Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - 6 March

it was at the start 60 energy and it was unplayable, the difference about wotlk and classic is

that rogue had more energy reg, and also the talent “overkill” which also increased his energy regeneration after a opener

i mean it is nice, when a class takes effort to play, but keep in mind it´s a two sided sword, u see what happens to feral when devs are trying this type of gameplay

when u nerf a class, because it rewards you TOO much for playing the game it can become useless in other Environments

For example, u want to nerf rogues because of the toolkit and 1v1 + mutilate nerf

what does it mean?

it becomes worse in pve/raid
it will be even more hard to get into pvp content, when u dont have premades
so for solo players it would be even more frustrating

u have to see it for every content, if u nerd rogues because of problem x, it will create a problem in xz

instead of butcher a class, u should nerf, and buff it in the right categories, and if u nerf mutilate, rogue needs a buff in pve. especially when it comes to utility like a grp buff/enemy debuff

this spell caused anyway too many balance issues, i didnt thought they will bring it live in p2 because of this spell other classes will getting a mobility buff too, and it will feel like wotlk/cata and not classic, im not a fan of movement abilitys in classic

no it wasnt, moonkin, bm hunter, was also hardcore crazy in teamfights, same for shadow

u always meta picked, shadows and boomkins in stv event + in bgs, they dominated the bg completely.

they dont balance around 1v1, they most likely balance around grp content/ raids

Depends, it is also situational, especially when u have the opener, u anyway use kidney after your cheap shot in the back of your enemy

too bad, most of the broken heal, and dmg is just an instant with these runes LMAO

or just bring another shadow to your grp fight, who are deleting the oponent even faster by doing pvp

i havent said rogue is bad, but other classes are just better in grp content, especially with unbalanced rune´s .

hm idk, some players yeah, some players dont, have seen many ret´s who keep attention on their healer, and meele bop, heal hoj if a rogues opens on them, and u shut down him pretty quick, when noone heals him, it´s still annoying to play against, but not unplyable, and dont happen that often i have to say, and i am at 200k honor

This warlock change is horrible
why would u turn warlock dps into an rng fiesta more than it already is ?
this would turn warlock dps into a complete /roll
it would literly come down to if you procced or didnt proc the 25% dmg buff
i understand that u are looking for ways to make the runes more competitive but why aren’t you looking into rune of shadowflame instead ? it’s a horrible rune and no1 is using it
it’s literly a blunder of a rune, it deals 54 shadow dmg on cast and 81 more fire dmg over 8 seconds, i mean…what ?
take that rune’s instant dmg, add the entire dot dmg to it aswell, still deals less dmg than a priest’s single tick of void plague
what you can do with rune of synergy is make the proc let’s say 15% and have the damage increase also be at 15%, if you wish to go down that path that is

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There is no point to write anything. They will just simply dont understand it.


maybe dont put martyrdom on divinestorm rune on thea same piece


when it comes to ranged hunter, yes, still the wrong fixes

Maybe we get a Serpent/arcane shot Ap scaling rune in the future

i hope it wont be a rune like “explosive shot dmg is increased by 10%”

maybe they are just Speaking Chinese.

Agreend being fired by Blizzard because 90% of the Playerbase left Sod in Phase 3


With Slaughter of the Shadow that decreased Mutilate down to 40energy in P1, this wasn’t unplayable, also it was better than Backstab which also costs the same in P1. And Mutilate does not have a position requirement unlike backstab, and rewards braindead gameplay with more damage and cp generation. The only reason why it wasn’t as annoying then as it is now, is due to good weapons in P1 that allowed Saber Slash to deal crazy DPS to anyone + you needed Quick Draw for the chest rune in PvP due to lack of abilities.

Vanilla/Classic = 20energy/2s
WoTLK = 1energy/0.1s
WoTLK basically buffed energy so that you didn’t had to wait for energy ticks at all to do other abilities, it’s still the same gain over time just different instances.

Rogues can literally fight up to 3 people at the same time while sapping/blinding 1-2 other targets while deleting 1 person off the face of this planet. It is simply too good in PvP, just like BM and Balance in P1.

Good, allows for other runes to be played, Saber Slash was pretty good in BFD, with a decent weapon it can be good again in Gnomeregan, especially with ferals in your group.

people want rogues, why wouldn’t you want em if they can carry games/events/groupfights. Also 5x rogue stealth grp stv kills anything.

please, it’s a social game.

people just say that yet BM was broken with or without a group, same goes for balance druids. BM hunters literally didn’t had to do anything in PvP fights, and Balance spammed MF/Starsurge/WG from far distances while casting instant casts.
SP wasn’t an issue, the people playing against it were shockingly bad at preventing a caster from actually casting.

priest healers are literally the most meta pick ever in any content, and Blizzard doesn’t seem to understand that having an insane mana to heal conversion in both is a terrible idea.
You have to kill a priest in PvP to take him out, he is not gonna go oom anytime soon unlike the rest of the healing roster, and in PvE you literally didn’t need a brain to play a priest healer, hence you spam Penance and PoM. Yet all what Blizzard did is reduce the healing by 20%, when it should’ve been a mana increase on both PoM/Penance.

They have done so in the past and it has been one of their considerations, hunter would’ve not been nerfed if 1v1 wasn’t a consideration.

Word. The retardness runs so deep you see bis raid characters globalled by green random Joes. It’s beyond the concept of idiocy to the point it becomes offensive to common sense.

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Still no SP nor elem shaman nerf, incredible.

And btw you guys have absolutely no clue how to fix ret, have you ?

Would pay money to see this imbecile fired but sadly won’t happen. He destroyed Classic knowingly from the very beginning, so from my point of view, he deserves whatever karma can bring to him.


