Satyr Allied Race is coming!

Legion enchanting quest had you deal with a satyr who turned out to be female.


No High elves for The Alliance. And ogres for the horde.

I think Liadrin may have a thing or two to say about -that-, given that her and Lor’themar seem to be the only famous Thalassian Elf characters who actually are an item with another Thalassian Elf!

Wat? I mean what the… They just…right, to tick those off in order, Troll. Zandalari. Orc, Mag’har, Tauren, Highmountain Tauren, Human, Kul TIran Human, Dwarf, Dark Iron Dwarf. You just pretty much listed every race which -has- just received some love in the form of allied races! :slight_smile:

Wasn’t ever actually promised though, in fact isn’t the lore that the female Sayaad actually killed and ate the males of their species, so they’re all gone now?

To be honest I can’t think of two species who would make -less- sense as Demon Hunters. Except in the most nauseating way ever, where every Satyr somehow becomes ‘Blade’. “I am the only Good Demon! Who Hunts Demons!” No thanks, the Illidari are already sanctimonious enough and that trope has been done to death.

I mean Satyr are classed as Demons. Same as Eredar.

Also, this complaining about Alliance Allied races, I dunno, I see a lot of people claiming the Alliance Allied races are garbage, but I see a lot of LFD, Voidy, Kul Tiran and Dark Iron 120’s on these forums…I think it is a trope people have started to believe because a few people said it enough.

I mean look what the Horde got:
Trolls with chiropracty
Orcs with a different skill colour.
Arcane Elves. (Umm…TBC says hi!)
Tauren who can feature as novelty coatracks and have learned facepainting. Whoo.

Oh, and finally Vulpera, something a bit fresh and interesting, but something that if you listened to the Forums, the same ten people keep thundering that this will ‘Kill the Horde!’

I mean, That’s really not an impressive line up against Space Marines who were already Intergalactic Warriors, but now are like, Uber Intergalactic Warriors, even better than before, who can use the Light as cannons, Elves who can use the cosmic powers of Entropy as a weapon, and suddenly the Void can do -everything- Teleport? “No Problem”, Reanimate Undead Devilsaurs? “Like a Boss,” Bring machines (Which are specifically, being machines, susceptible to Entropy) through Portals? “Yeah, all over that”

Kul Tirans, and they make you wonder why people were scared of Orcs. Why were Orcs ever scary, all the Alliance needed to do was have the Kul Tirans rock up, I mean they’re the same size, build and everything! Oh, apart from the Kul Tirans who actually -look- like humans, not like Bluto and Popeye got drunk and had a kid, but that’s usually the ones they want to make look pretty, like Jaina.
Dark Irons are cool, I think we can all agree on that, it needs no further elaboration.

Mecha Gnomes, well now the thing there, you see, is that if these were human cyborgs, who could swear, wear eyepatches and have cybernetic limbs, y’all would be all over them like seagulls over a wrap of dropped chips. BUt because they’re Gnomes, suddenly “No one wants them!” “Terrible Idea for an Allied Race” “Proof that Blizzard hates the Alliance!”

Stop, think. They make a lot of sense, and are pretty damned cool, I mean I want to see the crystalline moment of realisation in some of the people who loathe the concept, when they realise that Blizzard have just given them actual license to play Robocop, or should they choose, the Terminator. I’m sorry, Robocop and the Terminator are both cool. Ergo Mecha-Gnomes are cool. Sinbad the Sailor, Ali Baba, Hassan I Sabah were also cool, so Vulpera are cool too.

Female Satyr would be odd, although there is Princess Driana, who uses a male model, given that Satyr were all male in our legends, mind you, they also weren’t evil as such, just wild… Female Satyr don’t really make sense, though as It says Driana exists so I guess they do in WoW.

Thing is you can’t play a redeemed Satyr. We know what a redeemed Satyr looks like! A Night Elf. You actually redeem one in a quest.

This artwork is interesting, but I’d treat it with the same scepticism as someone providing artwork of a Male Harpy…

I just don’t see a reason why they would add Satyr now. Legion would have been the time to do so…

The blues acctually did state:


We already knew had females from hs. Witchwood piper is a female satyr. So had them before wc3 reforged

Not never were seen in hs ob a card and a monster hunt boss. Same like tortolan first in hs. Or skycaptain kragg from freehold.

What’s the next race gonna be? Succubus? I’d see a lot of them in goldshire then.

You know what, lore stuff doesn’t matter. It is irrevalant.We had spaceships that we could never use in the War as you know and I am okay with our Alliance leaders getting killed every patch and getting a new one.

Besides…Horde players who say they hated Vulpera are also trolls acting like they didn’t like what they’ve got. Maybe %20 of them are telling their true ideas. I will say just one thing related to Mechagnomes, they made me like normal gnomes, imagine how much I dislike them and there are plenty of people thinking like me.

