Scrap the rep grind requirement for flying and Allied Races!

Highmountain Quest Line is easy af, and very fun imo. Its zandalari you gotta look out for

This says it all. You LEFT Legion, therefore, you now need to go do the work. It’s your own fault. If you had done ANY research on Allied Races, you would have known that they needed to be unlocked. It’s not Blizzards fault you left, and Blizzard does not need to give you things because you left. Why would they? If you were my boss, and I didn’t come in to work for a day, would you still pay me that day? I mean, I work for your company, and I came back the next day, so does that entitle me that the day before’s money? No, it doesn’t. Stop being entitled.

Want flying, work for it. Doesn’t take long, easy to do. An hour a day for a week or 2 and you could easily get it unlocked. Just because you’re too lazy to do it after YOU left, doesn’t mean they should cater to you.

Have fun not playing Legion o/

The only person trolling you is yourself. We’ve had Pathfinder since WoD (It was a half and half, since they wanted to remove flying to begin with). We also knew that once Legion hit, we still didn’t get it for WoD. So, therefore, if you had half a brain cell, you would have realized that when BFA hit, you wouldn’t get it for Legion.

No, but back then, there were plenty of grinds in the game. Whereas now, there’s just Pathfinder (Which is easy, like, seriously easy…) and Allied Races. Leave SOME grinds in the game, whether they are time-gates or not. Do the work others did, stop being entitled.


Why is everyone a troll when they disagree with you? Are you another one of those people that’s “I’m right, you’re wrong, if you disagree, that’s bullying”? The point of it being an MMORPG is correct, since that’s what this game is. And, in an MMORPG, there’s GRINDS. The WHOLE world is “new content” if you haven’t done it. If you have, then you have pathfinder and can fly. It’s as simple as that.

Then to call them an “elitist jerk” which is a form of bullying. I love the contradictions that people like you do, it’s so much fun!

They did contribute, you just didn’t agree, and so went on the defensive, called them names, and told them to leave. And yet, in an earlier post, you were complaining about “people doing it to you”. Contradictions again! MAGICAL!

Proof of that is right here. You AGREE when they agree with you, but call people trolls and elitists when they don’t. I sure do hope Blizzard NEVER caters to players like you, the game would sink faster than the titanic.


How dare Blizzard make you play the game to get what you want!

How dare Blizzard not give you instant gratification! You actually have to do content in this game!? Where is my free full mythic raiding gear?

Honestly, people need to grow up. The game is there to be played and Blizzard are giving more reason to stay and play by giving people goals to aim for.

It’s a fair tactic to have people actually do stuff before earning anything. Keeps them invested where other content might run dry. If you were given everything to begin with, what would keep you playing?

Instant Max lvl. Instant Raiding Progression. Gladiator first day. Why go on?

Allied Races are different to normal playables. We have to earn their trust. They don’t just wonder into the Horde. They are doing fine on their own and we need to convince them that doing fine with the Horde or Alliance is better!

It’s rather nice that all this is designed for people who actually play the game. Means Blizzard are actually trying to actively put things to do into the game.

Don’t get me wrong, Blizzard have stepped wrong many times. I’d rather have less RNG or Time-gate progression but I am all up for having to actually do things to get what i want rather than just having it handed to me


That’s a valid criticism - yes, it can be hard to join a rather one sided discussion. On the other hand, I don’t think I see that many of them here and even on threads like the portal one, there were people who shared a view point that was in opposition to the majority. Another thing to consider is - maybe if your opinion isn’t shared by other people, there is some flaw in your reasoning and instead of being disappointed that others don’t think the way you do, it’s worth it to look back at your position and reconsider it based on the arguments you were given? I’m not saying you should always do that, but in my experience - sometimes it’s good to reflect on yourself as well.

