So there’s nothing more to discuss. We are agree with that.
Sethrak for alliance!!
I always agreed Sethrak for Alliance would be cool, I’d definitely play one. Now I just want Gnolls for the Horde
This this thisssss
I added Brigante’s idea to the OP, hopefully Blizzard reads it!
Sethrak are Horde coded. You are just jealous because Blizzard knows that the Horde is the better faction for actual cool races. Stay salty alliance vermin.
Yes, and the smartest ones, especially you.
Horde gets anything nice.
Alliance scum: “REEEEEEEE!”
Umh…most allied races could easily pass as a customization option for existing races.
Snake head humanoids ain’t exactly reaching for high quality design either. By all means the alliance can have them,i would hate to see those running around horde cities.
This topic has been covered before. IF the Sethrakk is to be added as a playable race, there’s a good 90% + chance it’ll go to the horde cause the Alliance has no connection to the Sethrakk at all.
Here’s Wowhead for you
Potential for Alliance Faction
Currently, the sethrak are being utilized similarly to the Nightborne, with no heavy bias towards either faction. However, the quests are not identical between the two factions. There’s some subtle differences that are worth mentioning, which indicate a slight Alliance bias.
While I believe that Sethrak is a possibility for the Alliance, I don’t think that guide you linked is relevant at the current time. First off I must say that anyone can write guides on Wowhead so it’s not anything official from that site.
The second is that it was written during the BFA beta before release where we didn’t have all the info on even the launch of the expansion.
The third is that it’s very speculative, mainly main points hinging on things that played out differently during the expansion and that they would be the AR released alongside the vulpera and that the vulpera can not be allies to the Devoted. But it is also downplaying things the Horde did for the devoted.
“while the Horde are helping more as a consequence of helping the vulpera.”
This is not really true as while the Horde player met the vulpera first, they don’t hesitate to help the devoted out once they meet them, and the vulpera are not present at the same time as the devoted unless at the very beginning with Serrik, or at the end where they work together against Korthek.
Unfortunately, the second half of the Alliance war campaign for Vol’dun does not involve the sethrak. So far however, the Alliance has not come across a single vulpera as part of their main questline. Just Faithless and Devoted sethrak.
the two Keystones are taken along with the Horde NPCs, Serrik is slain, and then Mythrax is summoned. Because of this timeline, the Devoted could potentially resent the Horde’s failure to help prevent this outcome, and the Alliance could step in to provide aid in restoring the Devoted faction to power.
I’m not sure how to approach this one, the Horde helped Vorrik execute Vorriks own plan and managed to defeat Korthek by teaming up with Kiro’s caravan. And the two guards left behind at the terrace with the remaining devoted were willing to give their life and would have done so to protect and attempt to get back the keystones unless the player came.
I can not see how Vorrik would be mad about this.
Not to mention to finish it off Sethraliss was saved by the Horde as well, the loa the devoted are extremely, well devoted to.
This guide also does not mention as it was written so early that the Horde killed G’huun and Mythrax, or that sethrak NPCs in the form of a priest and a merchant appear in Dazar’alor after these events. And that Sethraliss and the priest are present at Talanji’s coronation.
Another spanner in the plan of having the Alliance restore the devoted is that the Alliance is currently in the story not active in Zandalar, by the end of the war a part of the treaty was that they had to leave Zandalar fully and give up any footholds they made there and they’re not allowed to set foot unless permitted which is why it was such a big deal that Shaw sneaked into the continent during the book Shadow’s rising.
These are just some of my issues with that user-written guide. And it sums up why I don’t think the Devoted sethrak would work, however the faithless on the other hand…
First off, there’s no such thing as “official Wowhead” - this is endorsed by Wowhead nonetheless. Not that it matters though, this argument does not counter the validity of the arguments set in favor of playable Sethrak for the Alliance. It’s a strawman argument at best.
No, it includes all of BFA’s updates, as it contains several edits. It still maintains there is a slight bias towards the Alliance.
Of course it is - everything is speculative when it comes to new potential playable races.
10 years ago absolutely nobody would have believed you saying the Alliance would get a Void-corrupted version of High Elves while the Horde would get an Arcane-corrupted version of Highborne Night Elves.
The literal start says that it’s based on BfA Beta build 27026. And the last edit to the guide is 2018/07/09, not even a month from when the guide was published and at a time where BFA was also not yet released.
The speculation is fine and it’s generally a well-written speculation of it’s time, but I already explained that it mainly speculates about plot points that would happen during BFA, and BFA has come and gone and none of that happened. If someone speculated about Highborne back in tbc using some dire maul plot points and having them join the blood elves as well etc, it would have little relevance if we were approaching the last patch of WOTLK with little to no of the plot points they speculated about didn’t happen.
Sure it could happen down the line with other plot points, but then it has very little relation to the prior speculation.
Wowhead does not necessarily endorse all the user-made content on their website, unless they explicitly sticky it or endorse it in some other way, the same way as with comments, this guide had no such approval from the higher-ups.
What made me react in your earlier post was that I read your earlier post like that since it’s posted on wowhead, then it must be true. And I don’t agree with that when it comes to user-created content. Still this would not be a problem if the arguments the author actually held weight, but I think I explained them properly earlier.
yess blizzard please make Sethrak a race to play as
and there is 2 empty allied race box`s left to make it a full set for both
Sethrak would fit one box we need another allied race after that
Sethrak for Horde. Alliance stop trying to steal OUR stuff. You are not welcome. If you are blue you are going down.
blue team need naga on their side then then its a fight between sea snake vs land snake
Why fight?
Sethrak would work as an Allied Race for the Alliance while Naga would work as a core race for the Alliance.
Horde can have Gilgoblins (AR) and Ogres (core race).
Most players happy!
We already have a short allied race. Give Sethrak to the Horde then the Alliance can have Ankoan. That way things are fair.
Setthrak are more popular than Ankoan. Give more reasons to player to going to the horde it is not a possible option.