Satyr Allied Race is coming!

That’s really not how wow races seem to work. Females are arguably, more than less hot while males pick up the monstrous signature features.

And are you gonna tell me if it’s on high demand and not screwing with other races, they won’t add em? Come on…

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Oldmanybarry, big brother you got your fat humans and you seem happy now please don’t deny us from your support in this subject and let we also be happy :smiley_cat:

I’ve stated earlier the most appealing females on Alliance side are Night Elf and Draenei females and Satyr is a mix of those 2 races. Hence this makes Satyr potentially really good allied race addition. This race will have much more appeal compared to the others we’ve seen added until now.

You are an undead, undead people are usually into evil races yea :smiley_cat:. I also think that we might see a bunch of Horde players swapping to Alliance. Horde players don’t like cartoon races we have but this one would be a nice option for them to choose on our side which means this race can contribute to faction balance that we don’t have nowadays.

We already have ugly Kul’Tiran females 250kg weight, I don’t think there is a need to another one. Plus a fit bodied female race is a must if the intention is to make them popular, you seem like you are into chubby and uggly stuff tho… a rare fetish.

As opposed to what? Your kink for demonic horned and hoofed women? :stuck_out_tongue: I’d wager that’s less common than preferring oversized women.

But I digress, I don’t see how a model from an unofficial fanart website proves anything, but if people really want them to happen I don’t mean to rain on their parade. Even though I highly doubt it will happen lorewise and just in general.

thats how races should work tho, it makes no sense if the females of the same race obviously are an entirely different race

except satyrs are not a mix of night elfs and dreanei. they are corrupted night elves. female satyrs should be corrupted the same way as the male ones.

I mean seriously, its just dumb design to make males of the same race hairy and monsterlike while females are topmodels in bikinis

Wut i have a fetish because i dont want to play some top model 24/7? And wow we got kulthirans to fit the ugly part? i bet that totally counters all the pointless pretty elf and human races we have gotten.

Is it that strange for someone to expect that 2 genders of the same race actually belong to the same race?

I really dont think that every single playable race should be catered to asian virgins. Especially wow since its not a asian mmorpg.

Its an rpg, Lets stick to the fantasy of a race instead of twisting it into some fan service for lure thirsty virgin gamers


Never seen them in World of Warcraft, only noticed the male models.

Yes those tend to be one of the identifying features of females :wink:


What I mean by they are a mixture of Night Elf and Draenei is that, I know they are corrupted Night Elves but they also have hooves cannonically, which race have hooves? Tauren and Draenei…Hence they would use Draenei lower body for Satyr females and upper body or at least face would be Night Elf.

And why should they look the same as male? Females are different than males appearence wise in their normal forms, why would they look the same after corruption. You need to think again upon this :smiley_cat: . Whether you accept it or not a sexy looking female is much more preferable whether it is real life or a game that is made of pixels. It is an unquestionable truth of humanity.

There is one NPC in Azsuna that is named Fallen Priestess but it doesn’t have female model. Still that indicates there are Satyr females and it is possible for them to be added in to the game. That NPC apparently was a male model, still the name Priestess cannot be a coincidence or a mistake.

And this model above is the model given us by Blizzard themselves. Their looks are more or less identical.

Silly Blizzard using a male model :roll_eyes:


Yea Puny, Blizz silly :unamused:

It has been a long time since I read such utter tosh! I am not convinced you are entireky aware of what roleplay is, and how important to it -lore- is, it most definitely is not

Yeah, you know Goldshire is pretty much made up of non-RP’ers using It for ‘cyber tourism’ LIke when you get rich US or UK guys going over to Thailand for nefarious purposes Its people from PvP and PvE realms getting their cyber jollies ( and also really annoying to the realm inhabitants, if y’all could stop, that would be great!) Someone pretending to be a -door- in Goldshire is not for example a Roleplayer. There is probably a special name for -what- they are, but it sure isn’t a Roleplayer.

Because senseless instability isn’t fun, or dynamic, but is in itself a special type of monotonous. Also when will Alliance mains stop using ‘Genocided’? There-is-no-such-word! The act is ‘Genocide’, the tendency is ‘Genocidal’ The past tense is ‘Committed Genocide’ not ‘Genocided’. That shouldn’t grind my gears as much as it does, but there are only so many posts you can see by Night Elf Mains using that term before you go “At this point I’m glad! Sylvanas should have finished the Job! Will you please stop banging on about a fictional occurrence, using the wrong word to do so!”

