you pick the Kepper of the Grove talent tree, nor do you join the Deathstalkers or Shado-Pan or turn into a Dark Ranger or San’layn.


Although you aimed this as a dig at me you actually agreed with me, thank you for agreeing. :slight_smile:


I’m pointing out that these are not specializations