Shamans must be nerfed to ground in pvp

read my posts again.

to summerize for you:

Shamans with way of the earth rune is broken and needs a fix.

Ret Paladin need more mana regen (may be fixed, with the new libram)

90++ % of Mages need help hard regarding pvp

Alliance is not the favored faction, when it comes to pvp, even if they 'd win a fair 10 on 10 due to Hpalas.

SoD PvP is SoD PvP. #edit:: and its obvious, in the weekly? SoD dev team meetings, there is maybe a 5min window for the pvp discussions.

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look whatever, giving cross faction pvp would solve alot things, take it or leave it, soon no aliance will be left and u gona cry in 1hour queue

No we do not want cross faction BG´s, reason we didnt roll alliance I have explained to you - it had nothing to do with shaman vs pala (but your brain cant grasp this). We do not want to play with these people that have the mindset of never engaging in WPVP or having the mentality of losing BG´s fast for “min max” gains.

You just want to get carried and make up excuses why you are losing, it has nothing to do with current state of shaman since the FACT that HPala is stronger than Ele shaman in group PvP - how can you not understand this…

bro, you are delusional, you are geting carried by shamans and thinking oh it must be coz im skilled , u are not.
anyway, soon you will cry for mixed faction bgs, but not coz u think paladins are op, but becouse noone would play pvp on aliance.

And this is the reason why we horde do not want cross faction BG´s, we do not want to play with people like this guy that cant grasp common sense.

If you want to give Pala to us horde and you can have shaman, you will uninstall 3 days after this change 100%.

u cant grasp comon sense, did u forgot few years ago if u eaven played this game, when horde was so more overpopulated and sit in 20-1h que, about crying on forums and what not, till blizz gave away mixed faction av, that gona be soon case.

in mixed faction bgs, maybe those people without sense will come to sense and start playing, fair and square.
factions are outdated thing , like talent respec cost, like single talent, like worldbufs without boon, and what not.

You dont even understand why people rerolled horde in TBC, it was due to racials and arena - when the “rated PvP” became smal group PvP where horde always had an advantage in.

So you are really sitting here and wanting Horde in SOD to get access to Hpala, and you can have ele shaman? Jesus, what will your excuse be then when you get stomped even harder in group PvP?

Mate, you do not want this - HPala is currently the one thing keeping alliance relevant in SOD.

stop replying , u are delusional.
shamans are god tier and deserve nerf, factions are unbalance and deserve fixing.
mixed faction bgs are key to right direction. troll

what? bro, go away from this thread, join some bg, get carried, tink about yourself that you are good pvper. bb

nerf shamans hard.

cant wait in couple months posts from horde, BLIZZ GIVE US MIX FACTIONS WE DONT WANT SIT 1h in queueue

history will repeat, and this troll have no idea what is goiing on.

i loved ranking via world pvp in 2019 :slight_smile:
and im not the cry kind of guy anyway.

Realsitically, we might got the pvp system we have now til p6 hits the servers.
This forum is not read by anyone anyway.

#this thread was created 2D ago and has 540 views.

there a super wierd and bad youtube videos, that have more views in 10min ^^

Wish I had your composure Thexan, sorry if I came off as aggressive in my posts - I could learn a thing or two from you. Sometimes I just dont understand these people, and why they want to kill their own faction - I am here trying to defend alliance by telling people that they do not want Horde to get access to Hpala - its the one thing that is keeping alliance PvP intact. This would be the worst case scenario for Alliance.

Alliance were the ones that got screwed over the most by cross faction BG´s. I was playing Alliance in classic, and the one thing we had was fast BG ques - and that was taken away from us - since the drawback of playing horde was always long ques in TBC - and blizzard catered to them and not us Alliance.

This is how it feelt playing Alliance in TBC classic when they added cross faction que´s -

So lets not kill Alliance again in SOD like we did in TBC, as an alliance player from that era.

And lets not screw the good alliance pvp players by gimping them with shamans and us getting Hpala.

never be sorry troll about your standings, never.
i understood you, i see that you are delusional and not informed enough for this tematic.
its ok bro. there is still time for you to realise what nonsense you typing, comparing sod to private servers, origninal vanila and tbc game balance. lol
anyway. take care

Can you explain wich spec is god tier?

bad players on these forums are 95% of the playerbase at start of SoD (how many left because of you elitists?)

this is since 2020 but it was “shy”

you get carried by default to win as horde (since 2019-2020)

you old kid should accept and support that alliance need shamans to make this game playable (even and above all in Era),

we adults now… no? (Blizzard are not adults to keep it like this, and you accept that daddy Blizzard bad decision, shame)

shame on Blizzard to scam alliance players for 13e/month

shame on horde that still play against alliance that don’t even cap stables in AB

I´ve played more alliance than horde during those two years.

Again, lets try to explain why this would kill alliance.

What spec of shaman do you consider OP right now? Ele shaman right?

Would you want to trade Hpala for Ele shaman? Do you know how crazy this sounds to me.

So here is a tip, turn on your damage meter and healing meter. For the next 10 AB games, who are top 3-4 in damage done and what of those classes can also CC / Zone / Peel / Utility. Ele shaman can do nice damage, but they wont be top - and only time Ele shaman would be better than a hunter or boomi is for WF (other than that, both of these classes outperform Ele shaman in group PvP).

Now what healers can compete with HPala in SOD PvP? None.

you delusional, how the other guy say

you adk questions

what about palaheal vs shamanheal?

palaheal is dead by default, no damages, get purged, get counterspelled, while shamanheal can kill with lightning and earthshock

and i see many shamans using an add-on that counterspell automatically with earthshock without even target anybody that cast a healing spell in 20 yards arounds

paladins can heal? lol . yet to see one in pvp

Sorry bro what?

Are you comparing RSham damage with HPala damage and this is the way you think they are good - not by how good they can heal and survive in PvP? You think RShaman can survive longer than Hpala in SOD? I dont know what game you are playing mate but trust me you dont want to give Hpala to Horde and get RShaman and Ele shaman, since now horde will have the best healer in PvP and also the best frontline -.-

Do you know what happens to a RShaman when 3 people focus him? “Boys I need peels asap”. Do you know what a HPala says when 3 people focus him? “Boys I´ll let you know in 30 seconds if I need help”.

This would kill alliance faction. There are now 0 advantages for playing Alliance in PvP. 0.

troll, stop being delusional. did you ever hear horde say, omg they got 5 paladins, give up guys.
but u often hear aliance say, omg they have 3 shamans, its over guys

single shaman is tank, dps, dispeler, buffer, healer, all in one package.

pala can be either lol ret that never heal or dispel
wanabe healer that is oom or dead or in cc.
and tank , lol.

no gameplay, you all botting

palaheal got no chance to heal anything