Satyr Allied Race is coming!

Well No Satyr allied races, and that’s a good thing!

Satyr are evil, and do not belong as a playable race.

Well, to be honest, it isn’t -my- lore, it was Blizzard’s Lore, hence the sending of non human troops to Silverpine (Pyrewood specifically) comprising mostly Night Elves and Gnomes. At the time I was correct by Lore Sylvanas could not bring Night Elves into Undeath, Blizzard Lore.

They have now apparently rewrote that, and now it seems She can. It is an odd take, given that it contradicts previous Lore, but as with anything lore related, new lore supersedes previous lore, and now it seems she can do so. To be brutally honest, that makes more sense to me, as we know, rather famously that Sin’dorei and Quel’dorei can be reanimated, Sylvanas herself being the prime example, and they are after all, the same genetic stock as the Kaldorei, as given Elven lifespans it would only have been a couple of generations removed from the original Exile, in fact it is entirely possible that some Sin’dorei were among the original Exiles, Lorash Sunbeam was of the first generation born in Eastern Kingdoms, and he seems spry and healthy enough (Until he was killed, obviously), so the idea that some ancient Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei would have been amongst the Exiles is not impossible. So to me it never made sense that Kaldorei were immune to this, but Blizzard said so, so that -was- the Lore. Blizzard have now shown that they can be made undead by Val’kyr, so the lore has changed. If I state with certainty that in our world humans do not come back from the dead as Undead, I would be 100% correct. If tomorrow (Fates forfend!) there was a Zombie apocalypse, I would suddenly be Incorrect. We can only go by what we know, up to the point that something happens to prove us wrong, basically. I mean that is the essence of Science, for one thing. We are certain of things, until they are proved possible. To put it in a simpler context, Metal sinks in water. Everyone knew that, that was an immutable fact. -Until- we learned how to make ships from metal that do not sink, and indeed, submarines that -do- sink, but can then surface again. That, if you will, is real life Human Lore. Things are not possible, until we learn how to make them possible.

Not the greatest example, people still regard them as an aberration of lore, making no sense, and an a$$pull of epic proportions. Myself I don’t see it that way, and can accept Void Elves as existing without too much fuss, but many don’t see it that way. So I wouldn’t say they are a perfect example of what you are describing, people still complain about them now (for whatever reasons, as I say, I don’t subscribe to that point of view)

Not a problem, where are Troll boots, or Tauren, or Draenei. Where do Worgen boots go when they suddenly shift forms? Just as easy to make Helms effectively invisible on Sethrak, or some sort of neck band or something. The precedent is there.

Not even that, in most mammalian species, the males are hairier than the females, I don’t know the scientific reason for that, it isn’t as simple as ‘Why do we have eyebrows?’ which I could answer, but I can only presume that it either fulfilled some biological imperative thousands of years ago, or is simply a result of Testosterone and Y Chromosomes, in the same way that in some species males and females look wildly different.

I don’t think she is ready to go -that- far. She’s driven by vengeance, fuelled by hate, but considering that the Satyr are literally Night Elves gone to the Legion, that seems an odd take. Worgen are different, there was not Legion corruption, if anything they are a result of the Night Elves themselves, which is possibly why they felt kind of responsible for Gilneas, and took the Worgen in for a time.

Satyr are different, their whole history is one of enmity towards the other races of Azeroth, conscious enmity, as opposed to the Worgen we saw pe-Cata, who were mostly Feral, therefore cut off from ‘higher’ thought processes, until the Night Elves found a way to ‘cure’ them of such. Possibly the exception being the inhabitants of Pyrewood pre-Cata, who were normal humans by day, Worgen by night, although given what we now know of Worgen, that seems like another Retcon, as Worgen can quite blatantly turn Worgen at will, rather than automatically doing so at night.

I mean, don’t get me wrong, playable Satyr would be awesome, if somehow they were ‘redeemed’ yet kept their forms, and heck yeah, I’d roll one in a heartbeat, but I just can’t see them becoming playable, unless some subsect were pulled out of nowhere, similarly to how Draenei used to equal Eredar, but now do not.

Satyr for the Alliance, and Gnolls for the Horde, say I.

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I honestly do not think Tyrande going on her black eyes whackjob stint would cause her to suddenly be okay with Satyrs.

Satyrs are like the first example of elves “going dark side” with Xavius and his lot. We’re talking the elves whom were all “you know what, let’s not help you bring down Azshara’s corruption, let’s actually become another pain in your backside because we’re power hungry.”

Xavius, the father of Satyrs has been one of Malfurion’s principal enemies since forever.

