Season 4 starts and I am already de-motivated to play

There are dps checks, but like I said it’s extremely hard. All 20 people should make ideal rotation, ideal talents and do mechanics ideally (like 99-100 parses) to pass it in normal gear.

But it’s all optional and people are willing to set their own goals. For some people it’s LFR level, for some just heroic, for some no raids at all but getting portals in M+. And one gear to get his goal and then it’s done, the goal for season is reached. Now time to move to other things either in WoW (collecting stuff, etc.) or play other games until next season.

All I want to suggest is think about gear as about the tool to reach the goal, not goal itself. I found this approach much healthier.

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All right. Yeah I would just stick to LFR for the story. I think some people, if they do not like the ilvl grind, should introspect and ask themselves why they feel the need to do the content they don’t find fun to do.

Cause it’s clearly not really about the difficulty for them, it’s about the progression of gear and investment it takes for it as well as the redundancy that happens every X amount of months. If it was just the difficulty then Blizz moving the goalpost of “end game gear” shouldn’t matter.

Season would be horribly short if you got to keep all your crests and stones.

Did they not remove the timer?
And for whom are they too hard? Yes if you expect to go in with 440ilvl because you could do that in +10 last season it will be too hard…

Again, if people feel discouraged because their key now says “+0” or “+2” and not “+15” in literally the first day of the season, maybe the problem is not the squish but their ego :slight_smile:

And then the forums would be floaded with “Omg!! Content when??? Indie game, no content!!”

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Nope apparently there is a timer like there was before, they just explained it badly, there is no timer for what is = to a m10, which is now a m0.

We struggled a bit on 6s last night to be fair, but I did forget all the s1 dungeon tactics which doesn’t help ofcourse lol.

It is about people who did up to +10 last season. Not about people hurt by seeing +2 in week 1 instead of +12. We lost our learning curve by the removal of +2-9. You need to be instantly good enough for +10.

I don’t agree, I healed a +10 2 hours after the season had started, on a spec I haven’t really healed on since season 3 of SL.

Which dungeon? We got destroyed in a +7 Halls. But we runned over a Ruby 5 and Brackenhide 6. Probably dungeons aren’t really equal scaled.

Azure vaults. I even screwed up defensives on the first boss because I’m not used to the spec and died as a result.

I healed halls on +8 prior to that, we did it +2. The only thing I was a bit worried about was the 3rd boss but it wasn’t actually a problem.

Then you are waaaay better than us. The dot ticks for 115k per player full time on that boss. And you have to run out of melee full time, so i suppose mistweaver isn’t the best choice either :sweat_smile:

I havent done Azure vaults yet.

Wasn’t that why heroics were bumped up in ilvl? I know that they upped the dungeon difficulty on m0, but since it is a difficulty that does not scale it makes sense for it to be hard.

It is there to be a progression scene for those who aren’t interested or are afraid of the timer, and the pressure associated with it, in m+.

It also does not help that the dungeon pool has some very rough dungeons in it. Rough from a mechanical standpoint that is, as I remember many of my guild’s casual groups struggling with them back in S1.

Comparatively in last season dungeons started out very undertuned, as many I know went up close to 19s key range in the first few weeks.

I healed a few dungeons so far on my mistweaver, and they were mostly fine, though there were some outliers that I took note of:

-The spear boss on a +4 trucks the tank during the spear phase currently. Everything else felt fine in the dungeon so far (stairs are evil though.)
-uldaman’s snake boss and Deios are rough, and I only did them on a +4 so far. I actually almost ran out of mana on my Fistweaver, but I am also not that good of a healer.
-Azure vault overall felt fine.

Since we have a large ilvl jump from s3 to s4 this is to be expected.

guys… you are all blowing stuff out of proportion… Its the 1st day of the season. Most of you havent seen the DF dungeons, or dont remember them.

Of course things are gonna truck… Give it a couple of weeks guys…

You dont need to be instant +10 good enough. You just need to run Heroic Dungeons and practice there.

All your complaints about DF dungeons… know this : Every mechanic can be cheesed with tech and strategy. Unlike revamped dungeons that required brute force.

Once you get the tech, you will see they are EZ compared to those of S3 for example.

Eh, I only had to do like 260k hps there. I’d be able to do that for roughly 3½ minute before mana starts becoming a problem, the fight lasted 2 minutes and 20 seconds.

It is probably a spec thing :slight_smile: When you have to be in melee for healing you lose about 50% of healing potential because of all the movement. Allthough i managed to do ~220k hps on it. But it wasnt enough for +7.

Again; I talked about people who did max +10 in the full season. Not about week 1.

Thats what I mean, if before you only did +10s now you would do +0 with no timers (Which was before +10). So I would say you have a lot of room to practice, as you’re not rushed

blizzard admited it :wink:

they added baseline 11 % to m0 tuning.

so m0 is not like m 8-10 only as +11 :d

add to this 39 itlv jump

and very punishing DF dungeons

and we have what we have :slight_smile:

That’s why I just hit 70 on my rogue, did all world quests and got some solid 460gear and from here onwards I’ll just farm old raids and chill.

Unphased & waiting for TWW.

No you don’t? You need to gear up through HC and then into mythic… Before people were jumping directly into +15s because 4 other people carried them… Your learning curve is still there, its just not called “+8” its called “HC”

Last season I was astonished how so many players were doing 11-15’s without even knowing mechanics… I even had a guy not knowing the way around in Throne of the Tides…

We’re used to being instantly deep into end game from day 1, that now when Blizzard says “Eyo calm down, start learning HC mechanics before doing Mythic dungeons” people go “Erhmagaaawd before I could do +8, now I can’t even get into +2 with my 457ilvl!”