Ah so you’re just trolling, and here I actually made a serious reply correcting you about the relationship between Kiro’s caravan and the devoted, and replied with my vision of how the sethrak could join the Alliance.
If you only consider the Devoted as an option then sure, but as I said in an earlier post a group of the faithless could in theory join up with the Alliance since they were broken by the Horde/Devoted/vulpera. And we’ve seen some faithless voice their wish of seeing the world, they maybe could try to escape Zandalar and Umbric would see an opportunity in them since he was interested in their magic back in Vol’dun.
Whilst Sethrak could be fun (And I don’t even care which Faction gets them, I play both anyway!) and I would definitely roll one, they uhh, well, a female Sethrak is gonna look the same as a male Sethrak, surely?
I mean they lay eggs…so don’t do the whole breastfeeding their young thing, so uhh, they wouldn’t have ladybumps, and would have the same downstairs plumbing as a male, a Cloaca, like…you know, Naga and Snakes in our real world.
I mean sure you’d -have- male and female Sethrak, but probably only they would be able to tell the difference.
No, I have no idea why female Naga wear bras and have lady bumps -unless- they were the original ones converted from Night Elves to Naga, that could make sense.
Sethrak however just…err…it makes no sense…
If the Sethrak were Alliance playable they would probably have to relocate, part of the terms of the end of the Fourth War was that the Alliance withdrew all their presence from Zuldazar (Even the losing side gets to ask for concessions in an armistice) Tanaris would probably be a pleasing fit for them, or maybe just no home at all, like the Vulpera leadership in Orgrimmar.
There is so much wrong with this statement that it is untrue…
Bit more complex than that though, wasn’t it? By a bit, I mean a lot.
Oddly, both were refreshing things to see. Actually playing Undead was a bold move of Blizzard, and playing Elves from actual Myth and Legend, rather than Tolkien was also a bold move.
Probably because if you actually look at it, the Vulpera are basically slightly less venal Goblins, and use the same Skeleton model, and the Mechagnomes are a new thing, in terms of being cyborgs, yet using the Gnome Skeleton model. They’re kind of a direct contrast.
Both factions got some good and some bad. “Whoohoo, We now have Tauren who learned how to do facepainting and double up as novelty coatracks”
Yeah, He was a Neutral, and yeah, I heard that about the VA, I hope he hung on long enough to see his last role make it into a game.
Ermm…The Nightborne weren’t there… I mean apart from Lorash Sunbeam nor were the Blood Elves, and Lorash was a freelance mercenary, not representing Quel’thalas.
Umm, they buddied up with one set of foreigners who were buddies with their trading partners, and then a new set of foreigners started attacking their people because of who they traded with.
Makes perfect sense to me. Look at the history of the USA when the ‘white man’ arrived.
Never say something doesn’t make sense if it has actually -happened- in reality…
Actually, you do. He said “I vaguely remember, I think…there was a survey, we might have done some market research, I’m not sure where”
I mean if someone says ‘vaguely’ ‘I think’, ‘might’ and ‘I’m not sure where’ I’m not exactly inclined to take their words as definite.
Also “Company does Market Research, gets positive results, decides to implement the results!” Surprised no one ever since the start of businesses over the last few thousand years.
You’ve got a point with Void Elves and Lightforged, they make no sense being in the same faction, I completely dig that, the Nightborne thing is a bit more complex than the usual whinge of “Only because Tyrande was mean to her” Which just completely ignores the lore of what actually went down.
People who play an MMORPG as an MMORPG?
Ahhh, there we go! Now we see the level of argument… Yeah, sure, they all totally are, absolutely. My Uncle works at Blizzard, and some Human male paladin poster seems to know the facts, apparently it is 96.4% of the developers who are Horde. Exactly that, 96.4%, that is the precise figure they stated on this very forum.
How much of a unit do you think Garithos was? He could singlehandedly arrest an Archmage and their entire army all on his own could he? Not a single other human? Just him on his own?
Get real, it was the troops of Lordaeron under his command. And then the ones of Dalaran who were complicit. Sounds a lot like two kingdoms of humans, not just one man with an inhuman chin.
blinks You’re posting from a carbon copy Horde race, forgive me if I doubt that…
But yes, Let us agree on this vision of Gloriousness.
