Scrap the rep grind requirement for flying and Allied Races!

Legion wasn’t new with this. It’s still a requirement in WoD. I don’t have WoD pathfinder because I can’t be bothered with it. Would welcome a gold price to fly. The mount is still going to be locked behind an achievement. So It’d still give a reward.

If there is a bug that stops you from unlocking kul tirans you should report that to Blizzard. I hope it gets fixed quickly.

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No, they don’t. And I’m not trolling.

If we went with my belief, they would have done with races as they originally did, and also not change any classes after MoP. But they dont, and they have changed this.

And they will not change this unless they themselves feel like they want to do it.


well then there is no need to try to make it personal, when other people have also said that they think blizzard is being extremely tight with this.

Look, if you try to make any suggestion to a games master, they tell you to come and make a post on the forums. Then when you do, you seem to get trodden down if it goes against what the devs have said is their reason (however unreasonable).

If people complained then blizzard would change things.

How many people do you think it took, complaining, for them to take down the fence and add the plank of wood, to let people jump over onto the boat in boralus? a completely un-needed cosmetic change to please people. I bet they had thousands of complaints to change that. There was a rope ladder, people could jump into the water and click the ladder to get onto the boat, but they got wet and dismounted so they all complained.

The thing is, there are many people who agree with me, but they are not voicing their opinion, because of the perceived idea that blizzard only do what they want, and that they never change anything to suit the players. It is a false belief. If people complain then blizzard make changes.

Didn’t even know this complaint was a thing, tbh.

I was really confused when I read that update.

well they probably get a lot more hidden complaints, through the in-game suggestions box, than they get on these forums…

why is because people don’t want to be trolled for suggesting something.

Look guy, I already asked people to not troll you here…
Now stop trolling. You are clearly an elitist jerk, and nobody found your last post funny, so why post again to laugh at your own words? Seems you are the one lacking intellect to be fair.

If you are not going to contribute anything to this thread then kindly do not post again.


I very much agree!

@Ronjambo: So, when you go to the Stormwind embassy, you get no quest for the unlock? That sounds… strange. :frowning:

What’s wrong with that? Game Masters aren’t game developers or community managers, they are basically game support - their job is to help people with in-game issues, not facilitate player-developer communication or make decisions about game design. It’s good that they are directing people to places that are meant for giving feedback, because that allows them to spend more time on things they are meant to be doing.

As for the Allied Race unlock issue - that’s definetely something a Game Master should be able to help you with, i.e. check that you have met the requirements and manually grant you the quest to unlock it. If they haven’t… that’s weird.

I don’t get those complaints.

Does invincible drop from current raid? No it doesn’t. Does the black temple mog drop from current raid? No it doesn’t. Can you obtain past elite pvp sets? No you can’t .

So why should allied race be any different? Everything released in the game remains in its own era. If I want the water walking mount I need to work for it for a while.

Allied races are in the same boat. This is what they refer to as allied races, opposite to the core races that are being delivered from the get go.


Thanks, that quest was not marked on the map. But it also does not state that this is a requirement for creating the race. It says exalted and two achievements - which I have completed.

People don’t want to go out of the game to websites.
People don’t want to spend time posting on forums.
People troll each other and get into arguments on the forums.
People believe that the developers do not listen to the players. Even though we are told that the devs do read the forums.
People believe that the devs pay no attention to the eu forums.

Why should we need to be exalted with them in order to create them? Why should they be different?

They could just as well have called worgens and goblins “allied races”, which came into the game later. Or even have to do extra rep grinds to create death knights. Should we have to become exalted with some faction in order to create them? No! Meet them ok, but get exalted? No!

So that’s it? A why and then a no? Why do you even bother making a thread if you refuse any form of conversation?

Also justify to me the log and mount run, achievements delivering mount in your bags.
At least here in order to have a population swear alliegeance to your very own leader getting exalted makes way more sense than the things aforementioned.


He wants us to AGREE on everything he says so that he can be satisfied about making another “hate” thread while not doing anything that was suggested.


How does any of these justify giving feedback to a Blizzard employee that’s in no way, shape or form meant to be collecting that feedback?

there is no proper form for giving feedback. the in-game suggestions box is far too limited to type anything meaningful into, and like i said, people do not want to come to have their opinions debated and down-trodden on forums.

well tell me why you think we should have to get exalted?

I did. You can’t keep ignoring arguments and spam why, no and tell me.

Have fun talking to yourself I’m out.


well no, you started talking about mounts…
the two things do not compare

some people pledge allegiance to their queen and country, but they don’t have to serve a life sentence in the army to prove that loyalty before it is accepted as true.

There is a proper place to give feedback - the forums.
Whether you like it or not, that’s part of their purpose.
There’s also the in-game suggestion box, twitter, fansites, etc.

Plenty of places to express your opinion. Just because you don’t like any of them doesn’t mean that a GM should be listening and forwarding your feedback. It’s not his job.

One more thing - I don’t know where you got the idea that having your opinion debated is something bad, because it really isn’t. When you post your opinion - well, it’s just your opinion and you’re just one person. I imagine it’s a lot more interesting if that opinion is confronted with what other people think, because it helps look at the topic at hand from many different perspectives and there’s always a chance that the discussion will cause some things to come up - things that would be omitted if you just wrote an essay and sent it to the devs.

Are forums perfect? Nope, but they are by far the best way of giving feedback - and the fact that your posts get discussed is a major part of that.

You don’t have to touch old content to unlock those races they added now.
Legion reputation and achievements are needed to unlock old alied races, they were added in Legion and were current content then.

debate is good, yes.

Sadly on forums nothing sticks to the common form of debate. If the first 10 people to jump in with replies are against your suggested idea, then others become discouraged from giving any feedback or input which sides with your ideas. I find this to be most true on all forums, but especially true on the World of Warcraft forums.

The majority of players do not come here.

The majority of elitist players from mythic raiding guilds - who have nothing better to do with their time, since they have completed all the current content within two weeks of its release do come here. As is evident by the way the game is tailored more and more to suit those players.

The exact same guilds obtain the world first achievements before anyone else even has a chance to step forward and try.

This is off topic but to show my point, look at how the raids are released. What would be fair to all the players would be for raid finder to open first, so that people can learn the fights. Then opening the Normal mode, followed by Heroic and then finally Mythic. But they release the content in completely the opposite order, with raid finder opening 6 to 8 weeks after the top end guilds have obtained their achievement.

There is no competition against them.

Now if I go and make another topic about the way the content is released to suit the elitists, you see how fast it is thumbed down.

The only voices which are getting heard, are the ones saying that everything in the game should be made much harder and bound to an overbearing amount of quests and rep grinds.