Save RPPVP, open free transfers to Zandalar Tribe

Well I’d say that Celebras did a good job of showing that it worked here in the EU too. If you know a little German, try reading their forum.

Why are PVP servers dieing? Why are PVE servers dieing? Why are RP servers dieing?

They’re all related (bots, gold sellers, portal pass, blizzard scandal, etc). Which caused many people to leave.

People didn’t quit ZT because they didn’t want the RPPVP experience anymore, they quit for other reasons.

Then a few probably complained on the forums that the server was dieing and blizzard opened free transfers only to further make the situation worse. And you know people, when they see a free transfer available and some people leaving, they panic. Look at Firemaw as a prime example of the situation.

In any case, we ask blizzard to close free transfers from ZT and open free transfers to ZT.


Bots, gold sellers and the portal pass are all good reasons.

But why does nobody focus on the fact that TBC is inherently a terrible and falsely so called expansion that did irreparable damage to the game.

TBC added Outland, killing Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
TBC added flying, killing open world interaction and PvP.
TBC added Paladins to the Horde and Shamans to the Alliance, killing faction identity. (Also forced both into one city, adding to the fact)

The Burning Crusade murdered World of Warcraft twice now.

Maybe you’re right and maybe you’re not but that goes beyond the goal of this post.

Blizzard please close transfers from ZT and please open transfers to ZT!

Im definitely right. TBC didnt expand upon the game, it took away so much more than it added! People who dont see this after it killed WoW twice are just fools! Not Draenor, not BfA, not Shadowlands. TBC already killed World of Warcraft.

And yea, back to the original topic.

Id be surprised if you get anything good out of that rotten company! Imagine a WotLK RP/PvP server with no flying and addons, now that would actually make this disaster of an expansion slightly entertaining!

Just dropping in to voice my support for ZT. RPPvP was my first WoW server, and while I don’t want to PvP again, I must admit that some of my most defining memories of old WoW were from world PvP, ganker hunting, events and even a BG or two. I know we’re not going to make a difference, but it’s worth trying at least :slight_smile:


and the same for Celebras and HW!

Let’s fight with and for all RP servers against Blizz, not against one another!


That’s true. I just don’t understand how this

would work. Usually almost no one uses free transfers to empty servers. And RPPvP-ness isn’t going to change this I think.

Are you playing elsewhere at the moment? Would you be the first to leave your playable server to be on an unplayable one, hoping others will follow?

What you say may indeed be true, however if we don’t try we won’t really know.

Zandalar Tribe has had the free transfers open since the beginning of the year and we’re still here raiding, organizing various events and having fun.

Hell, some people even paid to transfer their mains to Zandalar Tribe when they met the community.

No, most of us just play on Zandalar Tribe.

I’m not sure I agree on your choice of words “unplayable one”. It’s definitely playable, there is definitely an awesome community, and it’s fun.

If we change the question to something more accurate like, “Would you, who’s playing on a specific faction dominated PvP server, want to take the chance to move to a low populated server with a good community and help rebuild a balanced population!”

Hell yeah I would be the first to leave.


I once again asking Blizzard to not force us to leave ZT.

For Blizzard an all people who thing that small setvers are dead or unplayable… gameplay on those servers is very vanila like… Your progression actually matters. Your behaviour in community matters. Your actions matter. Everything from leveling to farming raid consumables matter. Every secound you spend on your charracter matters. Good example is bear mount from timed even in ZA. Everyone has them on bigger servers right? But if you see someone on “dead” server sitting proudly on his bear you know he worked hard for it. You know that he had to time that event in karazhan and pvp gear. You know that he most likely had to help his frieds to get that gear too so they would be able to time that event. You know he couldn’t get carried or just buy it… That mount has huge value on this kind of realms. Same goes for gear. You know that geared person had to work hard to obtain it.

On so called unplayable servers are no gdkps, no gold sellers, no boosters just people who like to spend time playing the game and not to pay for progression.

Once again I’m asking you Blizzard. Don’t force us to move on big servers with payed progression. Keep ZT and smaller servers with our actual played progression.

Thank you


I am playing in a “playable” server too, with my old ZT guildmates and you know what? From the moment we transferred to the “playable” server, we stopped really playing, and we became raid/arena loggers only. Because there is no other fun besides that. In the rp-pvp server there was always something fun to do.
Logging in the “playable” server outside these raid/arena hours and find like 2-3 people online. In the “unplayable” ZT , any time of the day, there are at least 10. And from the conversations we had, most, if not all, the ZT immigrants had regret the migration and would gladly return back to ZT if there was a chance.


Hello Blizzard and ZT

Indeed we are facing dire times for our community, especially after the awful news.

I would like to have your attention to the fact that closing this server will scatter this amazing population and all of their interactions.
I, myself, leveled from 1 to 60 during classic and found on this server the community I wanted to play with. Many hours spent on farming, raiding, pvping made me the player I am now.
All of the server, during that time, was very intricate, especially the RPing community, that now keep this server afloat.
Since the great exodus from ZT, the remaining people banded with a single purpose, to keep the server alive and active.
Even without any sort of commerce or possibility to clear pve content outside of the guild structures, caring about, giving to, and helping each other became the day to day of our people, so the remaining players and also newcomers would have an enviroment to enjoy.

