Say no more

Dude, it’s the same map, with the same players. The only thing that have changed is the queue system and how the reward system is being exploited in an unintended way. So why would you even talk about the map. It’s the same map.

Listened to me now.

It’s a unique extreme situation WITH THE SAME MAP and a NEW QUEUE SYSTEM and reward system that fuels the behaviors where it’s more rewarding to lose fast compared to winning slow.

It’s the same map.

It’s a different queue system.

How the hell can people blame the thing that hasn’t changed?

“Durr alliance lose because fast ques, overpowering horde favour have nothing to do with it” :smiley:

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Stop Straw Manning. No one have said that anything have nothing to do with anything. Everything have something to do with everything. But the main cause, on this topic, is not the map.

Blizzard gave us TBC AV in Classic instead of Old School AV which was ment for the game and gameplay of the game that Vanilla/Classic was/is…

I don’t know about you, but I knew from the second they announced we got the ‘‘nerfed AV’’ that this would end up like a dumpster fire.

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