Sharding is back

Apparently the first kill a day is the one where you’re most likely to get loot, but it isn’t limited to once a day.

Apparently anyway, I got the cloak and hood first and the backpack the 2nd but didn’t get anything else after that (and i shortly stopped)

But as I said earlier, org nearly crashed when we had 40 alliance turn up to kill the goblin, thaldrazsus DID crash, leaving me looking at this before it happened;

So I’d hate to see it without the sharding.

Make Blizzard aware of the issue, but while it persists take the chance to encourage people to try new locales.
Make the world live a bit more.


As I wrote in another reply (relevant for this is specifically second paragraph, but for it to make sense the way I formulated that reply I kind of had to quote it in it’s full context):

Might I add, also it is kind of natural for new Alliance side RP’ers, who knows nothing about where else to seek information about RP initiatives going on on the realm, to seek out Stormwind for RP (which increase the importance of trying to create proper opportunities for RP there, rather than seeking to shame and obliterate it, treating it as a lost case, destined to only make it even worse as a self fulfilling prophecy).


And as I said, make Blizzard aware but don’t stay in a sharded area and complain you can’t see folks.
Take the chance to temporarily go elsewhere.

And where should you then go, to another place with no people, cause everyone goes somewhere else, especially those who do not know where/how, or can’t be bothered, to look up information, like new RP’ers, not to speak of a lot of people probably not even being aware of sharding being the issue and not just being the effect of noone actually RP’ing.

Ideally, yeah, your suggestion is great, just not really working and not what is actually going to happen in reality.

People will log out, new RP’ers be discouraged, and some maybe even quit entirely.

I mean it kind of works if you know people and where to look, or that random encounters is not your thing but bubble RP is, sure, if your character for some reason doesn’t IC’ly have strong reasons to be situated in Stormwind, but for the remaining, I dare to guess quite large, group of RP’ers it won’t.


In prepatch there was a very active RP presence in Lakeshire while Stormwind was out of commission as well as a bunch of people making and advertising raid groups to get everyone onto the same phase for random RP in the city.

It will happen again, and all it takes to join in on the fun is to stop complaining.

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I am pretty sure you are the one, who didn’t bother to research if there is any RP outside of Stormwind.

I agree that it isn’t in the same quantity as Stormwind, but Dalaran, Boralus, Stromgarde, Darkshire - they all are pretty active.

Or, if you can pardon my assumptious nature, is the core of the problem that you simply won’t RP in other hubs for some mysterious reasons?

I RP in Duskwood.
There’s people there.
There’s RPers in Legion Dalaran.
There were people in Lakeshire.
Boralus - forgot that, beautiful city.

Those three work fine.
Part of me believes Booty Bay is seeing life again.
There are other hubs, new RPers are few and far between and some people will inevitably stay in SW despite the sharding to receive them.

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Its more alive than Silvermoon, I tell you what

Someone had been trying to get it back as a minor hub but not sure on the results.

Your assumptions are wrong.

The truth is that I care for the community and the future of WoW RP and WoW as such.

You could of course claim that in the end is for selfish reasons too, but at least then that is an informed sensible choice.

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Sure, that’s fine to have an opinion and a desire for a personal claim to something you pay. (despite the fact that the company you are paying isn’t owing anything to any subbers)

But it all kinda boils down to this then:

Idk if we are thinking of the same person, but just today I saw there someone, whose sheer presence made me swear never to come back to BB.

The problem isn’t that it’s impossible to find RP. But having a more casual hub for more casual RPers, a place less crazy than Goldshire where people can get INTO RP is essential for the community/server to stay strong.

You can’t expect too many people to get into RP if there’s no easier introduction for them. SW is perfect for both that and for established relationships and communities.

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No one is arguing that though?

I am just saying that nothing will happen out of it if you continuously vent on the forums. There are other ways to direct your energy, i.e promoting the already existent hubs and make them more introductive towards the new players, if that is the real and genuine concern out there.

Again, no one is saying that SW sharding is a positive outcome, but it is an outcome that you or any other SW gamer have to simply live with. Call me a defeatist, but this game stopped being pro-RP a while back.


Vent briefly on the forums, raise awareness of where to post, and after that direct people to a potential filler location until things are back to normal.
It can also lead to something becoming a new hub for a bit, which is always nice.


I think we all understand your arguments! It is a PAIN for this to happen. But also? New areas to explore! Try things out! Can lead to a lot of fun. I do hope the shards pass soon, but in the meantime i hope you find good RP elsewhere.


Wasn’t really a message “against” you. The "you"s I wrote were general. I was talking about how things unfortunately work outside of forums etc. and just, again, highlighting the importance of SW. It’s not just an important hub because “people are there”, but because people are naturally lead there.

All the most dedicated RPers can probably still find a new home, but more than those are needed.



Sums up the real issue very concisely.

Stormwind had just slowly begun to recover and get back (yes it has taken that long) to something that approximated a more normal state in terms of RP activity (still not as active as before), after the longest RP drought I have ever experienced in all my years of playing, stretching all the way back to the last past half year or so, if not more, of SL, and some people that haven’t played for years started to show up for RP as well.

Then this hits.

Seems like at the absolute worst possible time.

If you didn’t know the context almost as if Blizzard had decided to effectively kill Stormwind RP once and for all.


Meh. Still think Boralus > Stormwind anyday.

Stormwind is… Well


Funnily enough, TRP has this handy feature where you can scan zones to see if there’s people RPing there! Crazy, I know…

Just-… let your character go on a trip to Ironforge or something. You don’t have to be on some exciting quest to go somewhere that isn’t Stormwind, just like how you don’t need to have a reason to check out the supermarket in another nearby town, instead of the usual one you go to.