For all of the above I am grateful.
So I am proud to announce that before the inevitable comes, there will be a final Hardcore Run for us!
This run will be streamed and available to all the community.

Please join us, on the path to keep this server alive and kicking.

Classic World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade - Hardcore Challenge on Zandalar Tribe
Death = Delete


Vanillataur on my old account. I had a new visa card and forgot to update, so temporarily posting on this one.

I do most ceratinly want Zandalar Tribe to survive. But I think that we RPers have to stick together.

Please close free trnsfer form and open free transfer to all 3 RP servers: Celebras, Hydraxian Waterlords and Zandalar Tribe.


I get that many poeple don’t understand how anybody in their right mind would want to play on a small or even very small server. And maybe the rp crowd is kind of out of their mind. But so what? What everybody reading these forums (and I do believe that Blizzard should be doing just that!) should realize is that they want to keep playing on their server. People on regular PVP servers want their servers shut down to move to a more lively one, rp server dwellers do not. Even people who did leave these servers want them to stay open, bdcause they have a special place in their heart. It is obvious from all the posts and “hearts” in the realm consolidation thread and elsewhere: There is a small but dedicated player base on both Celebras and Zandalar Tribe just desperate to keep their home. Why not just let them?


Remember you are expecting something positive from the company that just removed genders from the game!

In the end Wrath of the Lich King is a bad game, just like Burning Crusade and all other WoW expansions are. Some more, some less. 2019 Classic shouldve been continued with new “plus” content in the old world and never seen garbage like flying and all the other trash! Obviously modern Blizzard wouldve ruined even that.

And honestly, the WoW community deserves bad games. People asked for TBC to repeat in the polls. People buy dark portal passes.

At this point the only sensible thing to do is look at this company and cancel your subscription. 2019 Classic was pretty good but its finished.

Upright over and out!

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I don’t like BC and Lich either, but I did stay for quite some time during BC regardless, precisely because I liked Celebras. Also, it is kind of beside the point.

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I was planning to grow old playing wow, but since their decisions continuously destroy the fun of the game, it seems that this will not happen. And of course i will not log to a game that there are quest “take a selfie” style (retail, meh).

Zandalar should stay, Europe needs at least 1 RPPvP realm, even if its quiet. NA has Grobbulus and it’s not really fair to remove the only one in Europe. No reason Hydraxian and Zandalar can’t both remain as opposed to just Hydraxian.

That or make one of the upcoming fresh realms a RPPvP realm, this is probably more logical as fresh will bring in an influx of new people compared to keeping Zandalar. That way EU has at least 1 RPPvP realm.


Aight I must apologize, I was just looking at ironforge pro and assumed that there’s actually no activity on ZT. But you RPers know a way to get some stuff going even when the community gets very small!

In this case, it’s indeed not really fair ZT is getting consolidated together with the other PvP servers (that are, to the best of my knowledge, actually empty except for the farmers who transfer the stuff to other servers).


I quit around December 2021 because my guild kind of ran out of things to do. I could write a long wall of text to explain why we never got into T5 but suffice to say: we didn’t.

Then Season of Mastery came around and I was initially quite positive about it. It meant our guild had something to do whilst waiting for Phase 4! However not everyone had an interest in SoM, and I myself rapidly lost interest as well. And with Phase 4 so far off into the future, many of us decided to go into hibernation.

During my time away from the game I did try some other MMORPGs. I tried Final Fantasy 14, but it was not to my liking. I retried Guild Wars 2, a game I’ve returned to many times since I first started to play in 2012, and even though I tried to get into it for months it just did not stick. I retried Star Wars: The Old Republic as they released a new expansion but it was very short and the gameplay changes were mostly just bad.

Whilst I was away from the game I stayed in touch with my guild, although our Discord had grown a lot quieter than it used to. I also read about the devastating news about the free transfers rupturing our server. Yet even so, two particular guildees ( :heart: ) returned in Phase 4 and in spite of all the negativity surrounding Zandalar Tribe they reported mostly optimism. And when Phase 5 rolled out I could no longer hold myself. I decided to check out the server too!

I resubscribed! I logged in! … and Orgrimmar was dead and empty. No one in my guild was online. I felt like I had made a big mistake. But even so I sent a mail to the two aforementioned guildees. I was unsure what to write, so I didn’t write anything – I just sent them each a cake. I wasn’t sure if I could promise them that I would stick around or, hell, even log in a second time! I didn’t want them to get their hopes up. But the next day I am reunited with them and they showed me the ropes of Phase 5 and they told me what they’d been up to on the server. And ever since that day other guildees have crept back as well! And our guild’s Discord began to see life again.

Returning to the game was one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. Unlike the other MMORPGs I had tried I did not have to try to enjoy my stay in TBCC. Having tens of thousands of players on a server has it benefits but you don’t need so many to create a community. In fact, it is easier to nurture a community on a smaller server as each individual member becomes more important. We all need each other, and that makes the time spent in game more meaningful.

If Blizzard can maintain this environment I will stay, and I will keep paying the subscription.