Like Vulpera ? They were never involved in factions until they decided to get involved in factions (i.e., until devs decided they should be a Horde allied race).
Yes but don’t you feel they took WAY too long to oust Sylvanas? In fact anyone who dared not follow Sylvanas was considered a traitor and persecuted or killed.
They were, in 8.1 when the faction assaults started the Alliance started burning their homes.
Horde players were tasked to save them.
Not any longer than it took to oust Garrosh.
Both destroyed nations, both were ousted.
They just wrapped the Alliance vs Horde storyline because it wasn’t going anywhere and just a carbon copy of MoP, except Azshara was BFA’s “Thunder King.”
And Alliance players were tasked to save the leader of the Devoted Sethrak, Vorrik. He even asked the Alliance to hide one of his keys for him.
I don’t know, I guess I’ll agree to disagree. To me, the Horde reacted way sooner against Garrosh than against Sylvanas. In fact, Sylvanas had way more loyalists than Garrosh, when her actions were worse than Garrosh’s, at least imo.
And where would the night elves be, if they hadn’t joined the faction? Nevermind the Blood Elves, they could have all been Illidari.
The lore states: **Some time later, Vorrik is taken captive by the Faithless who are still attacking the Terrace of the Devoted, but he is quickly rescued by a [Horde] adventurer who arrives at the sanctuary with [Serrik] and the two [Zandalari trolls] [Warguard Rakera]and [Bladeguard Kaja] **
3rd paragraph after the events of Battle for Azeroth.
Yeah, which is why it makes sense for the Sethrak to join either faction. I can definitely foreshadow conflicts between Sethrak and Vulpera to control Voldun’s scattered resources.
Oh! You’re right, sorry, I missed that.
I could argue the Alliance saved his life while the Horde rescued him from being a prisoner. Even though he’s most definitely grateful to both Alliance and Horde, the former action has more weight than the latter. And don’t forget that the Alliance succeeded in hiding his key, while the Horde failed defending his two other keys (which is why Mythrax was summoned).
You might like red vs blue vibes, but I’m done with them.
No more blurred faction conflicts, moving forward for at least the next decade and a half.
Void Expansion:
I’d rather not have Alliance Void Elves invade the new Quel’Thalas starting zones, but instead - hostile Void Elf radicals who have joined Naga/Etherals/Void Uglies to see the Sin’dorei brought down. (Sort of like the Sunhawk forces on Bloodmyst Isle.)
But the end result was still the same.
To be honest, you complain about Nightborne joining the Horde, but then - Sethrak joining the Alliance because of keys…which were going to happen anyway, since it was the Horde and the Sethrak that confronted the Sand Troll.
Unless, their is a divide between them - which I can’t see happening. In my eyes, Sethrak are just a neutral race like the Kyrians of SL. Quest npcs (although the Sethraks are mainly with the Horde, due to being in the Horde Quest-zone), but friendly to Alliance and offer a quest or two.
But, when you get the faction that just focuses on Humans, interesting races like Night Elves, Void Elves, Draenei, Dark Irons, Worgens - they’ve got no chance.
Alliance needs a re-write, otherwise races like Sethrak, who could join the faction, will just be ignored.
Given Sylvanas’ actions, Horde races still go their equal time, in BFA (minus the Mag’har.) Alliance’s story, was all Human with a bit of Night Elf.
Why couldn’t 8.2 story have been Kaldorei/Ren’dorei led? Yes, an elf patch…but it’s Zin-Azshari.
Perfect to combat the Sin’dorei/Shal’dorei Horde lead narrative.
They dont want to work with humans because one person, but they work with orcs that killed thousands of elves and lead Amani to their gates. Makes sense.
I’ve made my case as to why Sethrak is joining anything is not realistic to be equal to Blood elves joining anything according to established lore, the only arguement you countered was the one I said was probably not even the case.
I dont need to countered more arguments because Terran gregory said they add belf to the horde to comfort the Asian public. They could add Sethrak to make alliance more popular.
Who care about the lore?
We got void elves and lightforge in the same faction. And the reason nightborne joined the horde is ridiculous too.
Lore is already broken.
This will never happens because the developers are horde fanboy and have no dedication to the alliance’s lore.
Alliance is only option after vulperas joined horde, specially after one vulpera say “ok lets kill some sethraks” after you get out of cage and select weapon
This is probably the weakest argument, the vulpera that joined the Horde helped the friendly sethrak, even the single most bloodthirsty vulpera Nisha fought alongside the Devoted leader Vorrik and called it an honour.
I think if the sethrak would join the Alliance then it would be through faithless sethrak trying to escape zandalar after they were crushed by the Horde/Devoted/Vulpera team-up.
Except they don’t share a mutual ally. The difference between the Alliance/Horde conflict and the Sethrak/Vulpera conflict is that there is no third party to connect the Horde and Alliance together. The Vulpera and Zandalari are both a part of the Horde and the Faithful Sethrak have every reason to join them, especially after the Alliance began assaulting Zandalar and Sethraliss attended Talanji’s coronation.
Yes the Alliance helped the Sethrak too, but afterwards they assaulted Zuldazar and literally began burning down Vulpera camps for no reason. To Vorrik you would just look like warmongers.
It’s only mentioned that Korthek’s empire enslaved Vulpera. The entire point of the Faithful Sethrak as an organisation is breaking away from that empire and returning to their original traditions. This is a theme that’s way more common in Horde races.
It just makes more sense to put the Sethrak in the horde with the current state of the narrative. To put them in the Alliance you would need much more story development, because there is no definitive reason for the Sethrak to join the Alliance and go to war against the Horde.