Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

Problem is M0 is also a +10.

Which is removed from the game this season.

yes - transistion peroiod will be rough . and low m+ keys will be rough .

because there will be always a lot of people looking for a free carry in +2-6 now while good players will be playing 7-10 and higher never meeting those bad players in first place because lets face it- nobody sane will invite into +7 anyone who isnt like 1500 + score and 500 + itlv already :slight_smile:

It just surprises me how many bads there are in +2 and not just at low ilevel, some are 485+ all the way up to 490. Like, how can they not beat the last boss on Brackenhide, or the first boss on Ruby, or the tree boss on Acadamy, at 490 ilevel lol

People don’t get stuck in trash packs this week. They get stuck at bosses. Guess what. It’s already implemented. It’s called adventurer guide, and it tells you exactly what that boss does. Do you think someone reads that? Hell no.
I was doing pretty high content according to the majority of the player base (went with 32characters over 3150 last season, and another one at 3350 or something like that) and never ever opened that adventure guide to read what bosses do. I only open it for the loot.
Same adventure guide also contains information about the raid. How many people have no idea what that boss does when they sign for it in group finder, even if the info is already available in game, and in 3 minutes videos on youtube?

Now what a minimum ilvl or recommended ilvl would serve for m+? Absolutely nothing. Because I can go rn in a +6 and 2 chest it with season 2 gear, and there plenty of players who will fails the same key with almost 500 ilvl.

I tanked y-day an AV 11 with 493 gear, and the team told me at the end when we timed that they had tanks with 505-507 that failed the same pulls I did. Putting there a 500 ilvl for a +11 would’ve stopped me from doing it, because we all know how WoW’s playerbase works: they see something written or they see a streamer saying that the class is the best, they won’t even use their brain to think. They will act exactly like sheep, and blindly follow what they are told or they read.

Blizzard has enough faults(releasing this patch with more bugs than the entire DF so far, having close to 0 support when it comes to player tickets and so on), but the fact that at least half of the player base has no idea how to play their class, how to read an adventurer guide or how to even watch a 3 minutes youtube video is not on them.

They’re in +8 keys with 505+ ilvl too.

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I didn’t play DF S1 - was it this bad?

Are you really that dense that you fail at simple reading comprehension?

I literally said this:

For a product it would be a manual. For a situation or event, it would be trained experience instead.

Who decides it’s “more suited to solving the problem at hand”? You? I very much doubt that.

What you think why Bungie gave up their LFG section on the website and the app and added ingame LFG 6 months ago? Because people were fed up after years of complaining and started to leave the game. They also are removing sunsetting of old gear again, add the option to fully customize your abilities in the next DLC between entire subclasses, added character appearance change ALSO after years of requests… They are being desperate. They aren’t doing it because “it’s less problem solving”. They are doing it because it loses them money to not do it.

World of Warcraft has many issues. A few of them have been adressed in Dragonflight (partially), such as class restrictions and the outdated UI. What I’m doing is merely pointing out other core problems that are so buried beneath other problems that happened because of said core problems.

  • UI was bad? Oh, yeah. Community will just make an addon, why should we waste resources fixing the UI for years…
  • People dislike the class restrictions for certain races? Eh, not our fault. Players have too high expectations…
  • They get upset about the :poop: we did to the Lore in Shadowlands? Ah gee, people these days are so easily offended…
  • Do you guys not have phones???

Blizzard turned out the way it is because people in position of power didn’t take certain issues arising both in company and products serious or even intentionally fueled them to their benefit.

This isn’t about “my way”. This is about Blizzard being quite lazy in the past about making the right decisions, even if they were not as meaningful.

Would players like you need a book of tutorials to browse in WoW? Certainly not. Would a new player need that info? Certainly yes!

People like you will always prefer to use other sources get the info you want. Doesn’t mean everyone else should have to too.

And with that being the final thought, I will walk away from this conversation with you. It took already more time than it’s worth to sustain.

Think about it for a second. What do people tell you when you have a question?

“Oh, just google it”. No one tells you “go read it in the adventurer guide”.

And why? Because the adventurer guide is the worst possible version of an actual guide you could get in a game.

If you look in comparison at the “skill videos” from Overwatch (2) explaining you visually and with text what a skill does, THAT is the base minimum of information. And Blizzard apparently doesn’t care even that much to put a short video clip into the mechanic descriptions of the adventurer guide.

The problem isn’t that it isn’t there. The problem is that the guide is its current version :poop:.

That’s definitely on them, already years ago.

