My opinion is that : I prefer WoD over BFA, beacuse I’d rather raid log than being forced doing chores that I don’t enjoy. A bit of side activity is nice, but I can’t stand dayli anymore, even if it’s core to the game, I hate blue quests now.
but wod took it to the extreme of it basically being a garrison simulator.
where as i would rather actually have something else in the game to do, and some of the covenant things do actually look pretty good overall, just think that they shouldnt lock so much power behind all of this
Choosing all means choosing nothing.
not at all, because you have the choice to take an AoE ability for an AoE situation and a ST ability for a single target situation, rather than just being refused any choice at all
You’re going to get yourself in trouble that way. The proof is here. In this thread. All of it. But be my guest, by all means.
Except it’s not silly.
Shamans for example have covenant abilites that work well with Resto and Elemental but not work at all with Ench.
How is that fun?
Another thing that I don’t understand is. Why does it bother you for people to change covenant abilites? They are not RP thing, they are just a talent locked behind a grind for some reason.
You can’t possibly say that a DK, casting an ability every 2 mins that does Arcane damage is RP or meaningful choice.
If you say that meaningful choice is the actual covenant you pick, then why it is necessary for the ability to be coupled with it? It’s just bad gameplay.
Imagine having a Meteor as a mage. You see a clip of another mage doing 500k damage Pyro with Pyroclasm. You now want to change and try it out. You do it, find out it’s not for you and you want to play your good old Meteor again.
You cant. You have to do a grind. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
What is most concerning is that even if you pick a covenant based on damage or survival, chances are that it will get trashed and you will be left with a dead choice.
Again, taking Mage example. They said back in Legion that they won’t do “massive number tweaks” for specs since you are investing a lot in them. EN rolls out, 2 weeks in, Fire Mage got dumpstered for the entire expansion. And everyone who went Fire at the start, and got Fire Legendaries, are now f*cked over and doing a grind again.
Another thing is conduits. Having to re-farm conduits (as it currently stands) is the same as refarming old Azerite traits.
It’s like when you change to Survival you have your Bow/Gun destroyed and you have to go get it again.
How is this gameplay good for anyone? You really think that players will stand by and do this once it dawns on them how much of an arbitrary grinds they have to do just so they can play?
i have said one or two things that could be considered rude, you are the person that has been insulting multiple people, and when i asked for you to clarify your point you equated me to a sexual predator, who do you seriously think will come out of this looking worse.
im happy to admit i was a bit rude, but i never went beyond the level of being a completely disgusting waste of skin and calling someone a sexual preadator, sorry equating them to that.
i hope you find happiness in your life, because lord know you must not have it now
Yeahhhhhh that’s a really nice (really twisted) spin you’re putting on things there, chief. That’s not HOW they happened. Context, remember. Yeah, I know, I know… You’re not good with context. But it’s going to be REALLY important in this regard.
Like I said; be my quest. Don’t blame me when you’re taking a forum vacation.
Indeed I never called you any such thing. I never even used that term in any way. YOU did that all by yourself. Good job chief.
How do you figure that?!
I’m getting covenants with meaningful choices! I’m happy!
You lied. As you have been throughout this thread.
please feel free to provide evidence of such things, innocent untill proven guilty and all that. at least i have the evidence of you saying what you have said.
well when someone as stupid as you seem to feel vindicated on saying something as disgusting as they do then i felt the need to point our the level of stupidity and just how incorrect you are, because at some point you might get that chance to take a long hard look at yourself and realise what you are actually saying,
it most likely wont make it through that incredibly think skull of yours but that wont stop me trying
says the person that said you were done some time yesterday evening.
The thread is here. After your report, a blizzard employee will look through it and make a judgement call. I don’t need to provide evidence; it’s right here.
More abuse? You’re digging yourself a deeper hole with every reply man.
Please just stop. If not for me, for your own sake at least.
I am done. With the topic.
I’m not done defending myself from people such as yourself.
Please don’t make it worse.
Just to make a point: Someone replied to an old quote I gave earlier in this thread. They stuck to explaining why they think I’m wrong and their stance on this issue. I’ve not replied. They didn’t personally attack me. They didn’t call me out on useless little things that have no bearing on the topic at hand.
No. They made their point. Good for them. I even gave their post a like.
Do I agree with it? No. But I’m done with this topic. And I’m fine with whatever happens with regards to it.
the only reason you are feeling the need to defend yourself is because you keep making erroneous claims and the refusing to even admit to what you have previously said.
or outright choosing to quote people out of context to try and prove a point
Well calling people trolls, toxic and lets not forget pandas, i would call that slander aswell.
Because you’re making baseless, insulting claims towards myself.
Yes. That is indeed the reason.
How well said, Barry.
I noticed you called Barry chief a few times. Is he the new Warchief? Did I miss it? They swap them so quickly these days…
so you are not quoting snippets of my comments out of context to try and make is seem like im saying something else… interesting
Jokes. To lighten the mood.
But you don’t seem to be able to grasp these things.
It’s fine, chief.
I think most people WILL be able to read between the lines. Not everyone is like you.
PS: Areapia doesn’t REALLY think you’re the new warchief. It’s a joke.
I thought I’d just explain that to you. You know… just in case.
Holly flipping - molly. I can’t believe lieutenant LFR is still at it.
so you try to lighten the mood after equating someone to a predator, good try, not going to happen
Talk to Barry. If not for him, I’d be gone long ago.
But please don’t call me Lt. LFR. I’d rather be called Captain Storymode.
At this point I wonder how Mr. Barry hasn’t banished you yet, you clearly are an agent of the Burning Legion.