Satyr Allied Race is coming!

I am not a big fan of Satyrs but I would love to play a Nightmare Druid

Satyr are just another elves…
so no, thank you!!!
i hope for some love to troll, orc, Tauren, human and dwarf.

Well they can hardly Flopp the lore anymore than they allready did so why not? Soon we will have Flamewalkers and Death Talons as playable.

I’ve no issue with Satyr, though they look quite similar to the draenie from this concept? However i can’t face playing horde, their capital cities feel like a squalor - a man needs his castle! I’m assuming thy would be horde since they’re demon like and basically would co-exist with the belfs well :smiley:

Damn son, now I want them too !

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I would faction change in a heartbeat. Yes please!


Not true. Kul Tirans are new.

Vulpera come fairly close too; at the very least they’re not offshoots of existing races, just using the goblin skeleton.

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That model looks amazing. I hope we get to see it in WoW as well.

Also, we are still missing our male succubus (incubus) promised a few expansions ago :wink:


Imagine the Goldshire :smirk:

I agree. We have enough now to go by.

I just wish the last additions to be spectacular. So Allied Race waves will not be remembered as fake-timesink content :smiley_cat:

Aren’t vulpera and trashgnomes the last we’ll have ?

God trashgnomes… what a waste…

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I don’t know the source of your image but that is definitely NOT an allied race

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They still have a chance to compensate the damage that will cause Alliance numbers to decrease, 1 more shot. Trashgnomes will be a meme race, damn I started to like normal gnomes upon seeing them rofl.

This is a foreshadow, an indication. Mark my words, it will be Satyr if they want to please playerbase.

This also opens a way to alternate Demonhunter race… With help of some plottwist they can give Orcs and Satyrs Demonhunter class… So people will have one more option for playing Demonhunters. I can’t see any better option other than Satyr right now for the last Allied race slots.

If they leave Alliance without one more good Allied Race, I worry about future of Alliance as a faction. We are already behind Horde in PvE, PvP and population wise after additions like Vulpera they will attract more players from Alliance. Blizz needs to pull an emergency race from their pockets just like they did with Blood Elves in the past in order to even factions.

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Are you a youtuber cus this is some real clickbait :sweat_smile:

I learned how to clickbait unwillingly upon getting exposed to thousands of them :sweat_smile: Not totally clickbait tho, now possibility of a Satyr race has increased greatly. Since Ion said “Nope” to High Elf nonsense and since Sethraks are a meme race. They still have a chance to redeem this subpar expansion by addition of attractive races and then people will be pleased with their wide variety of race options in the next expansion and say “Thanks to BfA”.

I want draenei DH, not Satyr or anything else. Had to make BE instead, but it is not acceptable, as I’m Alliance player. I hope Blizzard will make them one day.

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Satyr females will be pretty alike to Draenei already, lower build is Draenei upper build is Night Elf.

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would be lovely!


I dislike NE.