Shamans must be nerfed to ground in pvp

I’m still waiting for his answer cause I don’t pretend to be an SoD chad on mage so i’d love to see a build/strat for mage that truly works. I’m used to mage, especially in calssic environment but so far the mana issue AND hard cast issue TOPED with survivability issue is tough. Nevermind challenge, mage is supposed to be a glass canon, therefore dealing more damage than most at the cost of survivability and tankiness, having only skills to create distance and cc. In SoD there is none of that. I get two-tap by most classes and hard-casting feels awful when the cast time is over 2 sec. Most of our spells are around 3 sec. cast and deal less damage than instant casts from many ranged classes.

My theory is that with SoD, the dev wanted to change the meta, let mages provide more support/heals than damage to bring something new (and I applaud the idea) but mage healing in PvP is impossible AND damaging is not going well either. So clearly something has to be done.

Once again I’m open to info on how to properly main a mage in PvP SoD causeI don’t pretend to be the best player, but saying that mage ONLY struggle against Boomy is, to me, a faking huge stretch that shows you’ve never played mage EVER.

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i played mage in P1, when hunters were superdominant

mages been oneshoted by hunters lvl 25 only… and from other classes too

they should megabuff the manashield or something for sure.

SoD had a big potential but its too chaotical, so i left in end of P1

What i see on forum is enough, they don’t care about the game,

it’s all for streamers and pro-gamers/min-maxers that get a VIP stomping on grandmas and grandads casuals that play for fun basically

SoD became a public execution of casuals, for 13e/month (500k players to less than 80k players, as we can see on some forum posts)


personally, i did only one BFD, and the Murloc dance killed my enthousiam on SoD :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: => if it start like this (PvP gear gonna be lesser worthy than in Era and PvE isn’t my thing), there is no future for a lazy PvPer like me :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mage came second in the duel tournament, losing to Boomi - and the other mage came 4th place. Like I said a good mage only has one bad matchup and that is BOOMI.

I havent seen a single tournament were a mage did not come top 3.

So my statement is correct. You can ingore Doggzilla, just a butthurt nobody.

Mage is also very good in group PvP, not as good as hunter or boomi but people claiming mage is bad = are smoking crack.

Theres two kind of mage players, the ones that realized that mage in SOD is a hybrid class and the ones that still playing a troll build hard casting pyroblast as the opener.

The other day in AB I was watching a gnome mage try to open with hard casting pyroblast - some seconds into his cast he was dead - Doggzilla type player.

And then theres the actual good mages. I am refering to the good ones and not the crap ones when I say that a good mage only has one bad macthup in 1v1.

If the argument would have been “Well I dont want to be forced into playing the hybrid build to do well” I would have agreed with you, but hey most classes in SOD are forced into one build (it would be like hunters being upset that they are forced into SV).

As a hunter, you should have killed alot of mages with ease in BGs.

A good Mage can be very powerful 1on1, true.

I dont know, what you mean with “group pvp”, because there is almost no premade Group A versus premade Group B fights as fair as i know.

If you mean, mages in premade groups versus randoms perform very well, then sure.

If you watch so much SoD pvp stuff, you might know, that Ziqo, 2nd place in hardcore Duel tourney, rerolled hunter pretty quickly.

for obvious reasons ^^

but whatever. I never play mage, so not my problem. Cheers out, to all PvP Mages.

He rerolled because he wanted to show how busted hunter was (that was in P1 btw).

Do you know what the highest placement a hunter made it in the 1v1 tournaments? Compared to mage that is comming second?

Again learn how matchups work in this phase. You seem to still live in phase 1.

no, i dont want to spent time on stuff like that. But i guess, because they cant heal themselve up, they get rekked by alot of classes. Still, in “matchups” like random BGs a very, strong class and for sure, pew, PEW!1 fun to play.

Soo, in 98% of PvP “matchups” super strong. :slight_smile:

Yeah no dubt hunters are amazing in group fight, but 1v1 is not where hunters shine - thats where mages and BOOMI´s shine the most. This was the original replay that mage is bad in PvP, they are currently second top in 1v1 and still good in group PvP.

yeah, but in a very small gap, that no “random mages” aka 90% ++ of all mages every plays.
==> 90% ++ of all mages have a very hard time in pvp.

True but that goes the same for most classes in the top bracket.

Mage is not easy to play, specially not in SOD - imo probably highest skill cealing of all classes.

If people are not performing good as mage, imo reroll an easier class. If spending some time researching builds and tips from the top mages is too time consuming for them.

they should just give us mixed faction bgs, leave this clueless devs at peace, keep shamans op, just give them to aliance aswell.
so we all can then together cry about balance druids

Well the problem is this, horde getting access to Hpala will be the death of PvP in SOD.

If I was playing alliance there is no way I would trade Hpala for Ele shaman, Ele shaman you could replace with a BOOMI or hunter that will perform better in group fights.

Most of us played both alliance and horde, and tbh you only roll alliance if you know theres multiple good guilds going alliance (you dont want to be stuck in that faction with the PvE mindset people - I.E lose fast report anyone for trying to actually win games).

Only time Alliance was fun to play was on private servers. It had nothing to do with shaman vs pala. Alliance used to win large scale PvP due to Hpala being godmode, Horde had the advantage in smal scale PvP due to racials. It was more the mindset of people rolling these factions that had the most weight when you had to decide if you went horde or alliance.

bro, u type alot nonsense, u compare old private servers with sod, what the hell, shaman is god tier compared to paladin.
pink color is reason for this state of game. horde pink and wrong faction pink.
and im playing since 2005 like addicted idiot i am, but game was never so unbalanced.

Trying to explain to you, you are not losing due to Shaman vs Pala debate - its the overall players mindset that is netting you all the losing.

What build of shaman do you consider OP - Ele shaman? Do you realize the fact that a BOOMI or Hunter is better in group PvP than them?

HPala is still godtier as a healer in SOD, there is no other healer that can compete with them in PvP.

Are you really claming that Ele shaman → HPala in group PvP? This means you have 0 understanding of PvP in SOD P5.

A good Alliance warsong group would always win versus a good Horde group, even now, because of Hpalas beeing unkillable in Teamfights with good teammates, hes not wrong here, i say.

u guys trying to defend thing that is so broken and uncomareable that it hurt to eaven think to compare it.

No mate, we also played alliance - it was the same in every expansion / back in vanilla - private servers and now in SOD.

But hey, if you want to gimp and kill alliance I´ll be glad to take Hpala anyday of the week and you can have Ele shamans - one week with this change and you will uninstall mate.

Is pink code word for something or a young folk thing



broooo, curent state of game have notihng to do with your private servers and vanila how u dont get it

Current state of the game is still this Hpala → Ele shaman in SOD.

There is no way the good alliance PvP players would ever trade Hpala for Ele shaman, its just an excuse that bad players on these forums keep repeating with out understanding anything about SOD PvP.

shaman and paladins are pink, shamans are way more opressive and op than curent paladin and reason why aliance losing more and more people and why people say, letz lose, dont cap