Shadow Priest feedback so far

I last played Shadow Priest in Cata before I went Holy Paladin. I thought for Shadowlands… you know what I really enjoyed Shadow - I think i’ll play it.

What a massive mistake that was. My DPS is in the low end every fight. Granted, I did have to take a two month break because of ill health and my gear is behind. I don’t think I’ve got an ideal itemisation. I’m actually really struggling right now.

What I find the most daunting however, is how to fix this. Having just come back and my last keys being 5s and 7s, I can get into 10’s with guild but no one really needs them now and when I do manage to form a group no loot drops and there isn’t alot of content for me to go through where I can really practice and get better at this crap because no one wants to log in between raids.

Stupidly, I just subbed for 6 months because I came back from being in the hospital thinking I would play wow to take my mind off things… what a mistake. I am so angry that I can’t even unsub from this crap.

I know there are some really good shadow priest out there (I’m not one of them) and kudos to them for figuring this crap out. However, I can’t help but wonder why Blizzard ignore this crap. Is this now just a game for the elite, is this the intention. I use to really enjoy the game and progressed quite far in previous expansions as a holy paladin. This shadow priest nonsense however, I just can’t see a way to improve.

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Old shadow priest was before legion. That’s what people actually miss. Nobody missing void form, except you.


What an ignorant statement…just read this topic…


There are many posts about this - not only here, but on reddit, Twitter, youtube, in-game etc. … so there’s many people wanting the Void Form playstyle back, don’t worry.

I highly disagree on that. There was hardly any “effort” on this rework there’s now, and you can tell by far.
I do agree though that there were many videos on youtube, postson the forums and reddit to change it - albeit from people that hardly understood the class or played it. They did this rework because, as you say, people never stopped crying, so they just caved to the group of people to silence them and did not think it through. But the whole situation escalated into an ugly matter and people stopped respecting each other’s opinion - those who wanted Void Form to be gone were mostly very ignorant, mean and arrogant to the point where they basically “forced” Blizzard to come up with this “last second” rework we have.

Yeah, I totally understand. I’m at the brink at the moment - if next tier is not gonna fix the issue Shadow Priest has right now (I have listed them above), I will most likely quit aswell.

I totally agree. Give people both options so everyone is happy. It would require some effort, but it is doable.

Feels like replying to your statement is a waste of time, seriously. Your ignorance is beyond my understanding …

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Yup. It was realy bad…god forbid if you said something in the lines of “i do like voidform”…they made a witch hunt on you.

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I wonder which discord channel class mod was running down the old SP…
Then is straight in here posting and arguing with ppl who liked the old VF.

Yeah, exactly, it was terrible and extremely topic.

What do you mean exactly?

Oh I’m so happy this thread surfaced.

And I’m even happier bfa shadow is gone.

Let it rest, it was abused enough.

Dont worry about it, me just ranting. Its not important. Just enjoy your thread. If you like or dislike the changes. Its a subjective position you can have and not have to fight to defend. Feel free to like or dislike VF as much as you like.

I’m quite sure that I know what you are refering to or to who, but asked just in case …
That being said - there is one specific Discord and members of it that did have something to do with the “rework” we have now, yes.

In regards of defending my stance - I have to defend it, because believe false things and reason to why things happened in this way and not the other way around. There’s tons of misinformation and wrong treatment. it’s very, very sad and as was said above - the situation that was here BEFORE the rework actually did resemble “witch hunting” in some way.

I read the threads as well, was a real information warfare type campaign. Got told the argument everything has to be dumbed down for the average wow player. We speak for the player base etc. Now its this new spec going forward it wont be changed. The later content will be based on it.

Clearly some people think they have a line straight to god himself.

I can help you out in improving I think i could share some basic tips with u and you will fall in love with this spec

I’m very confused from your statement. But regardless, does not matter.

no that abomination must stay dead.

Gimmicks that do not can’t and should not guide class design. Is shadow priest less unique? Undoubtedly yeah. Is it more viable in multiple forms of content? Absolutely.

Function over form. Every single time.

This is not true at all. Sure, it improved in PvP and open world, but that’s about it.

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That is very kind Kobosilk. I’ve been reviewing alot of logs and trying some different things and I’m seeing some improvement.

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Just taking a cursory glance now and ye, there’s a fair bit to go over / talk about if you want.

I’m sure you can find either of us in the priest discord. I’m the Polar Bear with the orange name.

Can you link any recent posts about voidform, cause it feels like the topic is already dead, too few people advocate for it =((( i was so invested for this expansion for Spriest, but it’s just not hitting the spot. However with this pace blizz probably doesnt even think of designing a similar spec to replace old shadow…

I don’t recall of anything specific I can link right now. I know I have seen few things when I was going through the net some time ago and mainly before the rework was released.
I know personally many people that used to advocate for it, whether it was here or somewhere else, but many of them just gave up or quit because of the rework, if I recall correctly. However I’m convinced people still Tweet about it and give in-game suggestions.

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