Sethrak for the Alliance, and Gnolls for the Horde !
Personally I don’t see why they would add a race that will be even less played then diaper gnomes just delete the fake elves aka void elves and give us high elves blizzard oh and demote Ion the lier
Nuh uh. Sethrak would be SO DARN POPULAR. Sethrak are one of the best races we could ever receive as a playable option. Heck I’d even sacrifice it to the Horde if I had to choose between Horde Sethrak or no Sethrak.
one thing I vaguely remember was that Blood Elves were based on a STRONG request from a poll of asian players (either korean or chinese - I can’t remember which was live at that point) - where many remarked on the horde side that they and their girlfriends wanted a non-creepy femme race to play
Nice try…
Well, every know developer is horde… includes Mike Ybarra.
Garithos was just a marshal that takes control of some troops during a time of anarchy. he don’t represent the whole alliance.
The hight elves losses against the orcs and trolls were massives.
This entire discussion was a fun read. But no, the only way sethrakk would join Alliance would be the faithless.
Vorrik/Vorikk and his people have no reason to join the alliance what-so-ever. Especially since they are allied with the Vulpera that the horde helped. The same vulpera that the alliance attacked
Au Contraire I was making a joke about the models (Which -were- created for Blood Elves, I still have nightmares about the original Thalassian models )
Sethrak would indeed be awesome, whoever gets them.
One criticism people often level against the idea is that they would look ridiculous in helmets (Which in fairness, is true)
However, we already have plenty of races where they can wear the armour and get the benefits to a location (Both sets of Draenei, Both sets of Tauren, Both sets of Trolls etc) whilst the location itself is invisible on the model.
So why couldn’t they simply make head armour invisible on Sethrak as default?
“Ahh but what about if I want my Sethrak to have an eyepatch?” I hear. Well, that’s why you toggle ‘Helm on/off’ with 'off as the default. Everyone’s happy.
So basically he does only Vaguely remember, and they had done the Market Research, they aren’t sure which country (fair enough) and the feedback was that they wanted a less brutal/better looking as a femme race to play?
For a start, lets not pretend market research isn’t something businesses do constantly (If we’re lucky they might actually listen once in a while… )
If the poll was ‘a non-creepy femme race’ then that isn’t the same as ‘we want Blood Elves’. Me saying “I want a car” is not the same as me saying “I want an Aston Martin”.
You see what I mean, the request was for a particular type of race, Blizz thought about it and went "Well, we haven’t done anything with Quel’thalas in game yet, and the Blood Elves are really not likely to be chums with the Alliance, so maybe if the Alliance gave them one more grievance it might drive them into the Horde.
Remember, they didn’t just shoehorn them in, they started off as Neutral Rep to all Horde races bar Forsaken, We see the reason, the last provocation, and they make their decision.
They could have just went “Yeah Blood Elves start off Friendly to all Horde races just because…”
So? Some people do play both? I know I do. Besides even if they did only play Horde, which I highly doubt, I mean I really do doubt, That doesn’t automatically have to make you partisan. Case in point, I’m English. One of my favourite films ever is ‘Das Boot’. When I’m watching that I’m rooting for the crew of the U-96 to survive against the enemy. Who are the English.
You can be one thing but like other things as well, or should I have not cared about these deep characters and their trials and horrors simply because the faceless enemy ‘played’ the same nationality as me?
Also, lets remember the time when everyone and their maiden aunt claimed Horde Bias because Chris Metzen was the Voice Actor for Thrall. Y’know, the guy everyone chose to forget was -also- the VA for Varian Wrynn. The guy whose favoured main was (Possibly still is) a Human Male Paladin.
People get very eager to jump to conclusions. Sometimes ones that have no basis in fact.
OK, for a start, those Trolls were Amani. Amani are not in the Horde. Heck, at the time the Tauren and Darkspear weren’t even in the Horde.
We know the Orcs did a heck tonne of damage. We also know they lost that War, famously so. The Orcs even were so brutalised they retreated from Quel’thalas, leaving the Amani alone. Elven losses would have been heavy, but they were victorious.
Then the Scourge. Now -that- was the Elves getting brutalised. Lordaeron also was devastated but at least had someone who was recognised as the de facto Ruler of what forces remained to Lordaeron and the Alliance of Lordaeron forces.