I’d gladly trade Horde storytelling for Alliance storytelling (I mean I play both factions anyway, I just always post on ma boi here for the sake of transparency) It would be nice to have a Warchief that lasted as long as Varian did, and not to have a revolving door set up in Grommash Hold to usher in each new Warchief.

Wait…Wait a minute…WHAT? No they are not Hundreds of Thousands! OK, now I really can see that Lore isn’t important to you.

Seriously, they were the result of a one-off experiment turned accident carried out by someone who is now dead. No one knows how they were created. No One. Not even Alleria, because even -she- wasn’t created the same way!

The Starting number of Void Elves is and was the Maximum number of them. The Blood and High Elves at Telogrus Rift are -studying the void- they are not -being recruited-, because no one knows how to recruit them. Nobody knows how the Void Elves became Void Elves, not even Durzaan knows, and he was the one messing with them! Plus he’s dead! And was trying to turn them into Ethereals!

How on earth could there be Hundreds of Thousands of them? They were a tiny cult, if Hundreds of Thousands is a tiny cult, then blimey, Silvermoon must be standing room only, and Silvermoon before the Fall would have been monumental in terms of numbers, thousands of millions!

There are definitely not hundreds of thousands of Void Elves. This is why sometimes lore is your friend…

Now the -look- of the Satyr, I can see It is a kind of iconic look.

Its a weird one. Originally you could not get such a thing as a female Satyr, for the same reason you could not get male Harpies, the reason is the same, and deeply unpleasant, and there is no need to go into it further. However, There is that one female Satyr, but you know the thing? She has a male model. She looks the same as a male Satyr. This makes no sense. But then you know what else makes no sense? Why do Harpies have breasts? They lay -EGGS-, The whole point of Egg laying creatures, is that they do not suckle their young or have breasts or even nipples for that matter. The Egg handles all that! We know they lay eggs, we get sent to smash them up often enough “Genociding” them some would say (Aaaarrrgh! My Brain! That is not a frickin’ word!) but effectively just Mass Infanticide. (That’s not better…that’s so much worse…)

Thing is there are two states for Satyr. Uncorrupted, and Corrupted. You can already play an Uncorrupted Satyr. Just click ‘Night Elf’ as your character. Corrupted ones are a whole bagful of different, but the problem is…they are -corrupted-, as in they’re Evil. They are the baddies, not in a Forsaken kind of way, but an actual in league with Sargeras, totally nasty, no take backsies kind of bad. Neither Horde or Alliance would go “Yeah, come join our cool kids club”

Whilst Lore consistency is shaky, what you have to remember is that Jaina was intent on sending a Tidal Wave to deluge Orgrimmar, after her own city was just obliterated by mind altering levels of power, She had the chance to turn the tables, and she tried to! Twice! First stopped by Kalecgos, then stopped by Thrall. She went full on Dark Shaman and was happy to enslave Water Elementals (Despite being a mage growls in lore) And she quite famously was not “How cute the Horde is” after that, she killed a heck tonne of innocent civilians just minding their own business in Dalaran, She was still uber rabid at the end of Siege of Orgrimmar, even when Varian “I am a bit of a stroppy lad” Wrynn is going “Nah, this is sorted”, and during -LEGION-, she is still like “I would rather not ally with the Horde against this threat that faces our world, and am happy to take the hit if we lose” “Uh, the Hit Jaina, is that you, and all of us, Die” “No Compromise! I’m teleporting off before someone tries to talk sense!” So it isn’t like it was some instant change, really, she had 3 expansions of being an egotistical hypocrite.

A good case -could- be made for Satyr’s, but this ain’t it.

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Brigante I Void Elves are a result of aborted transformation phase. I meant that the lore numbers for a race doesn’t indicate that they are not worthy of being an allied race. According to the lore a gang of Blood Elves were making a research in order to obtain Void powers and they were captured by an Ethereal who seeks to transform them into Ethereal and those 50 Blood Elves are the cause of that we have thousands of hundreds Void Elf characters in-game. Briefly, Satyr numbers doesn’t matter, even if there are 10 Satyr in Azeroth they are still eligible to be an Allied race.

