Shameful confession.. (Blizzcon)

A flying 3 seater… I have the flying brain but it’s too ugly.


I want high res Glorious plate, Jade plate armor and their recolours. Also the same with TCG tabards.

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Darn I was hoping he would be dressed as a murloc!

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Well he could do the BBQ in a murloc costume?

Thought not an easily flammable one, that would just be irresponsible.


Jailer murloc. Those murlocs are funny.

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Murloc became unofficial Blizzard (WoW) mascotte, so making mounts/toys/pets/transmog in murloc style will always be succes :smiley:

I want dark sunglasses :sunglasses: :smiley: !


Passenger mounts are good. Though tbh there should be more of those obtainable in the game through regular means; gold, drops, achievements, reputations.


I never bought a ticket, but I regret not buying it to get the Murkalot pet, that pet is broken in PvP pet battles :stuck_out_tongue:

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A fun mount, a ghost murloc and a plague doctor tmog set.

We can pretty much guarantee Jailoc at this point seeing how Murloc pets go.
Hopefully we get a Bolvar version too.

Good news!


What about a lich king murloc pet?

5 person flying ghost ship aswell/instead ?


Aye matey! Arrrrrr :pirate_flag:

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Aslo maybe a ghostpirate toy for evryone?
ASlo what would be a fitting name for it a wow/Warcraft version of the flying dutchman

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That’s a great idea for us filthy landlubbers :+1:t2::blush:

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The Hovering Murlocian?

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We need more huge 2handed swords, I main Warrior, Deathknight and Paladin but we have only 2-3 huge swords. The best one is Armageddon from Naxx. The game lacks this. My swords needs to be bigger than my character.

And we need more weapon enchants, proper ones, glowy glowy enchants.

Lastly, I have a shameful confession too, today I stepped into the dark side and boosted someone for gold :smile_cat:

I’d love to see a unique mount, or maybe some weapon skins or transmog sets/customes :smiley_cat:

Perfect name!

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