Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

Blizzard could just tell us instead. They designed the system, the scaling. They KNOW what is the appropriate ilvl for a good experience.

And nothing more I am requesting from them as developers.

HEY! You are the person that accused me of being lazy. I merely said that I didn’t had the time to play due to work. That’s 2 different things.

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t imply anything. You just chose to interpret my words that way.

That’s a You-issue. Not a me-issue.

Maybe switch back a gear with your attitude and calm down from your “I know everything better” attitude.

Well, I don’t. Either due to time and now, with S4 due to lack of motivation.

That good experience depend solely on whtehr people in you group know how to Play or if they dont.

This season is very very brutal . My exp is at least half of keys break ATM in4-6 bracket because people simply cant perform

They can’t tell you, because at best it can be a minimum ilvl recommendation.

Just because one group can do something at 450ilvl doesn’t mean others don’t require far more bloated ilvls 485 etc to safely get through.

Groups are also the biggest varying factor.

And nothing more I ask for.

But the issue is, say they set 450 as a minimum recommended ilvl for a +2, you’ll still have people like we saw in this thread who already have more than enough gear, not able to complete things. Then they’d complain to Blizzard.

There is no point to a minimum ilvl or recommended ilvl because it’s not like queuing up for lfr. The difficulty is partially down to the players taking part.

I’ve not paid any attn to my ilvl doing M+. I started in +2 and have kept going (and gearing at the same time) until I’m out of my comfort zone.

Tbf, Blizzard could just add a handbook ingame that has all relevant informations about activities ingame. You know, like MMORPGs similar to SWTOR. Sure, reading a lot sucks for some people. But at least then everything of info is within the game.

And in the specific handbook page for Mythic+ it could be written, that the recommended item level is just 1 of several aspects increasing the chance to succeed in a key. The others being choice of talents/skills to counter affixes, team composition and the actual team play.

And of course this handbook page should definitely show up the very first time a player gets a keystone on a character (even alts, unless tutorials are turned off in settings). And each season a shortcut button is offered to quickly jump to the handbook page to re-read the rules and all of the activity to refresh your memories if needed.

But doing that would require effort on Blizzards side.

Lol what?

So they can click it off like any other pop up that appears?

Get real. If people want to know they can find out very very easily. The internet is awash with information. Stating the ‘bleedin obvious’ like “choosing talents to counter affixes” is like saying its easier to run a marathon when you’re fit - well duh.

At some stage stuff requires effort on the players side, its not up to Blizz to spoonfeed them everything. Because if your magic instruction list that Blizz must provide misses something players like you will use it as an excuse to say ‘it wasn’t in the instructions’ when you fail.

Guess you are the same guy that buys a devices and says “imma google its exact design and functionality because the fabricator shouldn’t have to deliver a manual with it”.

I also guess that when you type in “Game Manuals” into google search and click on images those game manuals shown are all just “fake news” too?

I think you’ve lost me. Did get an AI to formulate your response giving it a “type gibberish” prompt?

Who the heck manages to work fake news into this topic. Dear God.

Just an example into what kind of group I sort you. In the one of conspiracy theorists and keyboard warriors that never contributed anything of value to my conversations.

What group do you think you’re in where you think an ingame manual is a big win when you can press “alt-tab” and have the sum of the worlds knowledge at your fingertips?

+2s seem especially miserable the majority of the time in pugs, even with higher ilevel players.

Do you have any idea how often I heard the excuse “you can just tab out and use XY tool outside of the game to solve the job within the game”?

LFG not ingame in a game like Destiny 2? Just use Bungies website or the Destiny 2 app to find a fireteam (btw. got added 6 months ago after years of complaints).
Can’t chat with your friends ingame, not even via text in Baldur’s Gate 3? Yeah, just use Discord or TeamSpeak3.
Don’t know how something works in a game? Oh, just google it.
Don’t know how a raid works? Oh, just watch a guide.
Don’t know what gear is best? Oh, just watch XY youtubers “guide” about what is the Meta.
Don’t know what your class is best at? Just google it.
Don’t know where you have to go for a simple quest? Just google it.
Don’t know where a vendor is? Just google it.
Don’t know what an item is worth for trading in Warframe? Just google it.
Don’t know where you get a specific item from ingame? Just google it.

I could go on for hours. Fact is, in most aspects even the reason why such questions come up are based on un-intuitive, bad design.

Imagine if every game would just stop making even the most default explanations. Guess if devs would listen to your mentality we would be getting only games without even tutorials about how to move or interact with things in the game, even without the option to look up the keybinds ingame in the settings.

“Oh, you don’t know how to walk/interact in the game? Just try things out or google it. Eventually after some time you will find it out”

And honestly, whenever a situation occurs where you are relying on knowledge outside of your current situation, it’s very bad, even when easily accessible.

Remember that one Add on Youtube where someone gets biten by a Snake on a Hiking Tour?
His friend pulls out a phone to look up a video on first aid and says “hang on, I have to wait to skip that add… Oh, another one that I can’t skip, hang tight…” while trying to access life-crucial information from the internet? Sure, just an add advertising ad blockers. But it gives an idea of how bad the “oh, just google it” mentality can get.

In such a life-threatening situation you wouldn’t want to look up things on the internet first. You want to have someone WITH EXPERIENCE there to handle the situation.

ofc it does. because very very very many people refuse to accept that their place is in m0 till they hit like 500 itlv.

those people in past spend quite a lot of time farming +2-+10

and now go with "its just +2 " or “its just +4”

its mentality and approach problem .

no its not just +4 - its old +14 and very brutal one.

i have finished around 30 dungeons this week. but started probably around 60-70 - most keys break in 1st or 2nd boss - because people just cant perform well enough

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it kinda feels like if you didn’t finish at 485 ilevel last season, you’re kinda screwed for easy progression now.


They added that stuff to torghast and it was facerollable well below the recommended item levels if you had half a clue and then there were people that were well above that item level that just couldn’t do it.

Buddy. We aren’t talking about the best of the best players needing that info. We’re talking about the casuals and average players. The ones that don’t live and breathe the game every single second.

There were people above that recommended level that just couldn’t do it. It would be the same now if they added it.

The recommendation means nothing when it’s more down to individuals skill level.

Yea your solution sounds like common sense. Just take an instruction manual for every eventuality.

Because if someone twists their ankle / gets sunstroke / hypothermia / lost / falls / has a broken shoe what better way to solve it than having an instruction booklet :man_facepalming:

And if xzy tool out of game is more suited to solving the problem at hand, why should blizz or bungie reinvent the wheel? It beggars belief. It’s not that people have nothing to add to your topics, its that you’re so set in your ways that you refuse to take any possible alternatives to “your way” onboard.

you are not screwed . “you” just belong now in m0 :slight_smile: and by that i mean general "you " not you personaly

people just refuse to accept that because blizzard didnt voice it good enough in game.

i think that very very many people dont even relaise that +2 is like +12 not like old +2.

they go in there expecting old +2 and are surprised a lot when keys are unfinishable

m0 are clearly meant to be genuine progression step for any new player or alt.

problem arises when people want to skip it.

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