Shadow Priest feedback so far

Because you don’t have to raid mythic or M+ to have an opinion about a gameplay. A spec should be working properly in all the content the game has to offer. To be optimal? No. To be fluid to play and enjoyable? Yes. If a spec needs cutting-edge late expansion gear to feel good to play, it’s badly designed. While I agree talking out of your *** while not playing spriest about a spriest issue is obnoxious, even the most casual player have a valid opinion on how the class feels. Again, we’re not talking about performance because it should be compared in a flawless execution, but gameplay? You don’t need to be 2200 or raid Mythic to realize that you don’t like the ramp-up mechanic, that you don’t like the rigidity of VF or that you like using VE and unleashing a lot of AE damage and that you like that race and tension for higher stacks.


I do not know, I feel like you are doing this on purpose to just “argue” … Read again what I wrote. Please. I won’t comment more on that.
What I’m gonna say is; the reasoning from official post as why to Void Form was removed was that it “did not perform in the RAIDS as people wanted to” … So obviously, raiding has something to do with it.
I said there’s nothing wrong with not liking it, but it should have good enough reason or background argument to support WHY VOID FORM WAS “BAD” …
You yourself most likely tried it once or twice, else you would not be throwing these arguments here, because you are twisting things too much, really.

Hard disagree

Shadow could perform perfectly fine in M+ in BFA. Once stats starting to align and u got those big Powers from ur Azerite pieces Shadow could do heaps of damage in M+.

the thing is however. Shadow doesnt bring alot of utility and things also it required a tank to pull around the priest to maximise its damage (but so does fire mage. even tho thats regularly applauded).

im sorry but Void form was Viable. regardless to which model u enjoy more or even if u hated void form, it isnt really true to say it wasnt doable.

but this is basically saying “void forms bad because its Execution was bad”. someone can be angry at the fact instead of investing time and making the specc work in all enviroments thjey shortcut Just pulled the plug entirely.

P.S I like SL Shadow. this isnt some sorta “bias attempt at convincing”. they could have put a Talent in which changes void form in some way to fit Open world Content. not gonna say if it should or shouldnt of been removed. but i dont think ur argument is a Solid one really.

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I was talking about Legion voidform. I probably had to point my comparison out.

I totally agree with shadowpriest in bfa being absolutely viable, which also was not seen by many people. It was definitely a fun playstyle. Back in bfa i thought the meta stacking was a big thing but it was definitely nothing compared to now. Ive seen so many comps stomping high keys which was better for the player base. Toxic level today is crazy.

I know there are still ppl telling legion was fine but it was not. They really fixed a point in bfa even with no corruption gear.

But i also really like the new SP, especially the SFP playstyle became a solid option even in raiding.

Shadow damage right now in dungeons is absolute joke. The play style and execution is just awful. Searing Nightmare is … Well, it is what it is.
In BFA, even though people dislike to admit it, Shadow was an exceptional DPS in higher keys, the ramp up and multi-dot for fortified and boss damage for tyrannical was there. It was completely fine as it was. I myself prefer Legion version of Shadow Priest (Antorus, not Emerald Nightmare), because at was at the peak and was far stronger than Shadow in BFA, but BFA was still really good.
I do not know where you heard that Legion Shadow was bad, but that’s absolutely no true. In fact, Legion was always better than BFA one. BFA Shadow was later “fixed” in 8.2 patch and from there, it became great again up until the rework. Shadow in Legion was always good and always viable.

Regarding the utility - Shadow has good utility, but it does not have what is meta and what people crave, and that is BL and battle ress. It has Mass Dispell, AoE heal, shields, Mind Sooth and again, was always good for boss fights. That is still the case, but it underperforms a lot on fortified weeks because Searing Nightmare and any “aoe and cleave” builds are just a joke.
Void Form Shadow was very good because it was so strong at multi-dotting, but even that is not the case anymore, it’s just not there.

I seriously regret and miss old Void Form very, very much. I do understand that some people did not like it and did not enjoy it, but at the same time, I’m very surprised how many people are satisfiyed with Shadowlands Shadow version, because it is really terrible. It had some potential, but that went to waste very quickly and as I stated in my post above, it’s popularity is going down very fast and people are realising that all of the sudden, Legion and BFA Shadow Priest was not SO bad as they thought.

