Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

You can run into bears in the forest in some parts of sweden. Should everyone that seeks to go hiking there bring a guide due to that?

You can run into moose everywhere, they’re rather dangerous. Should people go with a guide when hiking due to that? I mean, we’ve had moose in our backyard eating from our apple tree. Should I have a guide for going into my backyard? Those things legit can kill you if you manage to get them angry, which isn’t hard when existing in their proximity is all that’s required pretty much.

And its a guide, a handbook to get started, not a “100% everything included from A to Z wiki”.

Well, yes. That’s to be expected if you wander clueless into the wilderness where wild animals like bears do live.

That’s why Hunter as a profession exists, because they know and have to know how animals in the wild behave when managing populations. They also serve as the spokesperson for anything related to wild habitats and the breeding locations of specific wild, dangerous animals such as Bears, Wolves and so on.

If somebody walks into the wilderness and expects to go there without running risk of getting harmed by wild animals or traversal accidents (such as falling down a cliff), that’s just called “being stupid”.

And I am not speaking of the local forest visits. I am speaking of literally going outside of the borders of civilization.

If someone is smart, yes.

If someone is suicidal or full of an ego, then that person should feel free to go without one.

How about having a fence instead so your garden stays actually safe? Or just not go outside at all while they are there?

Come on, use your common sense. Your questions become comical irrational.

And the points named aren’t related to “getting started”?

New players definitely will appreciate to be able to re-read tutorial instructions. They will also appreciate an explanation what armor/weapon types affect your character in what way, as same as they would like to know what primary/secondary stats affect a player character in what way.

And regarding quests there shouldn’t really be an addon needed like “BtwQuest” just to find the linked quests for a quest chain. I for example would have had no idea without that addon how to finish my Legion Order hall with all that masses of quests of 3 patches in Legion.

It’s quite easy to overview while a patch is “new”. But once the patches of an expansion start to pile up on each other it becomes a mess. If a list like BtwQuest would be default built-in (like other games do that I play right now), it would be not a mess anymore, even for outdated content. the closest what we have ingame from Blizzard is the “Chapter” overview of a campaign/zone on the map…

Have you seen a moose?

To get a fence that keeps a moose out, you’d need to pretty much screw your backyard view up.

You’re wasting time trying to argue with Lillith, he is obsessed with saying free carries/boosts as an answer to everything - jyst put him on permanent ignore as i have.

Just put a thick metal pipe fence into the ground, get some hedges and let them grow along the fence. Problem solved. Yes, the hedges block the view, but they look better than metal pipes.


It doesn’t seem like you’re aware of how big mooses actually are and how high they can jump.

They’re not horse-size, they’re bigger than horses. They can weigh almost a ton. Wither height can be up towards 230 cm.

Wow, i finally found a group that could get passed ruby first boss, and timed it…

Then scrap the fence-idea and just build a thick brickwall instead? The question is about what you value more, your backyard view or your homes safety…

Edit: Or even better idea…

Don’t live in areas where those animals regularly pass through.

No, it’s you being completely ridiculous and saying people should hire a guide in dangerous areas and when pressed on it, “just build a fence lol”.


The only place in sweden that doesn’t have moose is gotland.

its a f. pain to pug keys with the change they did. im not sure if all players got the news that even on a +4 its basically everything one hit atm. something needs to happen.

It doesn’t help that the timer feel tighter (presumably because of gearing) and boss fights take forrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeever. So if you wipe once, often its a disband.

It’s like 25 keys replicated in +2s - people just leave on one mistake.

Because we are already moving outside of the range where a guide would have a use.

A tour guide can keep you away from territories where those animals regularly are present. But if you live literally in that territory, the core problem is completely different.

It’s a difference to “go into a dangerous zone” and “living in it”.


That sounds honestly like a governmental issue. If I were your government and if those Mooses would be such a big problem, I would either allow public hunting on them til their population reached size that the country can manage or create around cities and villages protection/defenses like walls to keep them out if they bother the people so much.

I could also argue that in the forests around my home, Lake Constance there could be wolves. But I don’t. Because the dangerous wildlife in our area is next to non-existent due to proper management over the past 200 years. We are “lucky” if we spot a single wolve maybe once a year…

And with that being said, back to the topic about WoW. This topic isn’t about Sweden or my home in Germany.

It’s a governmental issue that there’s moose in all of sweden except gotland?

How about no. Moose are part of the ecosystem.

It honestly sounds like you have some issues.

You mean hc dungs. m0 is harder than a +2

thats a stretch - but yes timers are much tigher this season then last one thats for sure.

Dear God, and you have the gall to call other people dense in this thread.

You’re not even inhabiting the same reality as most of us.

You are free to think whatever you want. You would still be wrong tho.

You are after all the one that turned the example of a Snake bite into a Moose fight… :roll_eyes: :slight_smile:

PvP is a mess this season

like wtf

Wonder if they will end up nerfing things because of the success rate for pugs to even clear a +2 right now.