Shadowlands Class Updates

I think all the changes are for the better, although it is clear that some classes had more time spend on them than others up to this point (nothing bad, others will get their turn). The ‘unpruning’ and new ideas are actually cool, looking forward to more information being available.

Initial feedback on my main class, and one that seems to have been iterated a lot on already:

*** Death Knight ***

  • General:
    Loving it, thoroughly. Having your undead pet as any spec, even tank, adds a lot to the Death Knight fantasy. I’m curious if it retains Gnaw - Blood having 2 baseline stuns is enticing! Sacrificial Pact is a cherry on top of this cake, with a cool design of burst AoE damage and self-healing… although I would suggest renaming it to Death Pact to put it in line with the original W3 ability. Additional raid cooldown in Anti-Magic Zone will also be welcome, as is Chains of Ice for Blood (I reckon Heart Strike will lose it’s snare?). I am not sure about Lichborne - are we getting Death Coil available class-wide, castable on self again? Or is it meant to be “CC prevention” ability?

  • Blood:
    Rune Tap baseline - awesome! Blood Tap sounds really interesting, but will have to see it in action how actually useful it is. Still, it is nice that Blood will get their own “Rune management” ability. I like the idea of Relish in Blood, really interesting option, I just hope the talents in the same tier - or in the whole tree in general - will change sufficiently for us to actually have options rather than cookie cutter that leaves no room for debate if one is to be efficient.

  • Unholy:
    Baseline Army of the Damned’s cooldown reduction is a welcome change - I always wanted to use that talent, but Unholy Frenzy was too juicy to pass on. Baseline Summon Gargoyle - here I am a bit disappointed, since it’s Unholy only…? I was hoping Blood would get access to an actual DPS CD. I mean, Prot Paladins have wings… and Dancing Rune Weapon’s damage doesn’t scale so it does not count. Regardless, refocusing Unholy on being master of the undead minions through all the provided changes (including Mastery update) is a good direction - the closest we will get to a fantasy Necromancer I suppose. As a side note, I hope Epidemic becomes baseline.

  • Frost:
    Ability to wield 2H is enough for me here, DK being able to use any and all weapons was a staple trait of the DK back in WotLK and I welcome this return. One thing I am missing here is DW access to Blood and Unholy. Frost returns to its roots allowing 2H alternative, but one of the benefits of playing a Death Knight back in WotLK was the ability to perform any role and use any weapons in any spec. I understand that it would be very hard or even pointless to attempt to make all specs be able to tank and DPS nowadays, but I do not see a reason why you could not unlock DW for Blood and Unholy?

Closing note/suggestion: Having a more focus on class identity and abilities shared across the board rather than spec-specific options, I dearly hope Artifact transmogs are available across specs too - especially for Frost not having a cool looking 2H option! (Not to mention I hate tanking using an axe when I have beautiful Apocalypse transmogs as Unholy!)

Class fantasy value no doubt

perfection do not need to be touched really hehe
buff to bursty talent and potential mobility covenant perk will make arena forums bleed

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But I never used Chain Heal on Enh or Ele. Neither in TBC, Wrath, Cata. When I still had it. It would make more sense to bring back Healing Tide I had in MoP or WoD or even Stoneskin/Stoneclaw Totem absorb that was a thing in the past.

Seconding some of the comments I have seen, the return of 1handed weapons for fury is something I would really like going forward. Otherwise this is soem great stuff.

Also please give us gladiator stance, it was really cool


They add iconic things not usefull it seems, i dont think that my auras are really gonna bring some changes to my playstyle.

Gonna check how my prot feels and retri.
I actuallu healed as hpal in BGs during Cata and enjoyed it, but dunno MoP mechanics

How is Chain Heal iconic then when it was a spell exclusively used by one spec while absorb was there and was used by all 3 specs during 3 expansions and same thing goes for Stoneskin? Maybe Enh should get Shamanistic Rage that was Enhancement’s spell since TBC and it was iconic. Chain Heal not so much.

All spells I mentioned were a way for Shaman Enh/Ele to deal with Rogues in the past expansions. Since they are removed every single PvP season Rogues are strong Shamans are b-c tier.

write the dev guy on twitter who asked about feedback on class changes - my advice

Aren’t WoW forums for feedback?

US probably are

Weighing in on Warriors here, you lot don’t seem to have much idea of how you want the mastery for Arms to be, or as a whole, what you want the spec to sort of do. I mean I get it, Prot is that stalwart, stubborn bastard that’ll hold the line, and Fury is this frothing barbarian that’ll beat you to death with your own severed limbs. Arms doesn’t quite know what to do with itself sometimes as far as what it wants to sort of be.
So my suggestion is to make it live up to the name. Be that spec for a master at Arms. Every little technique, every advantage your equipment brings, be it a two handed sword, or if you really want to go the extra mile, sword and board, with a far more offensive approach, similar to Gladiator Stance that Prot had some time ago.
What you’d do with abilities in this case, I got nothing special to say, but I would like to suggest changing up the feel of what Arms could be, and see if that makes it more enticing than simply being just one big sword that you swing around. Fury lets you have two big swords, so why bother, right?

Speaking of Fury, personal suggestion? One handed weapons should be brought back into it. I got me a nice bladefist from Kargath’s corpse, and nothing else says barbarism than hacking up your foes to bits with two of them. Frost DKs and Monks get to ditch weapon specific requirements for abilities, so why can’t other classes be a bit more flexible with what they want to use? Was my main gripe with Legion, and still is during BFA.
Just let me punch people to death on my warrior with big bloody knives.

Oh, and could you please fix Heroic Leap to be exactly as it suggests, and let you leap over gaps? As it is presently as of writing this, it’s a glorified Charge that relies on pathing. Rogues get to chainhook up on to roofs now, and I’ve seen Demon Hunters make flying mounts irrelevant entirely as they gank someone out the sky.
Meanwhile, I can’t jump over a slight gap like a Rogue could, because jumping requires a path system. It’s not like I often use Heroic Leap to avoid falling to my death stupidly if I make a mistake and need to save myself. Imagine my torment when Heroic Leap decides it doesn’t want to work when I need it to.
I’ve gotten the hang of figuring out how it works now, but that doesn’t mean you get a pass on it, Blizzard.
Fix the leap at least, for the love of God, please.

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Arms is supposed to be the Barbarian, while Fury is the Berserker.

They fail with the Arms part.

You better not include yourself in that lot.

Some of those class changes have like NO changes at all(few old abilities being avaliable again), just a buncha fancyful flavor text trying to hype things up.
Hype train not boarded :S


Dont even think about forcing us to play with holy power when 90% of the paladins dont want it back. Remove it from the class entirely. As a holy paladin main its all about managing my cooldowns properly. I dont want a despisable mechanic to limit my gameplay

everybody’s waiting since the legion xD (nerf DH).

Wait… so Balance druids are going back to that annoying ping-pong mechanic to do max damage?

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They nerfed havoc aoe, burst, sustain and blur in the alpha build. Don’t think it’ll affect the spec too badly (number tuning after all) but havoc will definitely be weaker in SL than BFA unless the covenants and legendaries are op.

And 2H for Enhancement Shamans please.

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Are legendaries usable outside of torghast?

One of the DH legendaries grants complete immunity during eye beam, other one makes it so eye beam may not trigger CD, another causes damage when using disrupt (damages the target).

I really hope there are plans of changing hunter pets… I’m tired of using Spirit Beasts all the time. I want to use pets based on their looks not abilities. There are so many cool pet models I’d like to use but can’t because spirit beast has far superior abilities than anything else…