Sharding is back

But it’s still just a train ride. No magic or long ship.


Exactly! It’s super easy!

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This will continue to be an issue as long as the major hubs are main faction cities… and only main faction cities.
Don’t expect Blizzard to move their events away from it. Better to plan ahead once an event gets announced. We usually know at least a month or so before something happens. This time could be used to come up with things to liven up places like Ironforge that usually aren’t affected.

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Ironforge: Too hot inside, to cold outside. 2/10

Just stand in the doorway like a cat who can’t decide if they want to be in or out then!


You literally have fur, Obahar.


And clothes.
Get a tuskarr hat.


People say that all the time but it never really worked out for the other RP servers that were griefed out of RP areas. Hubs work better because naturally more people are just around and there, and in general unlike horde there’s far more active RP in Alliance hubs. Horde is very used to having very little and for some reason you seem to make it seem like everyone else should be doing whatever you do to get 1-2 walk up RP with the same small group of people.

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Can we stop pretending Alliance doesn’t know how to move town for a single week without suffering?


I RP on the Alliance…
In Duskwood.
Went to Redridge tonight, plenty of people.
Adapt until things go back to normal.

Several people have, was said in the community I’m in.
“We’re seeing more people because SW has sharding rn”


Maybe if you can stop acting like it’s an actual solution when it’s just a small amount of people and isn’t ever the same?

I’ve literally been part of the majority of a RP population on a server moving shop for a week because of an expansion launch.
Not everyone is going to tag along but all it takes to spread the info is talking about it in trade chat. And a week later people who didn’t tag along are happy that everyone is back.

If you stop roleplaying over a week of sharding while there’s info about where everyone went idk you’d probably also stop for any other reason.


To be fair the same people who are probably complaining about the Sharding and issues in Stormwind are probably the same people who can’t create a RP scenario or more than likely expect to be approached to start RP.

Most Stormwind RP from what I’ve seen is people just stood about waiting for RP to come to them or have disinterest in you because you’re not a curvaceous female character.

Cathedral enjoyers say that they’re missing “recruitment opportunities” when the fact is most Cathedral guild recruitments haven’t been seen for a good while other than one or two lined up groups of five people trying to approach anyone who comes or just sits and waits for the “recruits” to come to them.


Day 3 without Stormwind RP…

…the voices have stopped. I feel the urge to explore the open world. Discover new hubs. Try and interact with non-illidari bartender civilians…


Having now acquired the mount from the event I’ve decided to change positions and now agree that the event can be turned off.

Thank you for your time and understanding.


What about the death knight bartenders???

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People stewardshipping because “lol Stormwind RP sucks xddd just moooooove” are cringe

People whining about their RP being “totes ruined” by having 0 initiative or flexibility are cringe

Classic posters are cringe

Sharding is cringe

Anything else?


You, the reader, are cringe

Also isn’t inviting people to check out all these other options the opposite of gatekeeping?


Hm big true, what’s the opposite of gatekeeping?

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Stewardship, according to Google!

Stewardship cultivates an enriching atmosphere, the opposite of gatekeeping behaviors.