You misunderstood my statement, we have the same opinion on this subject but you are answering like I’m opposing you. I am also telling you that Void Elves were a few Blood Elves. Hence no offense :smiley_cat:.

According to your beloved lore it says Satyr can be transformed from any race by the way. Source is wowwiki I am not sure how reliable it is but the guy who wrote the info there must be a lore nerd in order to have that knowledge. Lore can easily be twisted. Sargeras is imprisoned right now, Satyr also used to serve N’Zoth according to your beloved lore again, but N’zoth will also be vanquished next patch. Which means Satyr will have no boundries allegiences to anyone.

According to wowwiki again there are some Satyr that just lives freely without serving anyones evil means. Now, this is just much more simple, they can just join the Alliance like Void Elves did. If there is 50 of them like Void Elves it is reasonable for them to join any faction. It doesn’t have to make sense totally as we have the example of Void Elves.

Do you think that it is normal for her to co-operate with Horde in BfA after all these, you are telling it yourself. “She did this, she did that”.

Again, don’t put so much faith in the lores consistency or you will be disappointed. Jaina is not an interesting character, she attacks Horde for 2 expansions like she was on her period then all of a sudden turns into an extremely friendly one towards the Horde. Tch, no character development at all except her age. She goes 1 one step forward 1 step back constantly.

That is the lore we have, turning one of the oldest main characters into a bipolar mage.

Wow, that female Satyr looks impressive, as a Warlock I’m impressed :heart_eyes:

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I do agree with you on that Aigo. but, as cool as they are, we just ain’t getting Satyr, for either side, They are pretty universally selfish creatures, with no regard for others. Now we could say the same of Goblins, of Forsaken, Blood Elves, Void Elves, to an extent Night Elves, but the fact remains that Satyr, much more than that example, Do not play well with others…They’re kind of like Harpies in that regard (And I’m not even going to go into how horribly grim their method of having children is) in that we don’t really meet sympathetic ones (Bar that one Satyr dude who is redeemed, but that’s Elune’s direct intervention).

I agree numbers are not an obstacle to being playable, both Lightforged and Void Elves prove that, but I just can’t see a viable reason for Satyr to be introduced. Centaur? Possibly. Gnolls? definitely (I could seriously write a whole backstory and culture for them, I think they would be awesome) Sethrak? Definitely yes, they should have been the Alliance counterpart to Vulpera, and would have added an interesting aspect of an Alliance race that follows a Loa (Assuming we’re talking the good Sethrak, and not the Faithless).

Interesting point, and slight derailment, that I just thought of, Humans can be shamans, We see Human Shamans in the Kurzen forces in Stranglethorn.

Satyr however…ehhh, I can’t see it…

You’d probably have thought void elves make even less sense if someone would have suggested them before they were announced. But here we are.

Overall I agree though, it is very highly unlikely especially since void elves were blizzard’s weird way of trying to appease the crowd that has been clamouring for high elves. I can’t see satyr having even that sort of reasoning behind them. They share no parallels with any other race and seem to be their own thing entirely despite having been nelves in the past.

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Seems like poor Dranei reskin.

Sethrak or riot

Why didn’t they make them as hairy as the males?

Quite difficult for me to see them on the Alliance but they’re cool and an interesting choice! :+1::wink:

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#Doubt any corrupted race join to the alliance, keep dreaming tho (same with high elves, which is currently blood elfs)

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According to your lovely lore Sylvanas can’t resurrect Night Elves via her Valkyries but she resurrected Night Elves in BfA, a quick little change in the lore can make anything possible.

Writers have one job, bending the lore in order to implement cool stuff into the game to appeal playerbase and attract them. We had no clue related to Void Elves for 23 years and it took them one patch to add a story and we got them as a playable race.

Helm problem mate.

Outcome of epilation.

Before black moon Tyrande yea but now I don’t think she will have much problem with them. She needs to recruit already because of that “morally grey genocide”.

Gilneas is a dark place and considering absence of Teldrassil Worgen, Satyr and Night Elves could live in harmony in Gilneas when it becomes a capital once again. Thematically it is fitting. Worgens are also a corrupted race, we’ve been fighting against them until Cata.

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