Sharding is back

Boralus truly is the best city in WoW, and it’s a real shame that it slowly died out during Shadowlands.


Honestly this just seems like a perfect excuse month for RP to move entirely to Boralus as a Capital. It has 10 billion inns, an entire parkourable rooftop that leads you all over the city, several actually sailable ships, a prison, a barracks, a prison island with an entire level for the guards and prisoners separated, a lower-city slums area, an upper-class wealthy area, a square for roleplay gatherings and the incredibly beautiful zones that are Stormsong and Tiragarde right next door.

Boralus and Kul Tiras by extension are also very easy for anyone to get to now that they’re part of the new-player experience.


All good suggestions…

But this isn’t really about me.

Well everyone can do it.
And there’s really not that many new RPers, and people will mention sharding enough in general/trade for those that ask in the case of returning folks.
Keep mentioning it to Blizz and temporarily go elsewhere or form RP raids.


The caveat being that Boralus isn’t quite as easily accessible IC as Stormwind, seeing as characters are reliant on vessels or magic to get there. Probably less of a suspension of disbelief to some character types than others, granted, but not ideal either.

Boralus-level update for Stormwind though? I wouldn’t ever leave again.

Unless your character has a terminal case of seasickness, I expect pretty much every character concept can take a ship to Boralus and back.


Plus there’s portals.


If there’s any city that would be accessible from the portal room IC, it would be Boralus. You’d have an extremely strange set of priorities if you see Stormwind being unusable for RP, consider either Dalaran or Boralus and then dismiss both because magic is icky.


In what way is Boralus less accessible than Stormwind? I don’t really see it. Both would require someone not native from there to travel, be it by land, sea, air or portal, and Stormwind seems to be full to the brim with RP characters not native to Stormwind.


Not at all interested in the ensuing back and forth, especially since this is the first time I’ve opened the thread, but I think Bertel’s first post was totally valid.

Yes, it’s good to be able to adapt to unexpected changes, but it’s also totally reasonable to be frustrated by something that complicates your pre-existing plans and your preferred roleplay hub (which is also the largest on the server).

Even if I think Boralus is a really cool zone and could work nicely as the major Alliance roleplay hub, Stormwind has a lot going for it too. Even its shape works for convenient navigating.


Which is fair. I could dive into a long discussion on the matter, but it’s frankly not worth the Friday evening.

Suffice it to say, I’m not saying “Boralus RP bad, be ashamed” or whatever. You do you.

His feelings are valid, yes.
But we’re trying to find alternatives, and many were called trolls as a result.

Sure the situation sucks, but just bemoaning the situation doesn’t really help.
Contact Blizzard in as many ways as you know how on the topic and get others to do the same. But whilst the sharding stands you are best served to go elsewhere for a bit and reset plans for a later date or another spot.


I broadly agree, but sometimes people just want to vent and his first post wasn’t particularly volatile. Not really a hill to die on, for him then or for me now, but “just roleplay elsewhere” can probably be a frustrating response if your plans were for there. People like what they like and prefer to play where they prefer to play.

He’s also not entirely unjustified as making the assumption that responses are provocations. The AD forums… well, we have a history lmao.


Stormwind is the main marketplace and meeting place for all things RP. It is essential for meeting new people and recruitment. I don’t think the RP community can survive without it.


I mean I think the implication (which ascended to outright statement in later posts) that you the event meant he was no longer getting what his sub paid for was pretty silly.

Without going into it further: So does he.


I hate to say it, but this is actually the perfect time to repopulate the rest of the world with RP. I can’t be the only one who wants to do more RP in the open world? (Especially as Alliance. I don’t like to be tied to Stormwind)

I wasn’t sure whether or not it was relevant to include, but yeah I’m aware he’s a bit of a… let’s say temperamental poster

That is because people are overly reliant on it.
If the word spread that people have to TEMPORARILY go elsewhere, people will meet others there.
Also, I find new people pottering around Duskwood/Redridge fine.

Bit melodramatic.


IRONFORGE IS RIGHT THERE, just saying. It’s a city. It’s Alliance. It’s HUGE. It’s practically next door to SW via the tram/portals. I’d kill for Horde to have two massive RP friendly cities that close together, but we have to make do with a single valley and cramped bluffs, while occasionally remembering UC and SMC exist.

Yes, it sucks that you gotta relocate for a while. No disagreeing there.

No, you’re not unable to RP entirely. Bobby isn’t disconnecting your computer every time you type in /say.

No, you don’t need to cancel everything. If you announced your event(s) somewhere I’m sure you can add a new announcement for a new location, whether it be forums, AA, Discord, etc. If someone shows up wondering where it is I’m sure a cognitive individual will think to check the announcement for any updates.

No, this won’t kill the Alliance RP scene. For goodness sake Stormwind was still fit to bursting with people during Shadowlands, it can survive this I am sure.

No, this doesn’t mean Stormwind is gone forever. Like the last half dozen times this happened, sharding will be removed not long after the event is over.

Some of the responses here just make me think ya’ll too dependent on one location, what would happen if we had a second Cataclysm and Stormwind got Theramore’d? Would you just throw your hands up in the air and give up RPing?

At this point I think a few weeks of actually exploring other options and establishing a secondary hub (Besides Duskwood which is very narrow in theme) would do the Alliance scene a world of good in the long run.


BuT mY ChARActEr HaS nO ReaSoN To gO!!111!1!1!!!1

Hell, just postpone said event if you have to.

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