Shamans must be nerfed to ground in pvp

not troll, 100% biased! shamans are way to op

Where did this mindset come from? Perhaps because people want to min-max everything and Horde has the PvP racials and Class?
How would a sane developer fix this?
Perhaps, maybe give an incentive to actually play Alliance PvP?
You also live with the notion that we exclusively play one side, which most people just do not do.
For some reason you would call me a dedicated PvP Player when i log on Haerman the Shaman, yet on Paladin i’m a “PvP Andy” ?

Hello Karen, i just recognized you :grin:

Hunters first.

Although this might sound as whataboutism, paladins can destroy you in a global although -by design- they should have been the more defensive oriented class comparing to shamans. The problem with allys is that all paldins want to be a better version of warrior (which they are) and don’t play holy which can really make a difference in group pvp.

About shamans. Yes elemental are broken because they dont pay any price to be defensive, have instant heals and dish out good damage. BUT just because they are the the OP class of wow, most of them play without utilizing the class. Very few shamans drop totems to either support or even ground spells etc. I feel it is balanced. Bad players play shamans vs people refusing to play holy because of the OP burst of paladins

ever played holy? it is utterly mindnuming and frustrating if you hard cast for value vs 2 classes that can AoE heal for little mana.

chain heal is hard casting as well. You also have blessings and great survivability. I know, you are a paladin and should know better but have you considered not playing a zug zug spec only?

suggestive if anything, riptide and lesser are fast casts compared to a 2.5 cast.

pressure the hpal, he will bubble, go for someone else, force BoP, swap and kill hpal. simplest thing ever when dps have brain for kicks and not hitting BoP.

Sounds like a L2P problem

You never played a warrior with diamond flask since 2005. :sweat_smile:

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Good old Wave always ready with an excuse to not support the team.

any world about shaman nerfs, when? horde geting longer and longer pvp queues, cure is easy, nerf shamans

Dont think so, however blizzard is looking into tuning holy more :blush:

as someone who played shaman for over a decade
 it was finaly amazing.
gosh! s1 (yes also s1) to s4 i was just roasting ppl away and it was pure blizz for once.
loled a lot. now i retired classic.

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Now pallys are demi-gods, they can one shoot you, big stun, 2 bubbles, freedom, spell damage ignoring armor, big heals

people yapping about paladins how “OP” they are but none of em can 1v5 in AV nor kill Thunderaan solo. The only other class to solo Thunderaan was Warlock, which can’t do anything of noteworthy in PvP.

Shamans do both, but sure let’s complain about paladin with many negatives in PvP against Shamans, with almost 0 negatives.
This is howmuch horde trolls at this point, which again is against ToS.

Lmfao, this guy! :rofl:

You know when I finally understood that you’re not actually brain damaged you became one of my favourite posters. A true master of the art of trolling.

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They always could, but it was never so easy than now.

Shamans have great sustain but zero avoidance, no more instant heals since nerf and no emergency CDs like bubble.
So what are you complaining about, survival is everything and a Pala got it all.

Blocking to avoid melee damage, looking at rogues and DW fury warriors mostly.
Riptide still heals for a lot and costs little mana. Shamans regain mana from blocking and Shamanistic Rage.
Typical clown.

Every 5mins vs every min mana restore+dmg reduction and spam instant heal.
Paladin has :poop: heals.