I just disarmed an enhancement shaman and ate a 500 lavalash to my face, with him autoattacking with offhand every second hitting 200 to 300 damage.

Meanwhile I critted big time against him, and he only lost half his health before I died.

This is clearly fine in PvP, all the shamans are doing okay with losing a rune to have their tank rune running up at all time.

This is a joke.

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Change the damage to physical too so they can be affected by armour reduction debuffs.

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This rofl why is Shadowflame still absolute trash

it didnt decreased mutilate down to 40 energy, it´s now the same as it was in p1

counts only for ambush, and backstab^^ it was just a backstab rune

in p1 u played Saber Slash everything else was a meme, some rogues like me played Backstab because i like dagger rogue

bruh, u had overkill, and focused attacks

combat had vitality and combat potency

Possible, but dont happen in every scenario, even when u watch pshero, he´s eating :poop: sometimes, when he pick the wrong grp of players

when it comes to classes/ skill

ehhh, some peoples also hate Saber Slash, i would be a fan when everything is viable, and have only a 4-5 dps difference, i just want to play Backstab in pve but ITS TRASH

cuz this game is full of meta slaves, who wants to play full meta even in a 15+ low key in retail wow

also the fact is, Rogue/Ferals need more skill, which means, it is higher chance to get a bad player who dont benefit your grp that much with his kit, so peoples take the more “safe” side

lol, and still 100000 peoples are looking for peoples who wants to join a grp for content xz, because your friends are not available 24/7, and u dont play 24/7 with ur friends, atleast most of them dont, and cant.

Dmg was high to the moon, then these classes where a range class, and had a higher dmg uptime over time.

na i think u play only pve at this point or classic era or something, or trying to troll peoples here

shadow dont even cast mindblast, some priest casted mindspike when they dont know what to do instead because the oponent had already every dot up

some priest cast mby mindblast when nobody is focusing them because of no pusback but dot + swd was enough

sec i can change it

fixed it, how does it sound? stupid right? thanks.

cuz other healers are just too bad, if u nerf disc down. there is no reason to pick a healer up anymore, cuz the dmg is too high. buff other healers like resto druid

they dont, and they will never do it, i feel bad for you, cuz it sounds like, that 1v1 is the main reason why you play this game, and i dont want to break your bubble, but (your) fact is just wrong, and they dont balance around it

they use logs out of Bg´s and Raids.

Well at least it’s something…

Shadowflame is still a meme though. And destruction is still the only viable spec.

True, forgot about it ty

At least get the fact right, the rune reduced Mutilate/Ambush/Backstabs energy cost by 20energy, Mutilate was at 60energy in P1, with this it is 40energy.

Mutilate was viable for PvP, if you ran Slaughter of the Shadows.

If you talented for them in PvP, you didn’t half the time, you played sub or assassination.

pressing CS/Mutilate/BtE/KS is barely any effort, rogues got good enough mobility to do all of that and kill people as a valuable groupmember.

Play against a rogue, I’ll wait, that class is busted and deserves any nerf in PvP, if it affects PvE then it is what it is.

There is more effort playing SP than that, you have to survive long enough for your dots to do their work, some classes can even dispel priests Void Plague, thats literally half their damage gone with the press of a button.
Get dots up, VT for some sustain, hope you don’t get pushbacked into the next dimension, SWD. Enough time for literally any class with a kick to kick a shadow school cast and pack up the SP like it is nothing.
If you want to complain about a class in PvP, complain about rogue who literally eats any non plate alive or Balance with their moonkinform, spellpushback resistence, stackable Wild Growth hot.

What a bad fix to deny the truth of rogue being busted, there is hardly any counterplay against a rogue except relying on people to help you, even then they might not be enough.

You are in denial, hunter was extremely busted in P1 with Scorpid pet and Wind Serpent, they nerfed it. Druids Starsurge range was busted in P1 and they nerfed the range prior to P2, then they nerfed the damage and tried to make Starfire more useful when it didn’t fix much.
There is absolutely 0 reason to keep rogue CC/Damage in PvP as it is in this very moment. Not everything goes off BGs (where literally everyone and their grandma and cousin premaded) and raids.
Hell they thought Mage was “underperforming” when they are one of the strongest DPS in Gnomeregan at this point and basically got free buffs to literally any content, especially free Bloodmoon coins where they press 2-3 buttons, Blink, Mass Regen, Arcane Explosion = Easiest coins.

This is something, but Warrior tanks need more to handle Gnomer at the moment. At least let them use Thunderclap in Defensive stance if they are using the rune for it, what the point of a threat generator if you have to dump to 0 rage to change stance to use it.

This is shaping out to be a short phase for me. No love for ranged hunters. When’s next phase??

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Bro, what are u smoking? NO IT DOESNT it said at the start Does not apply to abilities learned from other runes.

it was in p1 the same as now. it only decrease the energy cost of Backstab, and Ambush

@Shivette Where are you :sob: Tell him mutilate wasnt 40 energy with this rune :sob: i give up

yeah u have no clue about rogue but it´s okay buddy

overkill and focused attacks was a assasination talent… pls stop saying anything about rogue, when u clearly never have played this class

at high rating u also play combat in some comps … glad/r1 elo cuz the meta isnt for sub, and too easy to shut him down with hpaly/warri…

just a kekw moment

“some” yeah pretty many classes can, not lol Priest and Pala can? gg

atleast i spot your main, rogue the only counter to sp, thats why u want him nerfed, have a nice day

fixed it

Cuz of not intentionally scaling Hunter pet Specific Attacks, also Scorpid Poison accidentally got increased by Kill command, what does it mean and what will happen should be self explanatory.

was just 2 outliers, cuz they had a own special attack what was overscaling.

now everyone takes the cat pet, and its doing pretty well because of his high attack speed, and solid sustain dmg

not everyone did.