Satyr Allied Race is coming!

Satyr are an evil race. As soon as they stop being evil, they stop being Satyr. So… great troll thread!


/use Intimidating Shout

Yea I am definitely aware of where it is from. In my opinion Forsaken will get Lightforged Undead. If it will be related to Worgens it is logical, both Worgen and Satyr share a common point, shapeshifting curse.

I think that this female Satyr is a prototype created in Warcraft in order to get implemented to WoW. By the way I liked the job they did with Warcraft3 Reforged until now art wise. Have you checked wowhead news?

I actually killed an army of Zandalari trolls in Throne of Thunder last night for my tmog run. They didn’t seem so friendly mon :smile_cat: but looks like you are posting as one.

Nope they can, plottwist

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Difference between “unfriendly” and “evil”, but good try, mate! Just because people are enemies, doesn’t mean they are evil. Satyr are vile and hate-filled, and use their spite to fuel their life. For Satyr to join any of the two major factions would require them to let go of their hatred and, well, stop being Satyr.

So yeah, you smart move kinda got you tripping and falling face first into the banisters! ^^


Listen I made a San’layn megathread with amazing points, and how there are missing blood princes etc , Dreven was only introduced in BFA , and I got “we killed them, they are bad” responses , and I dont want to say this about Satyr this has my full support this is amazing this will make Thalyssra hate Tyrande more!

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Orcs were also mostly all evil until Warcraft 3 and the appearance of the Thrall where Blizzard made a turn in their lore.


Yup. I know a lot of people are disappointed that the new models aren’t as cartoony as the originals, but I’m really loving the more realistic style they’ve taken. It’s really cool to me seeing the creatures and characters more as they would appear in real life! :smiley:

They’ve literally just released a new article on Wowhead showcasing the Demon models. It doesn’t have the Satyr models yet, but the rest look really promising.

They were evil because of Manneroth’s Blood, not because it was a fundamental part of their being. Just as when the Blood-corruption leaves an Orc, he is no longer Evil, so to would a Satyr stop being a Satyr as soon as the corrupting evil left them too.

I believe they can be redeemed, Tyrande definitely is capable

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Yeah, having more character customisation and new races to keep alts feeling fresh is terrible. What an awful idea.


Worgens are full of rage no worries mon :smile_cat:

Trolls will always exist, sometimes they might have dwarf avatar tho :smile_cat:

Thalyssra is too busy with spending time in Suramar’s ancient beds with Lor’themar nowadays. I don’t think she cares :smile_cat: .

That is what I’m talking about. People always suggest that “but they are eviiil” nonsense when the subject is races with questionable morals.

I agree new style is much better and I checked the demon models Kil’Jaeden is cool, no Satyr pics yet yep.

I saw only 1 problem until now Jaina has smaller breasts than Sylvanas. Horde bias. Needs a hotfix.


Well in the lore they started attacking peaceful draenei before they even drunk his blood, and they also liked to experiment with dark and shadow magic, their warlocks were all prone to corruption.

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something we agree on

Thank you for taking my sarcastic line out of context.

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Your Welcome if you need more of it, just gotta tell me.

You’ll be the first person I come to, thank you.


Rage isn’t evil. Rage is an emotion. Evil is a personality - part of someone’s being. Again, good try! ^^

That makes them the bad guys but that doesn’t make them evil though. Heartless and uncaring but not pure evil like Satyr.

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Rage makes you do things that you would normally never do including extremely evil things. ^^^^^good try!

Idk, when someone willingly and with full conscience attacks civilian settlements of the nation/race which didn’t do any harm to them before with the intentions to rob them, take their people as slaves and to murder them I see that as an evil act, and the entity which does that is surely evil.

Also experimenting with the powers for which you know and are aware how there is a danger that they might corrupt you just to gain more power is nothing good to.

And when it comes to turnarounds there are more of those in the Warcraft lore, like for example with the void elves, before in the lore nobody could take the void power without it corrupting them and making them insane eventually but than Blizzard changed that or with Illidan, he was portrayed in the TBC as an evil guy but in the end Blizzard turned his story around in the Legion.


Being angry doesn’t make you evil. :slight_smile:

But the Orcs did not do that for the sake of doing it. They did it for conquest. Satyrs would do it simply for the sake of causing misery. An Orc back then would murder you because he wants your land. A Satyr will murder you because he wants to murder you.

Well that’s not evil. That’s just being stupid. Power-hungry with a severe case of lacking forethought.

And if Satyr managed to turn then they’d no longer be Satyr. Being a Satyr isn’t like being a Carnival Row Puck. Being a Satyr is a corruption. If you chose to join a Faction and be good then the Evil would leave you and you would no longer be a Satyr.

I’m questionning the screenshot actually.

It doesn’t look official.