Im beginning to suspect this also. Blizzard wants to please the people that have been playing on pservers. Thats also why they are rushing the content.
This is a big mistake if thats the case. Some have probably played on pservers yes, but thats a small minorty.
The biggest player base of Classic is probably people who played Vanilla, but never touched pservers, and many most probably hate the state of wpvp on the biggest servers.
So why does everyone have to be equal? Some enjoy wpvp but some found out they do not. And the people that do not should now be allowed to tranfser to a PVE server.
You seem to be expecting duels, fairness and 1 vs 1 fights.
It’s World of WARcraft not World of DUELcraft.
Even on PvE servers back in the day, Horde used to get ganked in BGs and whisper to complain about it on a level 1 Alliance “you need 3 people to kill me, waaaaa /cry”
‘Meet me outside ironforge for 1vs 1 noob’ has been a butthurt loser meme since WoW launched.
It’s a branding issue. A lot of drama could have been avoided if Blizzard named PvP something like “griefing enabled” servers instead.
Not just ‘griefing enabled’, ‘griefing rewarded’. That’s the core of the problem.
They should also pop up a warning if you select Alliance, or any class that isn’t a rogue: ‘This selection is not recommended on a GfG (Grief-for-Gear) server, are you really sure you want to continue?’