Now these Satyr whom could be an AR may well be “Xavius is dead, we’re not with him lol”, but the point stands they are still creations of a pact with demons, whom has essentially done nothing but seek to undermine the kaldorei, that’s their gig.
You never really see them in the legion forces proper, they’re only ever in places where they’re doing something to annoy the night elves. Hatred of the night elves is in their blood.

So i’d actually go, Tyrande could possibly take a new view (I personally don’t think she would), but the Satyrs themselves probably wouldn’t ever align with night elves. They just seem to have a pathological desire to hurt them, even if they don’t mean to.

It’s far more likely (yet still unlikely in my mind) that alliance would get Night Fae. They resemble satyrs in a manner of speaking, albeit they’re more photogenic, and Tyrande is chilling with them- showing there’s some kind of link. More stuff is in place for them to join the alliance eventually (once the colossal hurdles of 1) they’re technically a race that exists only in the afterlife, why leave? 2) Why would they agree going to war with the horde was worth their while? Were covered) although I doubt it if i’m honest, not at least until Shadowlands itself is coming towards the last half- then I might see it happening to rejuvenate interest in the expo by offering the Covenant races as allied races possibly.

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Tauren, Worgen, Trolls & Mechagnomes say hi!

And i hope that the next Allied race will be the Val’Kyr the undead one for the horde and the sunborn one for The Surprime Alliance.

:smiley: Yea as you said Draenei used to be Eredar which means the lore can be twisted when they are in need.

Satyrs like wandering around freely or half dependantly. According to WoWwiki there are Satyr that do not have any allegiance to anyone just living their lives.

Related to Night Fae… They seemed fairy-like to me and they are a candidate for Allied races just like the other 3 races. People will create topics and ask for them to be allied races there is no doubt :smiley: They are just too childish looking. This game is PEGI13 not PEGI5 so please no.

Hmm considering their popularity helm problems had absolutely negative impact for them. Like Worgen, there are 3-4 helms that look decent and that is a big problem for many. Believe me it will be the same for the Sethrak :smiley: .

At least your demand is interesting. I got really tired of High Elf and Sethrak talk :smiley: especially High Elf one.

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I think what they were driving at is that we already have playable races where a certain piece of armour, whilst equipable is not visible, You don’t see the Boots on Tauren, Draenei, Worgen in Worgen form, Pandaren, Trolls so what is the problem with not seeing the Helm on Sethrak, if you see what I mean? As I say, the precedent is there, just the other end of the body :smiley:

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It really decreases the appeal of a race. There are really cool looking Draenei and Worgen boots btw and as far as I know they started fixing Troll boots now. Foot and Head are 2 seperate things, that logic you say is straightforward logic :rofl:

What do you mean by just the other end of the body :smile_cat: Head is much more important compared to Feet, one is always visible while the other one not so much :smile_cat:

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if this game gives us another elf looking Allied Race or Race, I am actually done lol we don’t need more elf races into a playable race.

Does he look like a pretty elf to you :smile_cat:

Draenei will be getting long tail customization option btw and that tail might look like Satyr tail.

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Satyr are basically Night Elf, but Demonic dumåss

Night Elves are basically Troll but aesthetic dum#ss :smiley:

Well High elves too and Val’Kyr.

C’moon! you too? :smiley: They can solve the High Elf problem by adding a few options to barber, you know our in-game barbers are also surgeons, they can handle it with a quick surgery in 3 sec along with a few scissor sound effect.

Can people stop posting stuff like this? and just because there is an re-created model on a different game, what makes you think your “is coming!” is true, just because they update their models on a different game btw, doesn’t mean anything towards the core in World of Warcraft, stop spreading false stuff, and High Elfs ain’t happening any time soon, Alliance got Void Elfs, they won’t add another this fast, just because people are so excited over blue eyes, 90% of you doesn’t bother nor care about lore, on Quel’dorei just get over your self, people don’t know anything it seems.


Do you wanna know the truth, this topic was created to sound people out and according to my observations people loves the idea of Satyr allied race much more compared to MECHAGNOMES!

Instead of wasting time on trash like Mechagnomes they better spend time on such races to provide “quality variety” instead of “cheap variety”. We know how unstable their lore is, even chronicles were stated as “not canon” in Blizzcon Q&A 2019, which means there is no lore related hindrances between a race and us if there is one hindrance, it is the unwilling writer and dev team. Anyway.

What do you mean by blue eyes by the way? What colour is our eye, isn’t it blue already! Or am I colour blind.

Hopefully to the rejected “alied races ideas” trash bin :grimacing:

Don’t get jealous you silly Night Elf Demon Hunter. You will be dethroned that is your concern I know :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re more white than blue, lol so maybe you are colorblind X)?

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Why do we need a draenei remake, silly blood elf reskin?

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