Who cares redeemed or not, all it takes is a plottwist or a retcon. Jesus, the lore is not chemistry, there is no plain unchangeable facts in the lore, everything related to it is a subject to change.

It doesn’t have to be the same theme, this is an allied race addition not a race that comes with a new expansion.

I checked that blue post. It seemed a bit outdated, how slow is the Blizzard art team working? It says 2011 rofl :smile_cat:

I like Succubus as a slave pet, they are good enough in this state. :smiley_cat:

Well i woulen’t be surprised if survivors from argus got to be a neutral faction and joined both sides.

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Who wouled :smiley_cat:

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To you, maybe, I play on a Roleplay Realm, Lore stuff really -does- matter to us!

Are you sure you’re not thinking about the Horde there? I mean Alliance it has kind of been “Bolvar as Regent, but Varian is still alive” “Oh, Varian is still alive, cool, Oh, now Varian has died and Anduin has taken over as his heir” Horde on the other hand…"Yeah, all the WC Warchiefs? Died at about the rate of two per expansion, that’s…pretty brutal, since then, Thrall! Yeah, he gave up and handed it to Garrosh. Garrosh! Because a Raid Boss is cool as a Warchief, But hey, its OK, because they gave it to an actually good character! Vol’jin! Yay! No, wait, not Yay, he has to die because the Alliance king dies (Couldn’t they have tied that up with Garrosh instead?) So now Sylvanas! Yay! No, wait, not Yay, she goes absolutely Bat Guano and Garrosh 2.0 so ends up having a hissy fit, behaving like a teenage goth kid who decides everyone hates her and now the Horde are left with……… Nobody knows. Sorry, Alliance leaders are getting killed every patch? I mean apart from the fact that you are completely incorrect…What? When did you start playing? Most Horde players who actually know what the Horde is?= Pretty cool with Vulpera, just saying. Most Alliance players who seem to have a weird skew on the Alliance?=Hate Mechagnomes. Its pretty telling…

Yes, but the crucial point is, -until- it has changed, it is -not- changed. Redeemed Satyr are Night Elves. That is how it stands… -If- it changes, fair enough but as it stands, -No- that is not what happens, a Redeemed Satyr is a Night Elf. I mean that is 100% of the examples…

Personally I’ve had the random dream of a playable Dryad faction :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you mean?

I’d not mind that and to be a dragon and to be a Val’Kyr.

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Roleplayers are not in need of proper lore, it is their thing to create enjoyable stories even from ridicilous nonsense lore, they always find something to roleplay. I saw a man roleplaying as “Door” of the Goldshire inn entrance.

I meant that, there is no use of our so called great leaders that always find a way of surviving an expansion. They have been just stupid dummies serving Horde story developments for years.

Then again, are you implying that internal conflict of Horde was a bad thing? When it started? In Cataclysm right… Since internal conflict storytelling started to be a thing for Horde that faction became much more popular compared to Alliance…It is no surprise tho, our big lore characters always turn into a stupid dummy when there is an important matter on the scene… They had no aim but to preserve peace and kept constantly getting genocided by Horde and afterwards Horde always ended up forgiven…

Why Horde players complain about this I don’t know… If they want immortal leaders they can swap factions. Our leaders never die but most of the time serving as figurant behind the scenes.

Okay okay, don’t redeem them then, just bring them as the demon they are… Void Elves were 10 people when we recruited them now they are hundreds of thousands, I don’t think a Demon race will be much problem. My idea was just a suggestion in order to make Satyr race more appealing by means of their look. Alliance people like Night Elves so adding a form change would make Satyr much more appealing since they will have 2 forms and one of them will be one of the most popular race of that faction.

I suggest you to not put so much faith into the WoW lores consistency, Jaina was dreaming of killing every single Horde on Azeroth, now she is wandering around like “Ou Thrall, how cute the Horde is, I never realized they were such friendly and honorable people”. There it is :smile_cat: .

I hope they give you at least a Dryad transformation toy for 10 min then :grin:

I’m not able to comprehend what are you talking about right now :sweat_smile:



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it says wc 3 reforged its just some random mob for you to kill in there. Besides i dont like these kind of models. Male satyrs looking like how you expect satyrs to look like : monsters. But female satyrs still looking like a nightelf but with horns and satyr legs only

If ogres ever will be playable the male ogres probably end up staying the same as they are now but female ogres needing to be tiny and pretty and more humanlike

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This lol. Are people just not seeing it?

How do ppl think this has anything to do with WoW? It’s like linking an image of the new blademaster model and going “BLADEMASTER NEW CLASS CONFIRMED”.

Edit: Found this on the site where the image came from, I hope this is the next allied race:

Has as much credibility as the image from OP so.

This is actually a really nice looking race. If it becomes popular enough it may be eventually added. This is how Allied races happened.


No stuff from wc3 got used up entirely already. Besides these female satyrs are too pretty and nelf like to be satyrs. They need to be more hairy and ugly like male satyrs