Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

Yes, which makes no sense.

Kind of like the key system.

It should be changed.

But in fairness:
Most casuals aren’t gonna spam the everliving daylights out of dungeons anyway. They don’t have time.

Who’s talking about capable? Of course they might be capable, they just don’t want to because they’ve got other things going on in their lives that they care more about.

Maybe changes to the system would change that? Because then they feel motivated to keep going? Make time for it?

Blizzard as a company wants to make people stick around. They won’t achieve that by putting weird barriers into choke points on a scaling chart.

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It won’t. People can’t magically will extra time into existence in a household with 3 kids, a wife, a full time job, and friends to see. It’s gonna be limited, and that’s all there is to it.

Those people hardly count as the target audience of Mythic+…

I have lots of time at hand. And I feel like I’m not the target audience of M+ anymore.

Strange, isn’t it?

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season 4 pvp started and i left my pala for good.
im playing dh now and i must say the ret healing in pvp is still garbage,.
btw healer priest cant die . almost immortal

Didn’t they say recently that they just want players play the game however they want? Which is why Delves are coming for the more casual player. Plus the new greater vault slot for open world?

They’re bridging the gap between everyone and making it circular in TWW so everyone can do whatever they want as their endgame content.

I don’t think they hate that people aren’t raiding as much as they’d like, I think they’ve just finally accepted it. :slight_smile:

Well exactly, but the game was throwing these people into it for even a moderate challenge, and that sucked.

They fixed it now. Yes that means +2 is gonna be a lot harder. That’s okay.

They said it, but more than likely in true Bli$$ard style, it will be a ham fisted implementation

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Then they should have made the Dungeon Changes with 11.0 not 10.2.6…

Because THEN everything would be in line, everyone starts from fresh GS due to new expansion and casual people would have their content already instead of being confused why they can’t play M+ anymore.

I’ve enjoyed most of DF, and it’s quite obvious they’ve listened to a lot of demands.

Judging by alpha I can only say good things so far in terms of making sure absoutely every player no matter what content is set to have an enjoyable experience in TWW.

The warbands alone is a colossal change a lot of people have been looking to get for many years.

With that being said, instantly being negative about everything and using dollar signs to replace the Z’s and saying IT WILL be bad is just a weird way to act. If you hate the game that much I’d of set sail somewhere else. You’re not being shackled to the floor and forced to pay the sub. :dracthyr_shrug:

No, it isn’t. Adding a timer makes it a totally different kind of content. (This is clear because some people love the timer and others don’t.) For me, it wouldn’t matter how “challenging” the dungeon was, a dungeon without a timer would not be fun like mythic plus. Even if the difficulty was the same.

They had two PvE endgame pillars - raid and mythic plus. They’ve tried to make three - raid, M+ and standard dungeons - but they’ve done it by excluding players who enjoyed the lower end of mythic plus from the content they found fun.

A few years ago, when I was a “lower level” casual player, having fun with my friends in low keys, I would likely have cancelled my subscription over this because it would have taken away the content I spent the vast majority of my time enjoying. I can understand why so many people are upset and angry.

Ishayo seems to think that having lots of time to play is the same thing as being “hardcore”. The sad thing is that a lot of people I know from Scared of Dungeons and similar communities, who are online all hours of the day and were too busy playing the game and doing low keys to be here on the forum, didn’t get consulted about this change, and they are the kind of people who have lost out to this.


To be fair - with how they tuned S4 m+ is only fot people who were runing way above +20 ATM .

Tonight our of 5 groups i joined 4 disbanded in +4 /+5

People just cant perform good enough even if they had 3k rating last season
It is kinda hillarious.
Those dungeons are just brutal if you are not extremely good player or ifyou didnt run them very extensively on very high keys in s1 and 2

That’s ok for whom exactly ?

Because i fell that most people WHO are ok with that did 1 +2 and never will do +2 again because they spam +5 and higher atm

I honestly don’t see anything wrong with the new system.

There were so many pointless levels with the old system, Now each time you go up a level in a key, it feels like something happened.

Besides, we all know that people who were farming 20s last season, will again this season before it’s over.

Hardcore and casual are so subjective it’s pointless even having an argument over.

I know people who work full-time, have kids, and are selling boosts for the highest difficulty content in the game and don’t consider themselves hardcore. But then other people would call them hardcore. Then you have people who play the game all day every day, and don’t clear anything above LFR, but have a million alts - Are they hardcore? I’d say so in some cases.

Someone else’s casual is another else’s hardcore, and vice versa.


I agree. It’s subjective, and this is why claiming that “casuals aren’t going to spam M+” is utterly false because there are plenty of people who define themselves as casual who DO spam M+.


The problem is nothing above.

Max Problem is Gear-improvement -gameplay of every Season .
We have a repeat of previous seasons gear up , but everyone else (Dungeons etc ) becomes more stronger ====This is kind of stupid and at some a point brainless mod with repeating everything with every season
It become quire boring to do again and again and expect something different .

Example …1st season Doing XXX M+ Dungeon need 30 min
4th Season everyone 500 ilvl doing XXX M+ Dungeon need 30 min Again . This logic applies to people that are bots . Logical and intelligent peoples doing the same over and over tend to get bored at a faster rate that some people that are replay the same thing expecting …something Different .

Look at M+ rank in every season … Same time same everything .

Everything is fixed with specific data that make everyone-everything the same .

I got through 4 Seasons, the same weapon and gear at different Ilvl
Npc have the same % of health dmg everything that become irrelevant to my gameplay

I still need to gear up again to complete at the same time with what i was doing in 1st season …

Let’s hope next expansion is going to be something different


I’m late to this discussion and I will admit i have not read all the 100s of posts.

The squish is what is affecting you and a currrent +2 is like doing an old +11. So m0 is like doing a +10

Everything has had its difficulty number or category adjusted. Even if youre doing a heroic dungeon its just a name change.

Gearing is gearing. The numbers are different for all of us, no matter what level we play at. Dont be too disheartened.

Pvp side was kinda easy, we just saved 13k honor from last season and bought full honor set and went gaming lol. Played rsham and priest today in arena and felt same as compared last season. Transition between seasons feel smooth in pvp atleast unless blizz nerfs mmr or something then progress would feel slow and people would probably feel de-motivated like s2-3 now after df s1.

What are you gearing up for? This season has nothing usefull

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