San'layn not a race confirmed? I want an apology :)



Not really. You don’t specialize into becoming a San’layn lmao

Whatever, I said and regurgitated my piece since the thread was started


I’ll argue it IS nitpicking. The meaning was clear and obvious to everyone, picking it apart and saying “Well actually, that’s technically wrong” is just picking the nits.


I’ll give some time for people to understand what I was referencing calling them specializations, what these talents are suspiciously similar to.


It’s time to let the thread die…

It was very obvious what you meant np np


You have to let the thread go.

It wasn’t your fault. You have to let us go. The accident, it wasn’t for you to control - You have to let us go.

Whatever you say. Gun Gnome

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Wear glasses.

Mine seem to turn into a cube every second day.

What if I become?

yikes, telling a half blind guy to wear glasses

Wear a monocle.

This threat shouldn’t had that much attention to begin with.

But hey ho, here we are again.

It’s the internet folks; you may have just shared the most soul touching poem, but it will never get as much powerful response as pitiful drama or white-collar workspace scandal.

Dere hooks in dem pont. Hooks I be tellin’ ya!!

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N-no. Please. Give me more. I need to watch people post.

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Go here to bicker you blockheads.

Are we really at the point to where Quillestra is so arguementative and toxic that we have to devote multiple simoultaenous seperate threads in order to address them?

Wow. Welcome to Keti-tier terribleness. You didn’t have to go so hard - but you did.

Hopefully she will achieve Keti’s status and just exile herself to the General Discussion cesspit instead of aggroing the meanie, bullying, toxic community we have here

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Off topic trashposting is a woodchipper offense if you ask me.

Why stop at 20? I say 70 at least, then at least the meaningless reddit karma posters will have something to complain about.


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