Sexism, ANTI-LGBTQ+ and Skin-Based Racism has no place in RP in 2021

I wasn’t even aware that such mods exist.

True, they were just very poorly implemented. I’d argue that people on Azeroth don’t see the difference. I treat them as if they’ve always been there.


This really. Its basically just how people look and should be treated that way. Like any other appearances thing like hair etc.

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The dark skin tone option for humans, gnomes, dwarves and blood/void elves literally changes nothing. It’s just a customization feature just like the other tones.

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They’re not really authorized, someone mentioned you can get banned for using them. My spicy opinion: your game license, do what you want. But since they’re super sexual, the content of the RP is 99.9% going to be sexual which is not fine (and should at the very least be taken outside of game).

Yes. I’d also say they have the same viewpoints on LGBTQ+ ppl too. I assume that’s what Danuser meant with his quote.

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With apocalyptic events and invasions happening yearly, People got better things to worry about than who the neighbour is dating.

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Good to know. For me it means that i just rather hear facts then feelings cause ultimetly with feelings you could justify anything and you can change your opinion to what ever you like. Facts are consistant and therefor more valuable to me.

Honestly i have always seen those charakter of brown toned do to the sun rather then actuall black. The asian face back in Classic i do remember but since humans in WoW are so heavily and clearly inspired by the European middle ages i just figured they removed it because it ultimetly didnt fit the theme WoW had with humans.

Again i’m not saying that its wrong that those charakters aren now represented i just again say Blizzard did a poor job of introducing them. It looked like just a political move instead of a extension of the story. Thats probably the reason why the redcon is bugging me. Simply because its a redcon instead of taking the opportunity and further elaborate on the story. I gues i’m just salty that we don’t get some African or Asia inspired kingdoms.

But i didnt mean it in that way and i clearly explained that is a general thing i don’t like when peoiple overmention stuff. Its just something that i know from experience tends to happen with some of those charakters. I’m not saying those people have bad intentions or even realise that they are doing it some times.

I love my gay unicorn follower and his name wont be slandered here! If i want to complain about a bad gay couple it would be finn and shaw since finn spend his entire existanz crushing over talia and then out of the blue changed his orientation.

iT’s tHe gAyS whO cAusE tHesE caTAclYsmIC eVenTs !!!


From what a developer said on the subject shortly after they came out, that’s exactly what the case is lore wise. There’s no rhyme or reason to how skin tones came to be, they just did. And always were. So it shouldn’t be a problem when it comes to RP at all.

From an OOC standpoint, and I might be wrong on this one because I’m a newer player by comparison, but didn’t Humans have darker skin tones before the model rework in Warlords anyway? I seem to vaguely recall seeing very old screenshots and hearing an uproar over them being removed.


This doesnt really work though when said “facts” are still just opinions.

Also personal opinion here, but emotions mean everything and to completly coldly disregard others feelings because “my facts” means the person is either a robot or just kinda crappy.

Being nice isnt a bad thing.


They weren’t “introduced”. You could always make a black character and there have always been black NPCs.

Yep, I had a black character back in those days, and I was pretty annoyed when she suddenly wasn’t black anymore. From that point on she looked as if she played a role in Geordie Shore. A weird change that was.


Ah, yes. Dalaran, Kul Tiras, Gilneas, even Stormwind with its armadas of flying gunships, modern cannon, rifles and ranks upon ranks of plate clad footmen without even the faintest sign of any feudalism. Very middle ages, all of it.


No, you assume they are.


Facts are not always facts either. To actually see facts, you need to see sources, in statistical terms (graphics etc) also how they’re manipulated and so on. In many cases, just stating or relying on facts also does nothing. It’s a very non-statement, but saying that feelings don’t matter can potentially completely devalue someone’s personal experiences.

For example: fact - LGBTQ+ characters do not overmention their identity as a general rule. Feeling - your personal experience of a few who have done so.

In many cases, inclusivity is often viewed as a political move, even when it’s not. Tracer’s sexuality in Overwatch got a lot of flak, even though I thought it was written pretty well. Simply adding more customization skins is not really a political move. It’s also founded by lore and story, for all of them.

Azeroth is not an European middle age story though. It’s not tied to European stories at all. So there are no kingdoms, but inspirations can be seen in Tanaris/Uldum, and the entirety of Pandaria really.

Yes, I know you didn’t mean it that way, but I’m hoping to get it across why it sounded that way or why people react as they did.

However, I ask you to consider this now - how many cases did you actually see? How often did you experience players like this? 5, 10?

They are not a majority of players, and are not a reflection of how everyone acts. Mentioning that a few do something wrong and projecting it onto an entire group is flawed, because what you experienced doesn’t really happen.

Fairshaw is a good couple though. You do know that bisexuals exist, right?


No… my heart…

Still doesnt explain why he certainly dropped his feelings for talia.

I’m not gonna debate you if knights,the archytecture,the Cathedrals, the British touch to Gilneas and all that are actually a thing or not.

Someone does not know the difference between the Word “inspired” and “copied”. MoP is an Asian inspired expansion. Not a copy of asia and the real world.

I never sayed that it was a general rule. I never sayed that it was a majority of those people doing it. I sayed a lot of people are doing it. I also agreed that a lot of people play it absolutly fine and don’t go overboard with it.

It seems like i have to mention again that all i say is that there are troublemakers on both sides and i just feel like often LGBTQ+ people don’t wanna admit that they have some foul eggs to and its not always the others fault.

She could have turned him down, or they wanted to be friends. Or it was just a crush and he fell in love with shaw. Crushing is a thing as well.


So where are they inspired memelord?:slight_smile: Share your wisdom. What is the biggest influence the Humans in WoW resemble? Next you gonna tell me the Vyr’kul are not inspired by North Mythology?

I don’t know, human race maybe?

Edit: Humans have the most basic fantasy setting ever. Gilneas and Kul tiras being diversions of it.

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“Heavily” and “clearly” inspired by the Middle Ages. What’s Medieval about Kul Tiras, about Gilneas? Or Dalaran, for that matter. Stormwind too.

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