Send "Proof" and Explain the "Premade"-problem to

What makes you think you’re the only one who knows what’s right or “normal” and what’s not? Do you really think you’re a serious saboteur who can make a difference? You are just one of hundreds of thousands of absolute random players, including “mommy gladiators” for HK which we are grateful for ) You try to show yourself very skillful and experienced player, but still not even able to understand, and most importantly accept the fact that on Ebg there are several options to win, one of which is killing the maximum number of enemies! But how can you understand it, if your goal on pVp battle is not to win over other players but over pVe bosses. You pathetic whiner, I’m ashamed that the horde faction has players like yourself. You better go close your keys, kill some bosses, take flags or sphers or somthing idk and forget about Ebg its not for you.

Leave it to us, the players who enjoy a real mass battle, without wanting it to end instantly!

You don’t get a mass battle though, do you? You generally get one very one sided little scuffle at the start of the BG then that is the PVP pretty much over with till the timer runs out, cos you have no opposition to fight you back. You are the ones that can’t handle EBG’s, as they are set as 5 players max, you can’t handle that so you have to get as many people as you can, as best geared as you can, just so you can handle it… scared little people.

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Oh Snap! :slight_smile:

Oh, my God. I never thought I’d have to explain myself so hard someday, how tight people are. Tell me, do you really think it’s a competitive and fair challenge when on Alterac or even Ashran, players intentionally run past each other and it’s all about who kills the boss first? Is that normal to you? Is that how you want to play on Ebg? And I’m the one you’re trying to accuse of cowardice, I want absolutely nothing to do with you and people like you! How stupid it is to make any claims against players who win and completely dominate in the expectation that they should suddenly stop doing it, just because you don’t like it or don’t suit yourself. I have only one piece of advice for you - right click on your icon and quit Bg

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You wanna wipe your lips lad, cos the crap coming out of your mouth has left a mark

That’s a very intelligent answer. I didn’t expect anything else. You know, we have an old folk wisdom where we come from. “Don’t weave beads in front of pigs.” It’s very appropriate to the current situation, I couldn’t say it better.

Tell your good friend Larkuz to stop evading other premades, you talk about Epic BG being a mode about destroying the opposite, yet somehow you guys, I’m going to assume you’re part of his community… find away to sneak away from possible opposing communities in order to avoid a small % of your loses just to maintain that stuck up ego with your 20+ friends because you guys certainly can’t handle a defeat.

Do the honorable thing and face other premades as it should be, you arrogant hipocrite. :rofl:


And we have a saying here that goes “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen”

You claim you want mass battles but you don’t get them, you’re in the wrong game, if you want organised 40v40 then you simply need to find a game that has that feature, cos this one doesn’t.

Report all rule breakers.

Blizzard restricted grouping to 5 man. If you see people avoiding this restriction, report them.

Thank you.


You have had little fun with 164 honor level on your account, and you only play premades with Larkus for sure, not even with poor Alfredo.

I think something got lost in translation here, I’m guessing it’s from Matthew 7:6 ”Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine”

Because if there’s one thing Jesus was well known for, it’s grouping all the fish into a barrel, then laughing maniacally whilst shooting that barrel repeatedly with all his mates.

You have a clever way of rejecting Gods law in order to uphold your own teaching.
Mark 7:9

Yeah, but the word of Jesus also tells us:

Thou shalt not lament about premades” - Pandora 13:37

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Isn’t Pandora the one that got stoned to death for her heretical teachings?

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And this is why nobody likes you Premades. Take your Farming schemes back to LOL, where it belongs.

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Currently in a Larkus premade in IOC, just called him a tit but he hasn’t responded, I’m just afk in stealth doing nothing for them

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Be careful, these people are sad enough to ask their premade buddies to mass report you.


I spent the vast majority of the game, dancing naked at the docks, until some killjoy hunter killed me, then I spent the rest of the game dancing naked at WS GY… didn’t even get flamed once

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They couldn’t care less if one player does something unproductive. They have such a huge advantage with multiple groups synced and voicechat that they can easily win without your help. They only get salty when you thwart their plans of graveyard camping, because they just want to farm the maximum amount of honorable kills in the cheapest and ironically most dishonorable way possible. One of them explicitly told me to stop capping the GY because he needs his honorable kills achievement and called me “NOOB” in bold face type lmao.

The only epic bg where you can really annoy them is thus probably Alterac.

One day after I uploaded the screenshots of Larkus in Alterac, I had the questionable pleasure to land in a team with them again on the same map. They recognized me and spam reported me as soon as the gates opened. I avoided being kicked again by just fighting all the time. The second I got out of combat, I saw the Idle debuff on me again, and it did nothing, because I was not really afk. Again I capped SP GY and again there was a lot of salt, but they didn’t get rid of me.

So there is no need to be afraid of their pathetic abuse of the report function. You have 2 minutes to get into combat with a player or NPC of the enemy faction, which is always enough.

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I climbed to the very top of The Alliance base in Alterac Valley, far enough to not be seen on the map, but not far enough to be pushed back in and just waited out till the match was done, while the Premades couldn’t even find me or see if I was AFK.