Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

Usually only on expansion resets. The last 2 seasons I could immediately jump to playing Mythic +4 right away. This season I might not even able to immediately play M0 (if I would bother).


Which is exactly my issue and exactly why I don’t feel motivated to play, alongside the Whelpling Crests being capped per week, forcing me to wait a few resets before being able to just power through that “entry level” for M+.

So, instead of playing this season (actively), I will just play other games instead. Games that don’t pull that harsh resets regularly, if at all.

SOME - particularly vocal - casual players asked for that.

There are plenty of casual players who have spent the last few expansions having fun in keys (in a not-pushing “cool it we time it, cool if we don’t” kind of way), and those players have been dropped by the wayside with this new difficulty scaling.


ye sure dude

That would be me. No we are not dropped.

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I’m not talking about people who were timing 20+ keys last season.

well now they can relax all day long in m0 :slight_smile:

they can like make a picknic , walk out dog , grab something to eat and then spend 2-3 hours progressing m0 :slight_smile:

i listed my +2 yesterday at around 18 - so super prime time

on first day of season.

i waited literaly 20 minutes before anyone applied.

no im not joking to prove a point

and i was super lucky full 4 man premade qued eventually got key +2 and then people are applying to +4 very slowly but they do - takes forever to form a decent party . at +6 and then +7 its easier because aspect crests are more desirable.

+2 is dead key - and i know why - nobody wants to risk boosting some fresh undergeared alts :slight_smile:

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Type “chill” in the search and you will see that there are people make such runs all the time.


You can literally see people’s score from previous season.

You know what you’re joining.

it sure did :slight_smile: i dont think people (me included ) realised how bad it would be tuning wise

i think most expected something like S4 in SL - so really easy season .

instead everyone got smacked right into face with the gating they did :slight_smile:

i personaly found my sweet spot for tanking in +4 - most groups are bearable at that level even with low dps . shame thought will push to 5-6 on tanks but doesnt look like this this reset :slight_smile:

My warrior is ready. Furystump-stormscale

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Ok, I just did a M0 and I got 10 awakened crests I can’t even use yet.
How in the 7 layers of Hell am I supposed to progress with 0 gear loot from a M0?
This system is truly broken.

I wasted 45 Minutes for a weekly loot lockout and didn’t even get a piece of gear as loot.

This is such a slap into the face. It wouldn’t if M0 had no loot lockout.

I am definitely NOT going to waste my time this season in WoW PvE.

Ah yes. Is this the moment when we can start discusing a question regarding gold and pets? :money_with_wings: :money_mouth_face:

You gotta check your brain wiring if you think I suggested that I quit WoW.

I just won’t play this season (unless changes are being made).

One run, and you already making decision :neutral_face:

Anyways. Well don’t play it then . Not sure what you are expecting from the forums if you are not giving away gold or anything.

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Because I am capable of doing math and did come to the conclusion that the time investment is way higher than the reward at the moment.

This situation would be different if M0 would drop 100% a single item per week for you, since it has a weekly lockout. But as I said before. I am not a gambling addict.

Not going to waste my time playing a game where I have a one-time-a-week chance for the chance itself to get any piece of gear from a M0. And that piece of gear would only be something to exchange later anyways.

It took me 45 minutes to get a group going and finish a M0. Technically I had a minimum 25% chance to get anything at all from the M0 due to the amount of bosses. Now multiply that with 7 more dungeons.

45 (min) * 8 (dungeon count) = 360 (min) = 6 (hours)

Now, tell me again why I should waste 6h a week of my precious time just for the chance of a theoretical 25% minimum chance itself to get an item upgrade from M0?

If M0 had no loot lockouts, that would be a different story, because then players could just repeat over and over again without worrying about wasting time. But the loot lockout really puts such a finality for the week under the wasted efforts that it’s not encouraging at all to keep trying.

I really feel like I am back in SL S3 again…

I don’t see my comment as rude. I’m not the person that came here with a wrong expectation asking for gold and mounts :wink:

That’s… well, it’s gonna work but it isn’t gonna gear you up much really :stuck_out_tongue: A little.

M+ isn’t for newbies or casuals. It was a mistake to ever have marketed it to them in the first place. M+ is to dungeons what heroic raiding is to raids, and of course higher levels of M+ is to dungeons what mythic is to raids.

Players at lower levels don’t like timers. I’ve heard it from so, so many I’ve tried to get into dungeons. They really don’t like the timer, and so they feel like there’s no relevant dungeon content for them.

Mythic 0 should be that content. And now, it is.

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With the main issue being that Mythic 0 is only cool 8 times a week (weekly lockouts) instead of being a grindable activity like the rest of Mythic+…

Imagine it would be grindable. Maybe those casuals would then try to become core players instead because they have the tools and motivation to push further.

Remember, just because someone is a casual player doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of growth.