I’d venture a guess that a vast majority of players doesn’t go anywhere, so the same argument can be used against any type of communication :slight_smile:

I’m not a mythic raider and… I kinda disagree with your assesment. Looking at how the game is designed right now, there’s a lot of systems that are very easily accessible. Sure, Mythic+ and raids are more on the “hardcore” side, but then again - we have World Quests, Islands, Warfronts, Professions, story quests, etc. Now, whether these features are good or not is totally up for debate, but I don’t really get the impression that the more casual playerbase has been abandoned.

I don’t think that doing LFR or Normal counts as “competing” with Mythic raids :slight_smile: But, I digress. While I find some merit in your reasoning, I think the main reason why LFR gets delayed is because the devs don’t want pe,ople to treat LFR as a way to gear up for raids - i.e. they want it to be this piece of content that’s there for more casual folks, not something that can realistically help you with progressing Normal.

Do they? Take the portal room thread for instance. It was heard by Blizzard, it even got a pretty lengthy reply. And it wasn’t really something that asked for the game to be made harder or more time consuming. Quite the opposite in fact.

A while ago, there were a ton of threads asking to decrease experience requirements while leveling. It took some time, but eventually Blizzard did it. People asked for heirlooms to be made cheaper and that happened too.

On the other side of the spectrum, a lot of Mythic raiders want master loot back and so far there hasn’t really been any progress on that front.

Given the examples above, I wouldn’t really say that “elitists” get what they want, while the casuals are ignored. To be perfectly honest, I kinda feel like we’re all on the same boat, i.e. sometimes we get ignored, sometimes not.

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I dunno why they don’t let players just wear a tabard of any faction and get rep in any dungeon like we have for the base races. Seriously puts me off gaining rep with any race that only lets me have their tabard when I’m exalted. Like what’s the point of that.

Doing any of the earlier content once you have attained a higher level status is just a real drag. [ BORING ]… and the even worst part is that even if you were to have levelled Legion or WoD etc as you progressed to 120 you would never have done this anyway now. Cus you hardly finish one area before you move to the next expansion. Even taking it slow takes around two days. And those races I hardly had any interaction with before I was out of there.

The OP has a point but sadly the games developer only sells time and they want your time and this is time gated so don’t expect any change sadly. That’s the name of the game. The fact its a drag doesn’t really matter to them. They just want you on that old hampster wheel … so get trudging if you want it. Or not. Personally I wouldn’t bother… but that’s just me.

I must admit, I’d not thought of it this way!

I’ve not even gotten close to this content yet and it will be a while before I do but I’m rather looking forward to having a go at doing this!

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Races and flying should not be gated.

Let people play what they want from the start.

Gating should slow down only power progression and elite “collector” cosmetics.

TLDR: Quest chain is ok, insane reputation requirement is not.


Congratulations, you just won the price for the crybaby of the year.


correct, it is the fault of people like you who complain on forums for them to make everything bound to quests and to make the game feel like work rather than fun.

what are you talking about?

If you were paying me to come and clean my office and one day you decided not to come in to clean my office, would I complain to you with something like

“hey jackass, you paid to come and clean my office now you must work overtime, how dare you take a day off after you paid me to come and clean my office”??

We pay to play this game, not the other way around. Therefore we are entitled to suggest changes and to complain about the parts of it which we do not appreciate or like.

You are being a troll, not because you are disagreeing with me but because I am disagreeing with you. People are trolling when they are being insulting for no reason or trying to derail the thread because they do not like what is being said.

Raiden didn’t contribute anything, he was just being insulting and his post was removed it seems.

Coming from someone with flying in legion, draenor, and pathfinder in bfa, along with all allied races unlocked, minus zandalari, who are somewhere in revered on emissary duty, I wouldn’t mind reputation requirements being scrapped one bit, both from pathfinder and allied races, mainly allied races as they’re races you pick, not upgrades to a character. I loved the old grins in WoW and all that, but races should not be grinded with daily caps, and flying is debatable, I postponed draenor pathfinder for 6 months before doing it, it’s just annoying as hell, legion pathfinder I luckily got during legion which is when I started playing retail, so I didn’t mind the grind at the time, as it was current content.

