Sharding is back

Wasn’t my intention and I apologise.

Resuming thread topic now. :handshake:

Destroy Orgrimmar and give us Suramar as a capital city and we’re good.


How are the US side of WoW reacting to it? Considering they are capable of actually making Blizzard revert or change their decisions.

With respect there’s not much else to say - the sharding isn’t being done “maliciously”, it’s because they set up a ~3 week event that takes place in the cities which is causing a massive population spike to descend on them every two hours. I doubt you will see it reverted during the event’s duration given that the issue is the same as it always is when they re-add sharding to the capitals: overpopulation, leading to server stability issues.

It happens at the start of expacs when sub numbers are at their highest, and it’s being done now because it’s focusing the players there again and again to farm the tyrael horse.

The alternative is…leave Stormwind. And Org, though that seems to have already happened. There’s plenty of alternatives.


probably different than the people here, iirc they actually have can see further than the stone walls of stormwind

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You know Orgrimmar has the same thing right? It basically can’t be used either.

The Horde community is actually working on alternatives until things are back to normal. The best thing for Alliance to do is the same.

If you’re taking everything people are saying, including genuine suggestions on how to continue to facilitate Alliance RP, as checks notes “trolling and baiting” then… that’s a you problem.

As I alluded to earlier SW tends to make the continent server wobble already at peak hours with chat lag and input delay, imagine dropping an event with hundreds of people on there every hour or so dropping a 40-man raid’s worth of spells simultaneously. It would not end well.

If nothing else you’d then have people complaining SW is unuseable because of lag, OOCers, ability spam, etc. Sharding at least nullifies the lag issue which is why they used it. Not ideal, obviously, but it’s why they do it.


It hasn’t done that since Legion.

Not under normal circumstances, at least.

US RPers tend to be more apathetic, I remember when they took out xfac chat via bnet channels way back, EU was up in arms but US was cricket noises

And these aren’t normal circumstances anyway.

As said I’d rather they didn’t do it but I suppose the alternative is people complaining that the event can’t be done on some (RP) realms because of lag/too many people/etc.

I’ve already provided what I consider a reasonable, actual viable and would be really effective solution for all futures to come for Blizzard not having to do this on RP realms, where people pay subs to actually RP, a sharding free “RP Mode”, similar to the “Warmode” that we already got for PvP, that puts everyone who have it toggled on be in the same shard.

Would solve other problems as well, such as seriously bring down the number of distracting OOC people, and to some extend no doubt RP griefers and trolls as well.

I don’t think this thread was made specifically in protest against the current sharding in specific, but to voice a concern for the general issue it is that Blizzard frequently chose to disregard the promises they made about never sharding RP realms again.

Stormwind being THE main Alliance RP hub, like it or not, and destroying it, rather than doing an effort to try to improve RP there, hardly solves any problems (there are already existing active initiatives seeking to create other RP hubs, but you can’t force people to use them, even if you could getting the message out to everyone would be an issue, and others might have an IC reason to have their main base there (It is supposed to be the Alliance capital after all). It is simply not possible or realistic to artificially force a new main hub).

I do realize Blizzard does this for server stability, but fact is this is a fairly recent problem that came after they optimized their server structure based on sharding being a thing, and as I suggested constructive viable solutions to this actually does exist (for Blizzard to give people on RP realms what they are actually promised and pay their subs for).

Yes, but it isn’t a Horde main hub to the same extend that Stormwind is for the Alliance.


This is also why I made this thread. Not to complain, but to make sure that they are reminded of their own words. Else they tend to “forget” and then our main hubs remain inaccessible ad infinitum. I like it when people stick to their promises and their words, after all.

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The Alliance community is vastly larger so I suppose it’s easier for the Horde to re-locate due to coordination as the Alliance one is a bit more fragmented. For any of them which were in that one Valley or well, Wyvern’s tail. Not that many of you do RP there, which is fortunate. It’s a bit different on Alliance side where SW has been the large hub for decades with scores of guild’s RP based on events/actions within the city itself.

My criticism regarding any such events is that placing them in the capitals perhaps isn’t for the best be it lag/capacity and so. Particularly on a RP server - But in a nearby region instead as they did with the Legion invasions.

Maybe nearby a treasure or mine seeing it is a loot goblin.


What bothers me the most about this, drives me crazy actually, isn’t that I don’t get to RP; It’s that, once again, people that finally returned to the game see the city empty, struggle getting back into RP, and give up. A week is alright, but way into June? No way many returning or new RPers are staying around (for RP) for that long :frowning:




Without wanting to seem antagonistic, you are getting what you pay your sub for: access to the game, which includes the events on it and changes to the world.

Not being able to roleplay with randos in Stormwind (because you can group up to shard together, if you have a planned event there) doesn’t mean you’re not getting what you’re paid for.

Well then you’re about 3 weeks early. Catch you mid-June for when the event ends?

And this is not just bad for the people giving up, it is bad for the RP community as such, cause less people means less RP opportunities generated, as well as it is obvious bad for the game as such with less subs, cause subs (profit) is what makes it viable for Blizzard as a business to keep proving updates and support.

I am fairly sure I am not alone in mainly keeping subbed for RP reasons, Blizzard provided RP servers, one must presume for a reason.

Also random encounters and RP generated by that is one of the absolute main attractions for everyday life city RP, the kind of RP where you actually get to act out your character as you would have in an IRL social context.

Just as an example calling the guards if say someone gets mugged, because actually Stormwind guard guilds does exist, heck, even encountering someone playing a thug that mugs you, shopping from someone playing a shop keeper, the kind of RP that is spontaneously produced by a larger complex community interacting without it being scripted or planed, much larger and more complex than a comfortably familiar and predictable predetermined raid group.

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Yes I agree that the event is quite long, which I was a bit surprised by. I expected it to be a week at most, considering the item pool isn’t that extensive, but after killing a bunch of goblins tonight I only got loot once. I guess Blizz wants to keep that retention up for the duration.

Perhaps as the numbers die down and more people have got their goodies, the sharding wont be as hard. Can only hope anyway.


I remember another time this happened. It took a long time for Stormwind to return to normal, even after Blizzard removed sharding. Drama and everything aside, AD needs some momentum etc. to remain strong. When RP is unavailable some ppl will stop trying, stop logging on, which will make other ppl lose their smaller communities, current storylines, blah blah.

I’m sure AD will be fine but I’m not sure when or to what degree. And I know I’m being mildly dramatic about this, but it’s been bad before, and I worry it’ll be worse.


Yeah this is very unlikely to stay necessary for the entire event’s duration. After a week or so it won’t be necessary at all, I imagine.

The same thing happened when Dracthyr released, and as much as people want to pat themselves on the back saying that they got Blizzard to go back on the sharding, in reality it’s pretty clear that they just shut it off when there were no longer 300 new Dracthyr pouring into Stormwind every minute.


Yeah, especially when the RP community is trying to recover from the dumpster fire that was Shadowlands.

But we’ll see how long it lasts.