Shamans must be nerfed to ground in pvp

“Melee damage” is the key word here. Who cares about melee damage?
Every WoW player knows that non physical damage is the real issue since 2005.

That’s why armor and shields are 90% useless.
The only thing what really matters is avoidance, dodge, reflect or damage reduction from any damage source.

That’s why I would even prefer a warrior because 75% damage reduction for 15sec. is key when you get under pressure. Test your survival on all classes and you will notice that everything is situational and that a shaman has nothing to survive a massive incoming wave of damage.

But have fun 1vsX healing your self, without creating any counter pressure. :sweat_smile:

So you agree with this:

That’s no argument, grow up!


Explains why people complain about Rogues backstabs+ambushs or mutilates damage :dracthyr_crylaugh:

No, not really, but you do you. Tanks vs melee is a clear example of melee damage being massively affected by armor/shields. People were complaining about prot paladins not dying thanks to armor. No :poop: sherlock, exactly what happens if you fight tanks.

But there is a clear issue when Shamans can heal/tank/dps all at the same time and not be fazed at all. https:/ /
Ziqo only dies due to being cocky, not because of anyone being massively outplaying him.

Prot Warriors/Paladins and Ferals do not do that high damage and can heal whilst being tanky, not even remotely. Warlocks just die without pet, btw wheres the lock pet fix?

Thanks Blizzard for being this dumb and not fixing that broken class for 4 phases now whilst you instantly fix Thunderaan or nerf anything but Shaman. Truly a clownfiesta to defend this :poop:


I always played Prot and now a Shaman tank in sod bc I wanted to compare all my def stats and T1 and T2 gear.
Oh boy, I’m back to warrior since P4 for a good reason.

Meleeswing: 784
Seal of command hit: 1130
seal of martyrdom hits: 501
Melee swing hits: 1912 crit
seal of martyrdom hits 539
sealof martyrdom hits 608

all this in the matter of a few seconds. Yeah, shamans are strong. But hell! so are paladins

Shaman might be strong but so are also Paladins.

Pala heal is unplayable in PvP. You hard cast constantly, you can’t slow anyone nor interrupt anything. As a mage I can so easily shut them forever. One CS and it’s 12 sec of nothing from them.

I think the issue with paladins is that you truly shine once you get geared. Before a certain threshold you’re so useless that it deters quite a few players. Same goes with warriors and rogues and probably shamans as well.

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Druid Balance and Pala Ret are strongers than shamans atm

There is a reason why premaders are stacking paladins and balance druids

and here come the troll responses, no serious premade takes more than 2 paladins.

boomies, healers, hunters (and shamans for horde) are FAR MORE COMMON to be stacked in premades than paladins will be period.

Why are you calling it a troll post? I see what I see, no trolling. Always many paladins in the premaders. What’s wrong with you?

more likely whats wrong to say the truth that horde cannot accept? always rewording the reality of AB premading on alliance side or the state of paladins or whatever just to pleasure their fantasy world.

LFG is swarmed by ret pal LFG AB, I am literally more likely to find rets in open wPvP than finding shamans. shamans are far too common in AB premades, i get matched with 4-6 on avg. that is any spec for shaman, nobody wants hpals because one kick is just deleting them for 5-10s in terms of usefulness, rets are limited and protpals are a joke.

sustain, tankyness, stalling, dps, healing is strongly in favor of shamans, and it aint even close.

Still, there are always many paladins on the ally team. And theyvwrech havoc. No matter if shama is good or not. There are plenty of paladins owning hard

Not eaven close to shaman, pala can be ret, tank or holy, only one spec, shaman is 3 in 1, tank healer oneshoter

I’ve been a holy main and ranked as holy in Classic, it was the same thing. Mages were the biggest threat due to counterspell and you had no aura mastery and beacon of light to take advantage of, and still paladins were one of the most wanted premade healers.

If you don’t use your head then yes, it must be unplayable. But if you position yourself right, use your cooldowns when you have to and fake cast then it’s another story entirely.

On my Shaman if I get jumped by three dps it’s literally over if no one helps to peel. I’ve got ~900 healing power and no amount of earth shield procs and riptides are going to save me since you still need to cast and you don’t have even pushback immunity if Earth Shield gets dispelled.

You think Holy Paladin is unplayable? What is resto shaman then? You think a grounding totem will save you from several players with interrupts that are focusing you?

That CS lasts just as long on a Shaman.

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Yeah you have a way better toolkit as shaman heal in PvP than as a holy paladin. If you’ve played both you must know that.

First of all, one shotter doesn’t exist because it’s a term made up by noobs who have no clue of PvP or only win vs afk players. Second, if you agree that Shaman is a great hybrid, you also admit that he has a weak side. That’s no secret. all hybrids have lack of speciality.

While a hybrid class like Shaman is fun and awesome for Solo PvE, it’s also true that you will always find a better tank, healer and overall survivor. Your damage focus only helps in 1vs1 but not 1vsX. As already explained, no damage reduction, no avoidance, bad dodge, even armor is bad because it depends on blocks. No thanks, don’t need this in PvP.

Oh really? Because you know what happens now? Everyone bum rushes me on my Shaman and bursts the hell out of me so I literally have to carry LIP with me against the facerollers.
And because you have a herd of idiots on top of you their casters can move up.

On a holy paladin: if they are stupid enough to go for you, pop bubble and watch them squirm in the middle of your team getting wasted. Or pop aura mastery and see how that mage that went for the CS is suddenly eaten alive by hunter/ranged focus.

You have no HoJ to buy some breathing room or force a trinket. All you got is a root that gets charged out of/shadow stepped/dispelled/freedom/shifted out of instantly and you are back to being focused.
Your interupt is 20 yards, in this meta you don’t get in 20 yards of casters or you will be dead or cc’d to hell(no blessing of sacrifice, hello!)

Most fights are decided in the first 10-15 seconds, that is enough time to get through being immune and free casting constatly.

If you played any premades you’d know all I’ve just said. Saying resto shamans have a better kit for healing in pvp than holy is you just straight up trolling.

Ye great hybrid without downsides, oneshot dont exist gladly anymore coz of hp buf in bg, but by term oneshot people mean insa casts for 2k crits.
When we nerf shaman next on menu is druid. If both shaman and pala were on both sides, druid would not be somuch op but ignored cot shaman is way more populated and op.

And this is based on what data?

Is it the data where you join a bg and the moment you see a shaman you count it as three? So obviously most bgs have 9 shamans at least…

Do you people even play the game or you just live and troll the forums 24/7?

Pal Ret can oneshoot Ele Sham.

Ele Sham cant oneshoot Pal Ret

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