Thanks. I did not play much of WoD because I went back to college during that content, then I spent the most of the time I was online - just fishing in my Garrison hoping that others would complain about pathfinder enough for them to remove the requirements for it.

Then in Legion I made a very critical post on the WoW forums about all of the quests and rep-grinds ruining the game. That post was thumbed down so much by the ones on the forums who had asked for pathfinder, that the OP went shadowed out. Partly because I was refusing to do the pathfinder and so they thought my opinion was not valid. Anyone else complaining against pathfinder was met with the same disregard by other forum posters.

In BFA I have done all of the quests for the pathfinder so far… And I have been thinking of making another very critical topic against the pathfinder achievement requirements, with the hopes that people would actually listen to what I am saying now that I have actually completed a pathfinder achievement.

They should scrap all pathfinder achievements. Confine the already done achievements to the Feats of Strength part of the achievement box, and be done with it.

The player-base is always a leaking bucket. For as many as like the grind, as many quit the game because of it. If people find the game too slow then they find it boring.

When I started playing, wow had 12 million players world-wide. Now less than half that figure. This should tell them something.

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I must disagree with this. You don’t like them and don’t want to do them - that’s fair enough. But there are some players, myself included, who do and I would not want to see them scrapped.

Personally, I would like to see options for all here: leave the achievements as they are for those who want to do them but also make them available for purchase with gold for those who don’t (more so for the older expansions like WoD and Legion).

This would keep most people happy I think.

people need to stop moaning and just work towards the things they want lol lazy is all it is

i don’t have rep for any of the new races and couldn’t give a toss about any of them. Just a reskin of already available races so meh

People like me? I’m not the one killing WoW. It’s the people like you who are. The ones who want to be fed on a silver platter. You don’t enjoy working towards something, go play something else, cause MMORPG’s are not for you. Since the beginning of WoW, there’s been things to work for. From levelling taking months, to achievements taking months, to reputations taking months.

I don’t want to feel like I’m working, I want to feel like I have something to work towards. It’s as simple as that. If you’re not having fun, then quit the game. You’re the only moron spending your money on a game you seem to not enjoy. And, don’t go blaming “people like me” for you leaving. You are the typical new player, wanting everything to be easy for you because you can’t be bothered to actually put effort it.

Do yourself and everyone a favor, avoid Classic. You’re gonna hate it.

You pay to play their servers. And, in BFA, you have 2 raids, 10+ dungeons, plenty of IE’s, 2 Warfronts, 6 zones, new WQ’s, incursions, more pets, more mounts, new PvP seasons. BFA has given a lot, but because you don’t get given this one thing, it’s now a problem? Entitled much.

Yes, you can complain, and people, like me, can put our points forward. But, when the complaints are the literal reason for the downfall of this game (Being hand fed everything on a silver platter because people like you don’t like the idea of working for things you want), I’m going to put my opinion forward. Don’t like it, then that’s your choice. I’m still going to make the point, whether you cry or not.

Lmao, are you alright? You seem a little lost… We’re "trolling"you, because WE disagree with you… Not because you disagree with us. We put our points forward, but that’s just trolling, right? You don’t like it when people disagree. You’ve now called me one of these trolls. Tell me, where have I derailed the discussion?

Don’t try and act all high and mighty, your contradictions are easily noticeable.

They said that this is an MMORPG, where grinding is PART OF THE GAME. That’s what this rep grind is, that’s what pathfinder is. They are both GRINDS. To be honest, they are basically the only worthwhile grinds in this game, and yet you want rid of them. If you don’t want to grind, walk away from MMO’s, because it’s just not your game.

3-5 weeks for a rep is much better than 2-3 months for level 1-60, and yet “classic is the best ever”. As I said before, avoid Classic, you’re gonna hate it, since it’s nothing but grinds.

I see this guy isn’t a troll because they agree with you. Weird that, right? Seems I was right. The people who disagree are just trolling.

Maybe, just maybe (And this might be a long shot), that’s because it’s actually the majority that likes Pathfinder? Weird that, right? “I posted MY opinion on the Forums and people disagreed with me! Oh the horror!” grow a pair. If you’re gonna type on a PUBLIC forum, you’re gonna get disagreements.

