Sharding is back

The more you know huh


Pretty much.

It’s still an annoying situation as it uproots quite a few plans and people are right to be upset about it.


sanest lv59 death knight poster

Did you not have it already?! You had to buy like a year’s sub to get it originally.

I simply didn’t do that.

I am cringe.

Does the acknowledgement of self-cringe make one based, or further them down the rabbithole of cringe?

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To realize your own cringe and acknowledge your baselessness, is the first step towards true based chadhood.

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Seeing the positives, maybe people will give other hubs a shot and if lucky, they’ll stick around, it feels weird that in such a big world that Blizzard has made only one area has 70-80% of the server, that being Stormwind

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Where are people currently hanging out other than Duskwood, Ashenvale & Lakeshire?

I’d love to explore the less used hubs.
Go on a small adventure!

There is a fair amount of people in Stromgarde.

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My problem with Strom is… Well the same as with Darkshore, its a warfront and will change from ruined to not ruined every darn week :frowning:

Since Lakeshire is the town, they’re in it.
Astranaar tends to be the Ashenvale location.
Duskwood is all over really, people go to Raven Hill, Twilight Grove, Darkshire and various farms.

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There is a massive quarter of it that remains intact regardless of what cycle the map is in

There is a meeting in Lakeshire on 31st of May on Alliance side, and a hang out in the Crossroads today over on Horde side!

Besides anything organised, Lakeshire and Duskwood seems to be getting quite an influx of people over the course of this last week; same for the Crossroads, albeit more sporadically until today.

Things seem to be picking up again now that people are getting informed that the sharding will stay until mid June.


There’s a recurrent weekly big market in Dalaran [Legion] every Tuesday, and a similar weekly recurrent event in Booty Bay every Wednesday, and you’ll find people frequently RP’ing there outside of these events as well.

Also there is this awesome 2 days music festival coming up, from Wednesday the 31st of May to Thursday 1st of June, held at Dandred’s Fold, Hillsbrad Foothills, Lordamere Lake, making use of the “Musician” addon, that allows to play precomposed music in game, and which a lot of people playing bard characters have adopted:

Hosted by the AD IC newspaper “The Lion’s Roar”:


The average stormwind fan vs the average ironforge enjoyer

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Lots of places, nice!

I’ve always wanted to do small expeditions to rarely-used locations. Such as the Swamp of Sorrows, Wintersprings, Felwood and Tanaris.

I wish the world was brimming with RP everywhere. Maybe I’ll find some tough mercenaries in Duskwood, who wants to accompany me to the Sunken Temple to get a sample of some stagnant temple water & study the local flora and fauna!


To be fair I would have loved if people would leave Stormwind and just hang out in the world itself, no hubs needed.

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Not to beat a dead horse but I think it would solve a lot of problems if sharding had a max player count for each shard, then dumped people into the next when it was full. Unless I’m mistaken the way it seems to work (this time around, at least) is dependent on when you log on. Even if there’s almost no one around, say, Stormwind, because you logged on an hour later from them, you get dumped in a completely empty shard. Even for OOCers, there’s a bit of a problem there.

It’s frustrating that Blizzard aren’t considering RPers much these days, but there’d be a lot less whining if we were properly segmented, rather than some people having an almost full shard, while others struggle to find a single other person.

But yes, there is also Ironforge + Kharanos. I think even having those places as secondary RP hubs would attract people who like exploring the world more, anyway; since Stormwind’s a bit landlocked when you think about it. Only way to go is Goldshire (den of evil) or Duskwood (den of edge and high school Grove RP drama). Lakeshire’s pretty, but if we’re being real, there isn’t much there to do.

Doing some weather/survival RP in the Wetlands after traveling from Ironforge, or mountaineering in the Hinterlands, OR spelunking through Old Ironforge offers so many possibilities for RP. Plus the taverns are cool…

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My guess is that it’s back because of the Greedy Emissary event