the suggestion has been for the power behind them, or at least specifically the abilities just be something we can swap between, if the kyrian ability is best for me i dont want to swap to kyrian compeltely, i just want to have access to the ability so that i can make use of what is powerful for my character.
im a fan of how convenants are structured for the most part, i just think that locking so much power behind it is the problem, because they are intentionally making it difficult to swap or more specifically to swap back.
and i dont want to have to pick a single target ability for raid encounters and then make myself massively suboptimal for completely M+ dungeons because i enjoy both aspects of the endgame. thats all i have been asking for.
i like the fact that they have different themes for all of the covenants, because it gives you the chance to have more idividuality for your character, but limiting the player base and removing the choice for us to be able to optimise our characters in a game which optimisation of a character is so important is frankly unacceptable.
Disagree. Everything that you can only do at max level is endgame. World quests are endgame, farming repuations and collecting is endgame. Stop disregarding everything that’s not competitive as not being engame.
Is what you are doing. Yeahhhhhhhhhh time for you to go byebye now.
I totally can!
What I can’t accept is that you see your way as ‘the one and only reality’ and my way ‘doesn’t matter’. You’re accusing me exactly of what YOU are doing.
Sigh. I’ve stated many times before IN THIS THREAD that I hope you get your way. Even though I personally won’t like it, but it doesn’t bother me too much. HOW MUCH MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO ACCEPT?!
You won’t be happy until I go ‘yeah you are right, covenants is a terrible system. I was so wrong.’??! Well, I won’t do that. Ever. Because I genuinely believe I am not wrong in how I feel about this.
I’m not. I’m vocal against people calling me out on MY opinions.
Check today’s posts and you will see a pattern. I speak my mind and the same 2-3 people jump on that like vultures and try to disprove or invalidate my opinions. And just because they don’t agree with me. Just let me feel how I feel. Accept it. Move on. Talk about the stuff you want to talk about. Jeez!
Same goes for you. You people are the ones who can’t accept something.
Don’t make ME the problem. YOU are the problem. I’ve accepted ‘your stupid view on this’ many posts ago. Several times. But it’s just not enough for you.
Go away.
No it’s not. Same goes for you; stop looking at this from only your side.
You can’t even imagine how I play the game. We’re THAT different. To you what I do doesn’t make sense, but that doesn’t mean there ISN’T ANY. You just don’t get it.
I did no such thing.
I said I don’t do mythic+, raids (except LFR) and PvP. That’s what I said. Big difference from what you’re claiming. But that also happens over and over again; trying to put words in my mouth.
considering that you outscale world quests after you have collected a small amount of gear means that i just dont think that is a proper endgame content, raids and dungeons are different because they are always scaled up and have the ability to always give a challenge of some sort, at least for me i would never consider them endgame.
except repeatedly now the suggestion of allowing people to chose what they want and still allowing people to lock themselves into something has been suggested and you still disregard that even though it literally gives everyone the choice to do what they want, you are the one that is advocating for everyone to get locked into a specific thing because thats how you want to play, which will force a lot of other people to have to play a way they dislike and would not enjoy.
and yet you are still here arguin that the game should be the way you want it and that we are refusing to accept that, please actually read what people are saying.
Blizzard’s adding this whole thing for the sake of choices having consequences.
They will never make the abilities a shared thing.
And they trust their work and believe that they’re capable of balancing the 4 factions properly. But we all know it’ll fail and it’ll be miserable.
The truth here is, that i was expecting a massive screw up in shadowlands. It’s just blizzard’s way. And as long as it’s not Torghast, I’m fine with it.
So my suggestion here is make your peace with it. It won’t be as you want it to be and it will most certainly be super unbalanced and painfully annoying.
No, it doesn’t. No, it doesn’t. No. It. Does. Not.
No, I’m here because people keep reacting to me with either nonsense or lies or claiming I said stuff I never said. I’m here to defend MYSELF. Not this stupid system. In fact I’ve refused to even talk about it as you can clearly see a couple of posts up. Yet people like yourself keep pushing and pushing.
I’m sick and tired of it.
