Shaman has too much cc

And all its cc has cd unlike the S+ tier healers right now that can spam non cd cc and have better cc toolkit than shaman in general, I would say if my goal were to pick a class that does alot control I would pick even any other dps over any shaman dps spec, like just lock or mage alone will spam so much cc and swap on dr that its 100x more efficient for control than some ele or enh shaman there with its predictable abilities on cd. :smile:

Tbh I think hes just been spamming his DH aoe dispel to totally gimp shamans damage then complaining when he gets hit with the knock up and damage. Yeah you might take a lot of damage doing that if many flameshocks are up but then… are you smooth brain? Would you mass dispel as a priest vs an affli lock??
And hes probly fought a skilled shaman thats perfectly knocked him on his Hunt CD with thunderstorm or Unleash Shield.
Then comes to the forums to whine about shamans as a DH haha couldnt make this up quality entertainment.

ok well it seems there is a misunderstanding. When talking about cc you apparently only think of hex, lasso and cap which is already more than other classes have. Anways, knocks and static fields and roots and slows is cc aswell. Also having a kick, shaman toolkit is totally bloated imo. But no worries, nothing got pruned in TWW, you even got more stuff, ggs

More than which specs exactly? Its more than disc priest for sure. But less than many others.
And the reason I say shouldnt count slows or kicks as CC is because resto doesnt take frost shock ele and enh does but every dps in the game has a slow lol so theres no point mentioning it. Its also a short duration, dispellable 50% slow making it significantly worse than many other slows in the game. As for kicks almost every spec has a kick. This topic is about CC.
Most casters barely have to cast these days so its not like your always getting to use it off CD to actually benefit from the short CD, Windshear is good but its more of a general disruption than a CC. Stuff lik spell lock and counter spell have longer cds but much longer lockout durations so they are more along the lines of a CC.

Good news for Static Field Totem haters. It’s 1,5 min. CD instead of 1 min. next expansion so most likely we are not going to play it considering our new options.

As disc? No? Mind control as disc? No. I don’t think you know much about disc lol

The stun thing was already corrected… As said im not terribly familiar with the differences between holy and disc. Though I do know that mind control is a class talent so not sure what you mean by that.
If your saying not many people take it so it shouldnt be mentioned I agree, I was pointing out that the same rules should be applied to shaman, since people were posting lists of every available thing shaman gets across all 3 specs and acting like we have infinite talent points to take everything lol.

Yes, not many do take it. But that’s just it, Shamans have most other abilities. I don’t know many disc priests that do take MC…

Shamans do have more cc than disc ive said that a few times, though they lack a lot of other stuff disc gets and are generally ranked significantly lower than disc by all measures. The point was you do have access to it if you want, just like resto sham can take frost shock but no one does.

I’d say we’ll still play static but more tactically than now. Could be wrong but time will tell.

On Ele I’d rather play Unleash Shield then. Static is good but 1,5 min. is an overkill. In castercleaves I think Shamanism might be very good.

Disc, best i can do is a meele aoe fear and root (while slowwalking arround)
Or self cc me with mindcontroll

I Better spend my talents for more healing and damage, in most cases

So i have a aoe fear finsih

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yeah im curious if static will still be played especially with skyfury being built in to PW so easier to use, though well need to see if the easy access to 20 sec cd Gust of Wind will off set the longer cd on static when it comes to trying to reduce melee uptime on you

Okay so we don’t mind pointclick 40y chastise fear. We dont mind dh having 5 dif pointclick drs. We dont mind spammable garrote silence, cheap shot or 6s gouge. We also don’t mind passive slows cooked into specs like crippling poison, dh frisbee slow mage roots/mobility.

It’s the goddam frostshock, hardcasted hex that breaks to air and channeled lasso.

I would agree that static field goes to top 3 most aids spells in DF, but other than that, just a daily fried forum post.


They dont see them cause theyre either baked to specs as passives or instants so either they dont know such exist or they dont see and realise why theyre slowed 24/7 or why their teammates are not able to play the game cause theyre being controlled half the round but they probably lacked the awareness to see when theyre in cc, they see the casted hex and lasso so they say shaman has too many ccs if no kicks were used on either. And not a single shaman spec is S tier or even part of meta right now so complaining of them even if it werent a false complaint would be pointless.

Chastise isn’t 40 yards range.

If you’re talking about priest fear, they have to be pretty much on top of you to fear you.

obv we also mind those things. Idk why but everytime there a post about something there is this guy that comes up with some other random sht

obviously cc from other many other classes is not fine either. If you want to address those open another post.

This is about shaman cc

oh yes, thanks for that advice. I will try to notice cc on me if its something else than hex or lasso.

lmao my god these replies are getting crazy

You made complaint of shaman having too much cc right? It is on the topic atleast, do you know the amount of control a rogue, warlock, mage or even dh or druid in these days will do to people in one arena round, well I can answer that they do 3x the amount control in one round compared to what any spec of shaman would do. Now once we have answer to that we also consider that none of the shaman specs not healer or the two dps specs are on S tier in current season so complaining of the class would seem kinda strange if it isnt a problem on the high end of pvp to any.

Im acknowledging the ridiculous amount of cc rogue has, in fact i already stated it a few times in this thread.

I also said that shaman is not the only class that needs it cc nerfed/pruned in my opinion

cc should be removed across the board and this thread is about shamans xd

also why does it even matter that shaman isnt s tier right now? what if shamans becomes good next season (likely due to rework and we know how reworks usually work out haha). Then they have the numbers and the toolkit, gonna make them god? anyways, shaman has a great cc toolkit and could take some nerfs in that department in order to make the game more enjoyable overall. thats all im saying