Feel free to read this article on Wired. Goes very in-detail over the need for good tutorials.

oh dont you worry - they will be stuck plenty on trash next week :slight_smile:

a lot of groups will feel a lot of pain if stuff wont get stunned / interupted with the amount of casts that is out there.

people forgot how painfull it was in S1 and S2 - next reset will remind them :slight_smile:

On launch? Was three times worse. The dungeons that that are now from S1, were tuned 5 times back then. First 3 weeks RLP was undoable due to the damage. AV last boss was 3 times more painful than now. NO second boss was cleaning the party in first case in maximum 3 ticks.

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short story ? yes it was as bad as now. thing is there were cheat dungeons like SBG and TJS where you could farm valor / GV slots in initial weeks.

huge thing was also that it didnt matter whether you complete +2 or +20 - valor was the same.

now you cant get aspct crests in +2 to offset a lot of things :slight_smile:

I was only talking about the fact that bosses are explained in adventurer guide. I can’t seem to find any info there about the trash. So let’s say this may be the only improvement that guide would need. But still it will be useless because nobody will read that.

From my tanking perspective, many tanks will have a shock next week. Some of the packs that should’ve melt me even this week with the gear I had, were more than doable, and didn’t hurt at all. Next week half of the tanks will melt in the first pull.

NO will be the pit of most groups - same like packs in HOI :0

NO on fotified ? its just painfull and sooooo slow :smiley: they should cut there required trash count by like 20 % .

How am I being the dense one here? Ah so you want EXPEIRENCE of snakebites on a hike. Maybe they should go do a medical degree while the person is writhing in agony instead of looking up some emergency info on the internet!

Glad you’re walking away, I’ve hit my quota of “did he really say that” on the internet for today.

And with that response, you caught yourself a spot on my block list.

Literally everyone knows that you should bring an experienced guide along when going on a hike in a dangerous area. As same as you want a professional oversee your bunjee jumping or skydiving session. :roll_eyes:

You really are that dense.

Packs in HoI with DH tank will be a joke. Let’s remember that DH hadn’t 2 sigils back then so there was no way to keep those packs in check. Now it will be more than fine. Especially now that they added visual and the bleeding frontal for the first packs, and the bleed doesn’t seem to stack anymore.

I didn’t tank NO back in the days (only played mage during that season). But that will be painful, because DH sigils don’t work on most of the dangerous mobs.

Anyway dh being as it is now, it does more harm than good. People totally forgot how to play without a dh.

So by that “definition” America, Africa and Asia you shouldn’t go for a walk without an experienced guide because the continent has snakes?

:rofl stahp I just can’t anymore.


they/those people never interupted in first place.

DH works so well because good DH tank can control mobs which normaly are not controled because most dps just know how to "push aoe buttons make dmg go brr "

In before M+ becomes static-group only content if you want to prog, and pugging becomes like ff14 PF where the same faces are wiping hour after hour on the same content and never clear and where progressing on savage raids is exclusively static-group only content.

Let’s hope it gets better.

It doesn’t help either that its the same dungeons we’ve been doing for a year, just tuned to 11, so its quite hard to be motivated to even do m+.

And Blizzard has the manual. Its called the adventure journal or whatever its called.
And before you scream “it doesn’t teach about m+ levels and etc”. M+ is the end game.
A tutorial’s job is just to help grasp the basics and nothing else.

A driving school will teach you how to mechanically drive (whats a steering wheel, what pedal does what and etc) but it wont teach you how to become the next “Hamilton”.

The Adventurer Guide is the lowest effort Blizzard could pull off. Aside of the Raid and Dungeon mechanics and item drops it serves no real purpose of being an actual “guide book”. Even the “suggested content” page has next to no use aside of trying to funnel players into outdated activity events or stuff that isn’t progression relevant (“go play the raid” node aside)

Where is:

  • Section for activity rules (i.e. how PvP game modes work)
  • Section for activity and quest requirements (literally an add-on called “BtwQuest”)
  • Help Section for questions about gear, items, progression (literally an add-on called “All the things”)
  • Section for re-reading tutorials (i.e. how dynamic flight controls work + detailed graphics how dynamic flight uses momentum)
  • Section for highlighted communities focused on helping players (in other words, a “suggested guild/community” page)
  • Section for chat commands (emotes, macros, UI commands like /reload, etc.)

I am quite sure there are a few more sections that could be added that I’m missing here. Point is, of the 100% the Adventurer guide could serve it only serves with 10-15% usefulness.