And no, I will not back down then. You back down!
i really shouldnt have to just make my peace with it though, ill shout from the rooftops as much as i need to in order to get this changed because im sick to death of them repeaetedly releasing boroken content when they refuse to listen to feedback,
just because you think they will never make them a shared thing doesnt mean that they shouldn’t. and if people just stop complaining about it htey will never get the feedback and then we can guarantee that they change will never be made, they should have learnt by now based purely off of azerite, they refused to listen to feedback on the system and it lead to bfa being considered one of the worst expansions they have ever made, they shouldnt make the same mistake again right away afterwards.
how does it not, you are literally saying that being given a choice doesnt give you a choice, why do i need to repeat this simple point so much,
and that fact that you are conssistently cosidering anything other than your own opinion on these matters nonsense and essentially insulting people based on their opinion is the reason people are feeling the need to reply to you,
any time someone says you are wrong you are just claiming its your opinion, and yet any time someone else gives an opinion you are just telling them they are wrong, and you are also throwing out things you claim to be “facts” that are clearly not and yet you have a problem when other people are supposedly doing it.
well i want this game to succeed so im still going to try, i just need to try and do what i can to make the game playable, and hopefully help some people along the way realise that the game being in a healthier state for more people is going to be the better decision in the long run, because the more people that get alienated by this kind of thing means the more people that are going to just stop playing, and then the sub numbers go down and less money goes to dev time and the game just gets worse and worse
Because you’re clinging onto a stupid notion that you think is true, but actually isn’t?! Don’t ask me. You’re the one who’s doing it. All I’m making clear is that that notion is WRONG.
I'm fine if you get it your way. I. Don't. Care.
Just STOP claiming nonsense. This same thing used to happen when I was defending Titanforging. People would blame that system for just about ANYTHING bad that they disliked… It was insane how blinded people got about it.
Well, I’m not going to stop.
So either this is a vicious circle or YOU can stop replying and just ‘let it go’.
Those are your options. And the longer this drags on the nastier it’s gonna get.
Not true. Hyperbole and slander.
More hyperbole and slander.
I’m not saying that never happens, but to say that that always happens is simply not true. Not in any way, shape or form. This is the kind of nonsense I mentioned in my last post. You expect me to take that slander and not react?! Come on now…
Name one.
Of course I do. Facts are facts and opinions are opinions.
please explain to me how giving everyone the choice to pick what ever they want isnt the best option overall though, if you want to stick to a specific covenant you still have that choice, but for those that care about their characters power they have the ability to change between the abilities.
how is that not giving players choice, because you havnt actually explained that once, you just tell me im wrong and then say something that is compeletly unrelated, this point has nothing to do with the way i want things or the way you want things, thats irelevant to it, but EVERYONE being given the choice will be better because you can lock yourself in or you can swap, if you disagree with that please actually explain it and dont say you will explain it and then mention something irelevant.
but im actually trying to give a reason rather than just throwing my toys out of the pram and saying no repeatedly.
read back through the posts any time i have disagreed with you, you just claim its your opinion. and its difficult to claim slander, because thats literally you just telling me im commiting a crime, come on now…
the majority of the times i have given my opinion on this thread you have told me im wrong, and that im trying to state facts, please just stop trolling and lets try to have a conversation like adults.
earlier in the thread you told me that because im only doing heroic it doesnt matter that i optimise my character in order to not waste my time and clear the content in a timely fashion, even though that within the context of my raid team and how we deal with things there is literally no way you could have possibly known that.
I very much can imagine how you play the game, because you’d told us. And you didn’t really have to. It makes perfect sense to me. Do whatever you fancy. The real difference between us here is that I accept your way as being as legitimate as any and completely fine, while you can’t even begin to grasp ours and consider everything above normal to be toxic/unhleathly/not normal. Actually you say this about anyone who wants to even slightly modify their character to fit different types of contents and encounters and you twist their words, making them into “i want to optimize to the smallest details for every little different thing I do” while all we want is to just change a single abilitiy to fit Aoe/single target/PvP or utilize different utiility focused abilities in different places. We’re asking for the lowest, most basic form of optimization.
Okay I’m sorry, got it a little wrong. Even looked up your original post about this from the other topic.
Anyway, so you do LFR and dungeons up to mythic, on top of other things, obviously. Care you elaborate how any of that nets the best possible rewards?
Criticism of titanforging is completely justified. It doesn’t work in a game that is designed around getting stronger loot from more difficult content. I found it stupid that in 8.1, I got a 420 trinket from a +6 that I wouldn’t replace until the next patch. The highest base item level was 415 from a +10 at the time. It just didn’t feel like I earned it.
There’s a was a post in 2018 I just have to quote here:
"Imagine going to McDonalds, to get a 4 piece McNuggets, you pay, get your nuggets and your happy and all that then some idiot comes and also gets 4 piece McNuggets but it McForges into a 12 piece McNuggets with a soda and some fries and you’re standing there like a !@#$ing idiot with your dumb 4 piece McNuggets while he/she has more than you for some weird reason even tho you both payed the same price but you are less rewarded because…
I already did loads of times. You will simply not accept or ridicule my reasons as ‘not valid’ or ‘stupid’ or whatever. So no; I’m not explaining myself anymore.
I think what I think and I feel what I feel. Done. End of story.
So then I will keep replying.
That’s the norm, isn’t it? When someone talks to you on the forum, you respond.