People always go “Othmar was just one man” They should check out the entry for Othmar Garithos, the one with all the Blizz links and sources.
Seeing the current state of the alliance faction in game, the little originality they have with this faction, the poor lore and the tremendous cliché, I would say they actually are. The alliance is the filler faction for them.
They attacked quel’thalas with the help of Orcs. Orcs destroyed the stones that avoid the enemy magic powers in elf territories. They are responsible for the largest slaughter of elves before the scourge.
It continues to be a fanservice…
Realm of stormwind, ironforge, gnomeregan has nothing to do with Garithos, while the actual orcs are the survivors of second war and the ones that swept Quel’thalas, the same ones who were willing to exterminate the elves to get the help of the amani against the humans.
If they are at enmity with the alliance because of what Garithos did, which was less than what the horde did, what’s the sense of joining the horde?
Accept it. Blood elves in the horde was just a fanservice.
Some of you can’t stand the idea of introducing cool races (Setthrak) into the alliance.
It seems the alliance can only be human like races (And horse mounts, ofc), for blizzard and for people as you. And for this reason Alliance has always been the least popular faction since TBC, until it reached a serious depopulation.
Gul’dan tried to burn quel’thalas to the ground and still you joined his Horde and blame all of the alliance for the actions of one man pretty pitiful brig
who was later upset with the horde for inviting the blood elves to join feeling the horde betrayed them and broke their promise and their right the horde stabbed the Amani in the back like the honorless dogs they are
Definitely, Blizzard should come up with a new story or excuse to introduce Setthrak to the alliance and thus give greater variety and popularity to this dead faction.
Worse excuses have been invented to introduce elves (Nightborne or Sindorei) into the horde.
Alliance needs a cool race that is no longer human.
but don’t you see high priestess tyrande said mean words to the first arcanist like calling them out on their cowardice and being pawns of the fallen queen and doubting their commitment to the future of azeroth and she was clearly totally right they folded like a deck of cards on their promise to be better people and joined Team Evil
I take it you missed the earlier post where I said Sethrak in the Alliance would be pretty cool?
Look up ‘Othmar Garithos’ on wowpedia, the one with all the canon links and sources.
One man?
Sure it was.
That’s as pathetic as saying that Taurajo was a War Crime.
Umm…You sure about that? They were part of Garithos’ armies too you know, and recognised him as the de facto leader of Lordaeron…
Well, there is that whole matter of Alliance troops (Kaldorei) invading Quel’thalas and trying to seize the three locations with the moonstones, to form the moon key. You know, the thing Arthas used to break into Quel’thalas (With the assistance of a High Elf traitor). I mean given how racently led to the destruction of 90% of their people I can see that annoying them, can’t you? Especially as they were Neutral to the Alliance (and everyone) at the time.
Yeah, and then went “Actually blow this for a game of soldiers” and pulled his Orcs out…
I love this about some Partisan fans.
Any reason for a race to join the Horde is either fan service, or bad writing.
Void Elves and Lightforged Dranei being in the same faction however? This is totally cool. Totally makes sense. Sure.
People in Glass Houses and all that.
Anyway, back on track, what did you think of my previous idea as to how to get of the ‘helmet’ problem for Alliance Sethrak?
He just pulled his orcs out because they weren’t getting the results they expected. That does not detract from his intention to annihilate the elves to get the help of the Amani.
I told that up answering to that guy that said there’s no reason to put Setthrak on alliance. The funny thing is we never asked for void elves or lightforged.
Don’t you remember???
They could make an excuse like this to make Setthrak join in the alliance.
Something like the Vulpera, getting some payback against all Sethrak because of the ones that -did- enslave them, so raiding Sethrak settlements?
That could actually work. For every Kiro, who seems very level headed and reasonable, there is a Nisha, whose response is more stabby stabby.
All it would take is some warlike Vulpera to unite the caravans and pursue mistaken aggression. The Sethrak obviously would be in a bad place, having to contend then with an angry Vulpera warlord and their desert raiders, and the Zandalari further south, now allied to the Horde.
That would be one way that could work out, the Sethrak are forced into joining the Alliance for their own self-preservation…