Regardless, people pushed for the rework and we unfortunately have it and now you see many to regret that they pushed for it.

The only thing we can do is to prove that Void Form was good and unique mechanic and it was viable. Because it was.
I want nothing more than people being able to choose between Void Form and whatever builder / spender there is, but getting completely rid of Void Form like that was utter and terrible mistake.
Just gotta hope that one day, they will bring it back, I really do hope they will.


Ye idk. In terms of raiding i loved the most Legion version of shadow.

For m+ the most fun ive ever had in dungeons was in bfa s4 in decked corruption stat amp gear.

And for pvp i liked the most wod version…sl is also nice but you need mindgames…and i have chosen wrong covenant and seriously cba rerolling it.

For shadowlands i feel like we are again in the sluggish boring bhase of expansion start where without gear and high enough stats…shafow just feel…bad.


Yeah, agreed.

So all I got from reading this post and comments is, y’all a bunch of number elitists, numbers had nothing to do with the massive amount of hate the spec got, but how it felt… how the spec felt overall is what got the masses to voice their meaning

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You should maybe visit a doctor to check you eyes…ppl that said they like legion or bfa sp said so because it was fun for us…it felt fun and rewarding. …

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This proves that you just did not read even half of what is written here, else you would not say that really.
It was said here why the spec received the “hate” … Of course, you are one of those that supported the rework I assume, so you would not even understand / listen, so your statement here is very pointless, why do you even bother …
Call people elitists if you must, but your knowledge is obviously very low on this subject, else you would not really say what you just said.

In the great forum wars many if not most of those pro old voidform kept stating numbers was what made it fun (numbers primarily gained from almost all raid encounters that was designed in a way that heavily favored shadow). And yea you’re right I only read the first 20 comments and that gave me a clear enough picture, seeing as numbers was some way insinuated to in most of them.

True but that was primarily because pre legion shadow felt a lot better, and due to the fact that we got a mechanic from Demo locks that never worked for them, then why should it work for us? and then last but not least the spec relied way way way to much on borrowed power and stats compared to other classes

See and this is what I meant by people coming up with arguments that are not true … I’m not gonna bother explaining, you have your truth, so whatever.
You see you believe something that is not even true in the first place, but just because you heard it somewhere, you automatically assume it is true, while in reality, it is not.

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I really just made a similar post and did not know this thread exists already :sneezing_face: Is there any chance we could rally to bring voidform back this or next expansion =((((( I just want the ghostly army back, they really create the most iconic theme and playstyle and just give it all up… I’m heart broken.

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Considering how much effort it took to make them rework it for shadowlands…even though it was worst spec in the game that just plain simple didnt work…we had to rally up and b:tch on forums, on youtube, wowhead etc to make them do something about it…

It was so :poop: that its mindblowing that we had to tell them.

Thats why i think theres 0% chance they will revert it back…especialy this xpack.

As much as I liked the theme of the BFA spriests (with AS and COI) it was just way to susceptible when getting hit by mechanics or phases where you did not have a target to constantly hit. In the end it caused more frustration than joy. The new iteration is slightly better but still has its issues.


It used to be a glas-canon. Now It’s only glas. For pvp don’t even try. It’s boring. And you will be prio target for everyone. Just like 9 first months in legion - you do no damage.

This void form is beyond boring. If you play shadowpriest this expansion you do it because you are a masochist.


Ive stopped raiding now, so my experience with shadow in shadowlands has been mostly questing/pvp, where the difference doesnt feel as big. But the rotation in general feels awful. The thought of raiding as a shadow priest now makes me feel ill :nauseated_face:


My idea would be to merge both aspects of legion and shadowlands. Iv’e already did a post on this so i won’t repeat myself.

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Felt the same. The changes will be hard to get used too. The change were jarring to me.

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Idk guys, my first expansion ever playing shadow and having alot fun. Feels really rewarding, single target is out of the world, and doing m+ feels very engaging, since i found it quite challenging to learn a proper way to pump high overall dps. Played mm hunt back in legion and the level of complexity to achieve good dps for trash fights as priest is uncomparable.