Go ahead, you’ll probably get the same as you did in Legion. You then gonna leave the game again when you realize YOUR opinions are just that, yours. People didn’t care that you didn’t complete it (Some probably did, but only about 1/4 of them I’m guessing), and I bet people did listen to you. But, as with what’s going on now, you don’t listen to them. You just call them trolls and elitists because they disagree with you. But, keep thinking your opinion is the be all and end all, won’t get you far, but it’s fun to see.

And that is YOUR opinion. Mine (And many others) enjoy the pathfinder achievement. The only thing we don’t like is having to wait a year before we can actually fly. The achievement is entertaining, and shows that we’ve actually PLAYED the game.

If you can’t even get the pathfinders, then you’re not playing the game… It’s literal gameplay that you’re doing to unlock it… I’d understand if it was “Go back to Darkshore and kill 1000 creatures” or some stupid thing like that, but it’s literally the gameplay that we’re playing now (And was the gameplay in Legion, and in WoD).

Btw, since you didn’t do Pathfinder in WoD, let me tell you something. Legions pathfinder was 10x easier than WoD’s, and BFA’s was even easier… If you can’t even be bothered to play the game, then why are you subbed?

This was when it too 2-3 months to level up to max level, took weeks to get into the first raid, took months to get gear from the first raid to get to the next raid, took HOUR a day just to get ready for that weeks raids, took 15-30 seconds to kill basic mobs, where you would have to spend hours killing low level mobs with a new weapon if you change your weapon mastery. This was back when EVERYTHING in the game was a grind, before they added LFR, LFD, Welfares, FLYING and plenty of other things.

So, this should tell you something. You remove Pathfinder and the Allied Race grind, you’ll be adding to that loss. But, from your previous posts, this will probably go over your head, because you have the “I’m right, you’re wrong, anyone who disagrees is a troll” mentality.

Blockquote[quote=“Raevonn-magtheridon, post:80, topic:36861, full:true”]
people need to stop moaning and just work towards the things they want lol lazy is all it is[/quote]

You are a typical kid, who thinks that game is important enough to warrant actual work.

Yes, there is a competitive side to games, hence power progression and key “collector” rewards are gated, but let’s not make regular experience a chore.

I am not asking for free gladiator title here, I just want to fly on my flying mount.


work on what? there’s no skill or decision making involved to unlocking Allied races, its a matter of brainlessly doing the same, old, shady dailies like a headless chicken till you fill up a bar that says ‘exalted’. If thats not a pathetic attempt from Blizz to play their game, then what is it? ‘Aaww, look! People doing old content they must be enjoying it!’ but trully, only a handful genuinely does.

Plus this model aint timeproof. Think 2-3 expacs ahead, where there might be new races. New/returning players will have to farm so much rep, they’ll burn out be4 giving new content a shot.

And you know what? Blizz locks rewards into rep reqs, not to filter out “dedicated” players from the “lazy” ones as you say, but coz its EASY. Why would they bother brainstorming, coming up with a new, interesting way to reward you, when they can simply drop you the “grind X rep for the Y faction” bait?

Oh boohoo I have to work for something in my life blizz why you don’t give me stuff for free :joy: that’s how you sound to people so here’s some advice if you want something in your life work for it like the rest of the world the time you wasted here crying :cry: about it you could probably get exalted by now honestly.




Yes, you are trolling and being insulting…

Did you misread my character’s title?
It says Ronjambo the Insane.

So don’t try to imply that I don’t like to work for something, in order to drag out your points and insult me.

Even if I did all the work in order to fly in old content, even if I did all the work to open the new factions to create characters, I would still come here and make such a post to say that “I do not think that ANYONE should have to become exalted with factions in order to fly or create new characters! Because it makes the game far too slow and boring, which makes people quit.”

I’m not even going to sit and dismantle the rest of your post into block quotes to feed you more, troll.