Shameful confession.. (Blizzcon)



They are reading, you see. :slight_smile:

To be fair they are Blizzard employees, so they might read a thread and agree with a suggestion, they can’t comment but they may put forward the suggestion to the Devs. Not saying this is the case, just me thinking it might be the case :slight_smile:

It’s like if you worked for a company and a customer phones up and complains about X, Y and Z, you may personally agree, but you would probably have to respond in a way that complied with the company rules. So your response may be something like ‘yes I appreciate your concerns and I will ensure this is passed on to the relevant department’. It’s not really a great response that will satisfy yourself or the customer, but it is the only reasonable response you can give and still keep your job :wink:

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I’ll share my conversation with 2 genius people from the first thread related to this. My first post ;

Have you ever heard of virtual tickets, probably prices will vary like 40€ for normal, 60€ for ingame cosmetic bundle, 80€ for more cosmetic bundle. There will always be a Blizzcon every year.

Random genius answer was ;

Virtual ticket of what ?

and my answer to it ;

Blizzcon, what do you mean by of what?

genius answers to me ;

Genius 1 : There is no Blizzcon this year

Genius 2 : Except u can’t really charge people 40€ for viewing a non-existent event

and my last answer was this in another thread ;

And I’m telling you there will be Blizzcon, a virtual one at worst.

A virtual event is a golden business opportunity for extra profit, so don’t worry, you’ll have your cosmetics again.

Murloc pets for one thing. Maybe a Mawhound themed mount for HotS, some unit skins for StarCraft2, Kyrian wings and a dredger pet for Diablo 3 and two skins for Overwatch. Perhaps Kyrian Mercy and Maldraxxus Abomination Reinhardt.

You mean Roadhog.

I meant Reinhardt. Roadhog already has a Frankenstein-esque skin. And since Maldraxxus is the home of warriors, then a big beefy warrior like Reinhardt would make a fine abomination.

Yeah, but the abominations look nothing like Reinhardt body wise.

Roadhog would actually look like an abomination.

Imagine this. Someone suggests something, its a good idea. Blizzard responds saying
1- its a good idea.
Now everyone wants and thinks it will be implemented regardless of it can for various reasons be it tech of philosophy. Some might also hate the idea, basing ideas in single posts is ridiculous. Now people starting posting tons of ideas at blizzard most of them awful.

2- they say they cant / wont do it / its a bad idea.
Theh get tons of hate and messages about it.

In most cases they are way better off silently reading. And only responding in rare cases such as another user showed. We are past the days where devs can interact fully with large communities

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A 3 seater flying mount would be great.

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Cockroach mount please.

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Maybe a mount which can carry a party of 5?

I can only begin to imagine how much arsing around productive and wholesome content I could achieve with it.

Alternatively just have lots of elbow room because I’m lonely :cry:

The Hivemind works like that, but it’s limited to the people you earned it with sadly.

But I agree on having a cool mount, I missed out on the Stormwind Skychaser and I really want one. They’re like £200 now on those fishy websites I’ll never buy from.


We are blessed with constantly receiving suggestions about what could be improved in our games. Many of the ideas presented end up being implemented in one way or the other, down to very core game functions - e.g. the Meeting Stone in front of dungeons being able to summon absent party members was originally suggested by a player. Legend has it the suggestion was made by a warlock who was somewhat tired of having to carry around a backpack full of soulshards to bring people over…

Realistically speaking it is of course not possible to implement everything that is suggested. Some ideas may run afoul of structural or balance concerns, for some the technology required just doesn’t exist (yet…), and for others it may just not be the right time and place because they’d be in conflict with something that we already know will come in the future. Sometimes the idea is utterly great but we currently just don’t have the means to do it the justice it deserves… so we may tuck it into a mental sleeve and keep it until we do have such means.

That is one of the reasons we rarely, if ever, can outright say that a suggestion is good or bad - because those are highly subjective criteria and deeply influenced by a lot of circumstances. In fact, some pretty great game features evolved from what on the surface appeared to be truly awful concepts… sometimes it takes a controversial suggestion to spark a debate about what problem we’re actually trying to solve in the first place. To pick up on the previous example about the poor warlock running out of inventory space: big, dedicated soulshard bags were an implemented suggestion too, at some point. That “solved” the bag-space issue to an extent, but transitioning the spells that consumed such shards towards a better resource system proved a better long-term solution (it just took some time to develop the technology for that). :slight_smile:


Really wish the only the speed boost was restricted to the party you earned it with and that anyone else could still use the mount. Sucks as many of my partyyl have changed mains so it’s a useless mount to us now :slightly_frowning_face: and I don’t have the patience to do the quest chain again to reset the party!


Something looking like a school bus? :thinking:

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How about this?
2 spaces in the front on the 2 horses, 2 or 3 in the back of the carriage.

Or just make it 1 horse for the person on the mount and have the other 4 be inside the carriage.

Heck, even something like this could be great fun.


And an alpaca-drawn Vulpera caravan version for the Horde! (Since we all know horses are Alliance only)


Very well put. And thanks for giving a better detailed answer to what i was saying :slight_smile:


Since this year’s Blizzcon will be hosted from Ion’s house.

How about those who buy tickets will be invited for a tour of Ion’s house?
VIP ticket holders will get to pick out a souvenir. (Maybe grab his TV or gaming rig as a souvenir? First come first serve!).
Then there will be one hidden Code in the house, and this code will be for a SUPER UNIQUE MOUNT THAT ONLY YOU WILL HAVE. Don’t forget to check under the floorboards!
And it all finishes with Ion preparing a BBQ in the yard for all the attendees.

Maybe have that contest to find the code after the BBQ. Because since people are very fond of mounts, I don’t think the house will be standing after that.

A selection of tasteful and outlandish top hats.