Shaman offensive abilities removed?

I would gladly welcome this change if it would make healing any easier and i wouldn’t be forced to dps while healing, just my 2 cents :wink:

These are the documented changes so far:-

At the time of this discussion:-

There was also a blue post to explain some changes:-

All Shaman specs are receiving the following abilities:

New Baseline Abilities: Chain Heal, Chain Lightning, Healing Stream Totem, Flametongue Weapon, Flame Shock, Frost Shock, Lightning Shield

I can’t see Resto on that 2nd Blue post you linked.

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SL is meant to be bringing things back, not to add whole new things sadly. Blizzard is making a good deal selling the same things few times and we are dumb being happy with that.

It does seem to be solely about the two dps specs

I would be really shocked (haha) if they removed all dps from Resto Shaman when all the other healers can dps.

Which would mean that shamans would say goodbye to any m+ above max level of chest gear. Another bad expansion, or dungeons will be easier and healer dps won’t be necessary (best scenario for me).

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I think dpsing as a healer should be optional and not expected.

Although Disc needs to and with certain builds Pallly.

Even while leveling some people are trying to force healer to DPS, i can understand that, easy content, healer scales good while leveling being top dps most of the time, but it takes away my fun with sitting chilly and experimenting what toolkit i have and how it works.

While removing core damage spells from healing specs would be asinine, I can’t seem to find the part where it says that they’re being removed. I only found stuff like:

In the article specifically talking about resto only, from what I saw. Or am I looking at it wrong?

Look what Punyelf posted above.

So basically the same thing. Where does the impression that stuff is being removed comes from then?

I think the removal refers to the old spell id making way for new. I could be wrong though.

It does list baseline spells that are available to all of the specs.

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scroll down to restoration shaman changes, because this post is about resto shamans, but op is too ignorant to edit title.

On the same page it says:

All Shaman specs are receiving the following abilities:

New Baseline Abilities: Chain Heal, Chain Lightning, Healing Stream Totem, Flametongue Weapon, Flame Shock, Frost Shock, Lightning Shield

Maybe someone with alpha can take a look.

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There are different build numbers and dates, newest is most accurate i suppose :smiley:

Yes, that’s what I decided to do considering all the conflicting information in this thread.

The abilities are still there, including flame shock, they have just had a damage decrease, but considering we also have extra spells like frost shock and chain lightning we still have more of a DPS toolkit than we did before when in Resto spec.

Edit: This was also after an update to Alpha this morning so I assume it’s current.


Our hpala can sometimes out-DPS our tank…

Our resto shaman can pump out significant damage, too.

2½ healers spamming damage = 1 more DPS. This is fine. It’s fun to optimise. And they need it for other activities than raiding anyway. You shouldn’t have to respec in order to play the game outside of group activities.

Dunno why they’d get rid of it.

I know its rsham but theyre not losing dps abilities either n i was curious about the reason of believing that.