Well, there you have it.
I’m not saying that’s what happened, because I cannot be bothered to go check. If you want to provide actual EVIDENCE, then be my guest. I know the type of person I am and the kinds of replies I usually give.
But… If I did say such a thing… then… It must be that I believe it to be true. So I feel completely justified in responding in such a manner.
You are claiming I ‘always’ do (negative) things I do not do. That’s slander.
Sure, it’s only slander on these forums, because outside of this place, no one’s going to care, but still…
More claims without evidence. It doesn’t work that way.
For ‘normal’ situations my claim was correct. Yes you had a specific situation that changed ‘the parameters’. I didn’t claim afterwards that it was still that way for you, did I? No I did not.
But to say ‘throwing out things you claim to be facts that are clearly not’ isn’t fair in this particular example. I could never have known your specific situation. As I said; in normal situations my claim was 100% correct. So ‘clearly not’ does not apply here.
every single time this specific topic has come up you have said the same thing, you havnt not once given an actualy reason for it, you just have said that you wouldnt mind it either way, but have also told me im wrong that giving choice doesnt give choice, so please stop trolling.
yes but the difference between trying to give constructive feedback on a topic that make a difference, compared to someone who doesnt take part in the topic of conversation trying to offer feedback and change a system in one way or another that barely affects them but has a much bigger impact on others is the problem here.
i have already tried to explain this repeateedly, if you want to have some proof you are more than welcome to figure it out for yoruself, because i shouldnt have to waste me time going through all of the bullcrap in this thread just to prove a point to a troll.
the term slander is specific to an activety of a criminal nature, therefore claiming slander is telling someone they are commiting a crime, feel free to look up the definition or stop using words your clearly do not understand.
plenty of evidence, through out not only this thread but previous ones, like earlier in the thread when i pointed out you had been rude to me on another thread in the past i went back to check and now that has miraculously dissapeared, what a shame
the initial point on it was you telling me that i didnt need to do it, throwing around generalisations, but when i have done this based on the hundreds of forums posts have read through you tell me that im claiming facts based on nothing, but then through performing essentially the exact same action you are doing something completely different, thats interesting.
Again you assuming you’re right, but you’re not.
I did.
Then people need to stop quoting me and responding. As long as people do that, I will respond and when I do so I will not be hiding my opinions. The only reason I keep returning to this thread is because people keep responding to me (often with nonsense).
I’m not a troll. Innocent until proven guilty. That is the norm in the vast majority of the civilized world. It’s not up to me to prove my innocence; it’s up to you to prove my guilt. But you can’t, because I’m not guilty of your claims.
‘ok’. Another word comes to mind now, which I know a bit of. I won’t mention it, because it’ll get me in trouble. So… just… ‘ok’.
That’s still only you claiming stuff. That’s not evidence. Show evidence or remain quiet.
What if we could offer some anima or another type currency to another covenant to borrow their power, but in doing so, the powers would conflict with our chosen covenants, making our defualt covenant abilities unusable as long as we are using the borrowed one? And if we get caught with these other powers by our covenant, we lose renown. So as long as we’re using the borrowed powers, going into our covenant’s zone is a risky move and going into your covenant’s sanctum is like walking into a bank in a mask and a BB gun in hand. And letting yourself be seen by any member of your covenant anywhere in the world would lead to the a similar results.
I’m not sure how this would tie in with soublinds, but we would have the choice to “cheat” on our covenant for a price, a trade off and a risk with possible consequences.
well i am yet to actually see your reasoning so feel free to reiterate, there is way too much to go through right now in order to actually find it, and i have read through it all once already, so at this point it wasnt there and i havnt seen it, but if you are so adamant feel free to reiterate.
thats because you are offering opinions on a matter that you have yourself claimed would barely affect you, you are saying that the majority of the playerbase would be fine with not being able to swap, i i have seen that to be a completely and utter falsety. you have claimed yourself you would be okay with talents being something you lock in and then are unable to remove, which is insane and would literally break the game.
read back through the thread, you are consistently taking only snippets and quoting people out of content to try and prove your own points and in turn refusing to acutally comment on the point and topic at hand, you are refusing to understand that you could have an opinion that is incorrect on a particular matter, and you are just repeating this over and over, i think that gives a reasonable assesment of trolling.
i would more than happily show the evidence if you hadnt gone back to the previous post and removed it all. i even remember the specific things we were talking about in the previous post if you want me to reiterate some of them points, but the speicfic post is not longer there, because it has been changed.
in a perfect world maybe, but now that the context has been given to the situation you are literally just claiming something to be true which is not, so please stop trolling on the post, if you want to troll im sure there are plenty of 4chan forums somewhere for you that are designed for it.